
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 3

1 Filii sapientiae ecclesia iustorum,
et natio illorum oboedientia et dilectio.
1 The sons of wisdom are the Church of the just: and their generation is obedience and love.
2 Indicium patris audite, filii,
et sic facite, ut salvi sitis.
2 Sons, listen to the judgment of your father, and act accordingly, so that you may be saved.
3 Deus enim honoravit patrem in filiis
et iudicium matris firmavit in filios.
3 For God has honored the father in the sons, and, when seeking the judgment of the mother, he has confirmed it in the children.
4 Qui honorat patrem, exorabit pro peccatis
et continebit se ab illis
et in oratione dierum exaudietur.
4 He who loves God will plead with him on behalf of sins, and will keep himself away from sin, and will be heeded in the prayers of his days.
5 Et, sicut qui thesaurizat,
ita et qui honorificat matrem suam.
5 And, like one who stores up treasure, so also is he who honors his mother.
6 Qui honorat patrem suum, iucundabitur in filiis
et in die orationis suae exaudietur;
6 He who honors his father will find happiness in his own children, and he will be heeded in the day of his prayer.
7 qui honorat patrem suum, vita vivet longiore,
et, qui oboedit patri, refrigerabit matrem.
7 He who honors his father will live a long life. And he who obeys his father will be a refreshment to his mother.
8 Qui timet Dominum, honorat parentes
et quasi dominis serviet his, qui se genuerunt.
8 He who fears the Lord honors his parents, and he will serve them as masters, for it is they who conceived him.
9 In opere et sermone honora patrem tuum,
9 In word and deed, and in all things, honor your father with patience,
10 ut superveniat tibi benedictio ab eo.
10 so that a blessing may come to you from him, and so that his blessing may remain to the very end.
11 Benedictio patris firmat domos filiorum;
maledictio autem matris eradicat fundamenta.
11 The blessing of the father strengthens the houses of the sons; but the curse of the mother uproots even its foundation.
12 Ne glorieris in contumelia patris tui,
non est enim tibi gloria eius confusio;
12 Do not boast in the disgrace of your father; for his shame is not your glory.
13 gloria enim hominis ex honore patris sui,
et dedecus filii mater sine honore.
13 For the glory of a man is from the honor of his father, and a father without honor is a discredit to the son.
14 Fili, suscipe senectam patris tui
et non contristes eum in vita illius;
14 Son, support your father in his old age, and do not grieve him in his life.
15 et, si defecerit sensu, veniam da
et ne spernas eum omnibus diebus vitae eius.
Eleemosyna enim patris non erit in oblivione,
15 And if his mind should fail, show kindness; and do not spurn him when you are in your strength. For almsgiving to the father will never be forgotten.
16 nam pro peccatis ipsa plantabitur
16 For even in return for the sin of the mother, good will be repaid to you.
17 et in iustitia aedificabitur tibi;
et in die tribulationis commemorabitur tui,
et sicut in sereno glacies solventur tua peccata.
17 And you will be built up in justice, and you will be remembered in the day of tribulation. And your sins will dissolve like ice in warm weather.
18 Quam malae famae est, qui derelinquit patrem;
et maledictus a Deo, qui exasperat matrem.
18 What an evil form has he who forsakes his father! And whoever exasperates his mother is accursed by God.
19 Fili, in mansuetudine opera tua perfice
et super hominem datorem diligeris.
19 Son, perform your works in meekness, and you shall be loved beyond the glory of men.
20 Quanto magnus es, humilia te in omnibus
et coram Deo invenies gratiam.
Multi sunt excelsi et gloriosi,
sed mansuetis revelat mysteria sua.
20 However great you may be, humble yourself in all things, and you will find grace in the presence of God.
21 Quoniam magna potentia Dei solius,
et ab humilibus honoratur.
21 For only the power of God is great, and he is honored by the humble.
22 Altiora te ne quaesieris
et fortiora te ne scrutatus fueris;
sed, quae praecepit tibi Deus, illa cogita semper
et in pluribus operibus eius ne fueris curiosus.
22 You should not seek the things that are too high for you, and you should not examine the things that are beyond your ability. But as for the things that God has entrusted to you, consider these always. But you should not be curious in too many of his works.
23 Non est enim tibi necessarium
ea, quae abscondita sunt, videre oculis tuis.
23 For it is not necessary for you to see with your own eyes the things that are hidden.
24 In supervacuis rebus noli scrutari multipliciter;
24 In unnecessary matters, do not choose to be an examiner of many different things, and you should not be curious about too many of his works.
25 plurima enim super sensum hominum ostensa sunt tibi.
25 For many things have been revealed to you, beyond the understanding of men.
26 Multos quoque supplantavit suspicio illorum,
et species vana decepit sensus illorum.
Sine pupilla deerit lux,
sine scientia deerit sapientia.
26 Yet uncertainty in these things has also undermined many persons and has detained their minds in vanity.
27 Cor durum male habebit in novissimo;
et, qui amat periculum, in illo peribit.
27 A hardened heart will have evil in the very end, and he who loves peril will perish in it.
28 Cor ingrediens duas vias non habebit successus,
et pravus corde in illis scandalizabitur.
28 A heart advancing in two directions will not have success, and the depraved heart will be scandalized in this way.
29 Cor nequam gravabitur doloribus,
et peccator adiciet peccatum ad peccatum.
29 A wicked heart will be burdened with sorrows, and a sinner will add further sins.
30 Plagis superborum non erit sanitas,
frutex enim peccati radicabitur in illis et non intellegetur.
30 The synagogue of the arrogant will not be healed. For the stalk of sinfulness will take root in them, and it will not be understood.
31 Cor sapientis intelleget verba sapientium,
et auris audiens concupiscet sapientiam.
31 The heart of the wise is understood by wisdom, and a good ear will listen to wisdom with all its desire.
32 Sapiens cor et intellegibile abstinebit se a peccatis
et in operibus iustitiae successus habebit.
32 A wise and understanding heart will abstain from sins, and will have success in works of justice.
33 Ignem ardentem exstinguit aqua,
sic eleemosyna expiat peccata.
33 Water extinguishes a burning fire, and almsgiving withstands sins.
34 Deus prospector est eius, qui reddit gratiam;
meminit eius in posterum,
et in tempore casus sui inveniet firmamentum.
34 And God is the watchman for him who repays a kindness. He remembers him afterwards, and in the time of his fall, he will find a firm support.