
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Salmi 105

1 Alleluia.

Lodate il Signore e invocate il suo nome,
proclamate tra i popoli le sue opere.
1 Alleluia. Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is with every generation.
2 Cantate a lui canti di gioia,
meditate tutti i suoi prodigi.
2 Who will declare the powers of the Lord? Who make a hearing for all his praises?
3 Gloriatevi del suo santo nome:
gioisca il cuore di chi cerca il Signore.

3 Blessed are those who keep judgment and who do justice at all times.
4 Cercate il Signore e la sua potenza,
cercate sempre il suo volto.
4 Remember us, O Lord, with good will for your people. Visit us with your salvation,
5 Ricordate le meraviglie che ha compiute,
i suoi prodigi e i giudizi della sua bocca:
5 so that we may see the goodness of your elect, so that we may rejoice in the joy of your nation, so that you may be praised along with your inheritance.
6 voi stirpe di Abramo, suo servo,
figli di Giacobbe, suo eletto.

6 We have sinned, as have our fathers. We have acted unjustly; we have wrought iniquity.
7 È lui il Signore, nostro Dio,
su tutta la terra i suoi giudizi.
7 Our fathers did not understand your miracles in Egypt. They did not remember the multitude of your mercies. And they provoked you, while going up to the sea, even the Red Sea.
8 Ricorda sempre la sua alleanza:
parola data per mille generazioni,
8 And he saved them for the sake of his name, so that he might make known his power.
9 l'alleanza stretta con Abramo
e il suo giuramento ad Isacco.

9 And he rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up. And he led them into the abyss, as if into a desert.
10 La stabilì per Giacobbe come legge,
come alleanza eterna per Israele:
10 And he saved them from the hand of those who hated them. And he redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.
11 "Ti darò il paese di Cànaan
come eredità a voi toccata in sorte".
11 And the water covered those who troubled them. Not one of them remained.
12 Quando erano in piccolo numero,
pochi e forestieri in quella terra,
12 And they believed his words, and they sang his praises.
13 e passavano di paese in paese,
da un regno ad un altro popolo,
13 As soon as they had finished, they forgot his works, and they would not endure his counsel.
14 non permise che alcuno li opprimesse
e castigò i re per causa loro:
14 And they coveted their desire in the desert, and they tempted God in a waterless place.
15 "Non toccate i miei consacrati,
non fate alcun male ai miei profeti".

15 And he granted to them their request, and he sent abundance into their souls.
16 Chiamò la fame sopra quella terra
e distrusse ogni riserva di pane.
16 And they provoked Moses in the camp, and Aaron, the holy one of the Lord.
17 Davanti a loro mandò un uomo,
Giuseppe, venduto come schiavo.
17 The earth opened and swallowed Dathan, and it covered the congregation of Abiram.
18 Gli strinsero i piedi con ceppi,
il ferro gli serrò la gola,
18 And a fire broke out in their congregation. A flame burned up the sinners.
19 finché si avverò la sua predizione
e la parola del Signore gli rese giustizia.

19 And they fashioned a calf at Horeb, and they adored a graven image.
20 Il re mandò a scioglierlo,
il capo dei popoli lo fece liberare;
20 And they exchanged their glory for the likeness of a calf that eats hay.
21 lo pose signore della sua casa,
capo di tutti i suoi averi,
21 They forgot God, who saved them, who did great things in Egypt:
22 per istruire i capi secondo il suo giudizio
e insegnare la saggezza agli anziani.

22 miracles in the land of Ham, terrible things at the Red Sea.
23 E Israele venne in Egitto,
Giacobbe visse nel paese di Cam come straniero.
23 And he said that he would destroy them, yet Moses, his elect, stood firm before him in the breach, in order to avert his wrath, lest he destroy them.
24 Ma Dio rese assai fecondo il suo popolo,
lo rese più forte dei suoi nemici.
24 And they held the desirable land to be nothing. They did not trust in his word.
25 Mutò il loro cuore
e odiarono il suo popolo,
contro i suoi servi agirono con inganno
25 And they murmured in their tabernacles. They did not heed the voice of the Lord.
26 Mandò Mosè suo servo
e Aronne che si era scelto.
26 And he lifted up his hand over them, in order to prostrate them in the desert,
27 Compì per mezzo loro i segni promessi
e nel paese di Cam i suoi prodigi.

27 and in order to cast their offspring among the nations, and to scatter them among the regions.
28 Mandò le tenebre e si fece buio,
ma resistettero alle sue parole.
28 And they were initiated into Baal of Peor, and they ate the sacrifices of the dead.
29 Cambiò le loro acque in sangue
e fece morire i pesci.
29 And they provoked him with their inventions, and ruination was multiplied in them.
30 Il loro paese brulicò di rane
fino alle stanze dei loro sovrani.
30 Then Phinehas stood up and placated him: and so the violent disturbance ceased.
31 Diede un ordine e le mosche vennero a sciami
e le zanzare in tutto il loro paese.
31 And it was reputed to him unto justice, from generation to generation, even forever.
32 Invece delle piogge mandò loro la grandine,
vampe di fuoco sul loro paese.
32 And they provoked him at the Waters of Contradiction, and Moses was afflicted because of them,
33 Colpì le loro vigne e i loro fichi,
schiantò gli alberi della loro terra.

33 for they exasperated his spirit. And so he divided them with his lips.
34 Diede un ordine e vennero le locuste
e bruchi senza numero;
34 They did not destroy the nations, about which the Lord had spoken to them.
35 divorarono tutta l'erba del paese
e distrussero il frutto del loro suolo.
35 And they were mixed among the Gentiles. And they learned their works,
36 Colpì nel loro paese ogni primogenito,
tutte le primizie del loro vigore.

36 and they served their graven images, and it became a scandal to them.
37 Fece uscire il suo popolo con argento e oro,
fra le tribù non c'era alcun infermo.
37 And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons.
38 L'Egitto si rallegrò della loro partenza
perché su di essi era piombato il terrore.
38 And they shed innocent blood: the blood of their sons and of their daughters, which they sacrificed to the graven images of Canaan. And the land was infected with bloodshed,
39 Distese una nube per proteggerli
e un fuoco per illuminarli di notte.

39 and was contaminated with their works. And they fornicated according to their own inventions.
40 Alla loro domanda fece scendere le quaglie
e li saziò con il pane del cielo.
40 And the Lord became furiously angry with his people, and he abhorred his inheritance.
41 Spaccò una rupe e ne sgorgarono acque,
scorrevano come fiumi nel deserto,
41 And he delivered them into the hands of the nations. And those who hated them became rulers over them.
42 perché ricordò la sua parola santa
data ad Abramo suo servo.

42 And their enemies afflicted them, and they were humbled under their hands.
43 Fece uscire il suo popolo con esultanza,
i suoi eletti con canti di gioia.
43 Many times, he delivered them. Yet they provoked him with their counsel, and they were brought low by their iniquities.
44 Diede loro le terre dei popoli,
ereditarono la fatica delle genti,
44 And he saw that they were in tribulation, and he heard their prayer.
45 perché custodissero i suoi decreti
e obbedissero alle sue leggi.

45 And he was mindful of his covenant, and he repented according to the multitude of his mercies.
46 And he provided for them with mercies, in the sight of all those who had seized them.
47 Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from the nations, so that we may confess your holy name and glory in your praise.
48 Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, from ages past, even to all ages. And let all the people say: Amen. Amen.