
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 21

1 Fili, peccasti? Non adicias iterum,
sed et de pristinis deprecare, ut tibi dimittantur.
1 My son, hast thou sinned? do so no more: but for thy former sins also pray that they may be forgiven thee.
2 Quasi a facie colubri fuge peccata:
et, si accesseris ad illa, mordebunt te.
2 Flee from sins as from the face of a serpent: for if thou comest near them, they will take hold of thee.
3 Dentes leonis dentes eorum
interficientes animas hominum.
3 The teeth thereof are the teeth of a lion, killing the souls of men.
4 Quasi romphaea bis acuta omnis iniquitas:
plagae illius non est sanitas.
4 All iniquity is like a two-edged sword, there is no remedy for the wound thereof.
5 Terror et iniuriae annullabunt substantiam,
et domus, quae nimis locuples est, annullabitur superbia;
sic substantia superbi eradicabitur.
5 Injuries and wrongs will waste riches: and the house that is very rich shall be brought to nothing by pride : so the substance of the proud shall be rooted out.
6 Deprecatio pauperis ex ore usque ad aures Dei perveniet,
et iudicium festinato adveniet illi.
6 The prayer out of the mouth of the poor shall reach the ears of God, and judgment shall come for him speedily.
7 Qui odit correptionem, in vestigio est peccatoris;
et, qui timet Deum, convertet illam ad cor suum.
7 He that hateth to be reproved walketh in the trace of a sinner: and he that feareth God will turn to his own heart.
8 Notus a longe potens lingua audaci,
et sensatus novit illum labi.
8 He that is mighty by a bold tongue is known afar off, but a wise man knoweth to slip by him.
9 Qui aedificat domum suam impendiis alienis,
quasi qui colligit lapides suos in hiemem.
9 He that buildeth his house at other men's charges, is as he that gathereth himself stones to build in the winter.
10 Stuppa collecta synagoga peccantium,
et consummatio illorum flamma ignis.
10 The congregation of sinners is like tow heaped together, and the end of them is a flame of fire.
11 Via peccantium complanata lapidibus,
et in fine illius fovea inferi.
11 The way of sinners is made plain with stones, and in their end is hell, and darkness, and pains.
12 Qui custodit legem, continebit sensum suum;
12 He that keepeth justice shall get the understanding thereof.
13 consummatio timoris Dei sapientia et sensus.
13 The perfection of the fear of God is wisdom and understanding.
14 Non erudietur, qui non est prudens;
14 He that is not wise in good, will not be taught.
15 est autem astutia, quae abundat in malo,
et non est sensus, ubi est amaritudo.
15 But there is a wisdom that aboundeth in evil : and there is no understanding where there is bitterness.
16 Scientia sapientis tamquam inundatio abundabit,
et consilium illius sicut fons vitae permanet.
16 The knowledge of a wise man shall abound like a flood, and his counsel continueth like a fountain of life.
17 Cor fatui quasi vas confractum
et omnem sapientiam non tenebit.
17 The heart of a fool is like a broken vessel, and no wisdom at all shall it hold.
18 Verbum sapiens, quodcumque audierit scius,
laudabit et ad illud adiciet;
audivit luxuriosus, et displicebit illi
et proiciet illud post dorsum suum.
18 A man of sense will praise every wise word he shall hear, and will apply it to himself: the luxurious man hath heard it, and it shall displease him, and he will cast it behind his back.
19 Narratio fatui quasi sarcina in via,
sed in labiis sensati invenietur gratia.
19 The talking of a fool is like a burden in the way: but in the lips of the wise, grace shall be found.
20 Os prudentis quaeretur in ecclesia,
et verba illius cogitabunt in cordibus suis.
20 The mouth of the prudent is sought after in the church, and they will think upon his words in their hearts.
21 Tamquam domus exterminata sic fatuo sapientia;
et scientia insensati inenarrabilia verba.
21 As a house that is destroyed, so is wisdom to a fool : and the knowledge of the unwise is as words without sense.
22 Compedes in pedibus stulto doctrina
et quasi vincula manuum super manum dexteram.
22 Doctrine to a fool is as fetters on the feet, and like manacles on the right hand.
23 Fatuus in risu exaltat vocem suam;
vir autem sapiens vix tacite ridebit.
23 A fool lifteth up his voice in laughter: but a wise man will scarce laugh low to himself.
24 Tamquam ornamentum aureum prudenti doctrina
et quasi brachiale in brachio dextro.
24 Learning to the prudent is as an ornament of gold, and like a bracelet upon his right arm.
25 Pes fatui facilis in domum proximi,
sed homo peritus verebitur personam.
25 The foot of a fool is soon in his neighbour's house: but a man of experience will be abashed at the person of the mighty.
26 Stultus a fenestra respiciet in domum,
vir autem eruditus foris stabit.
26 A fool will peep through the window into the house: but he that is well taught will stand without.
27 Ineruditio hominis auscultare per ostium,
et prudenti gravis contumelia.
27 It is the folly of a man to hearken at the door: and a wise man will be grieved with the disgrace.
28 Labia imprudentium stulta narrabunt,
verba autem prudentium statera ponderabuntur.
28 The lips of the unwise will be telling foolish things but the words of the wise shall be weighed in a balance.
29 In ore fatuorum cor illorum,
et in corde sapientium os illorum.
29 The heart of fools is in their mouth: and the mouth of wise men is in their heart.
30 Dum maledicit impius adversarium,
maledicit ipse animam suam.
30 While the ungodly curseth the devil, he curseth his own soul.
31 Susurro coinquinabit animam suam et in omnibus odietur;
et, qui cum eo manserit, odiosus erit:
tacitus et sensatus honorabitur.
31 The talebearer shall defile his own soul, and shall be hated by all: and he that shall abide with him shall be hateful: the silent and wise man shall be honoured.