
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 30

1 De filiis.
Qui diligit filium suum, assi duat illi flagella,
ut laetetur in novissimo suo.
1 He who loves his son will frequently chastise him, so that he may be happy in the very end, and not grope for the doors of his neighbors.
2 Qui docet filium suum, fructum habebit in illo
et in medio domesticorum in illo gloriabitur.
2 He who instructs his son will be praised over him and will glory in him, in the midst of his household.
3 Qui docet filium suum, in zelum mittet inimicum
et in medio amicorum gloriabitur in illo.
3 He who teaches his son will make his enemy jealous, and in the midst of his friends, he will glory in him.
4 Mortuus est pater eius et quasi non est mortuus:
similem enim reliquit sibi post se.
4 When his father has died, it will be as if he were not dead. For he will have left behind someone who is like himself.
5 In vita sua vidit et laetatus est in illo,
in obitu suo non est contristatus.
Nec confusus est coram inimicis:
5 In his life, he saw him and rejoiced in him. And at his passing, he was not sorrowful, nor was he confounded in the sight of his enemies.
6 reliquit enim defensorem domus contra inimicos
et amicis reddentem gratiam.
6 For he left behind himself a defender of his house against his enemies, and someone who will repay his friends with kindness.
7 Qui blanditur filio, colligabit vulnera eius,
et super omnem vocem turbabuntur viscera sua.
7 For the sake of the souls of his sons, he will bind up his wounds, and at every voice, his gut will be stirred up.
8 Equus indomitus evadit durus,
et filius remissus evadet praeceps.
8 An untamed horse becomes stubborn, and a child left to himself becomes headstrong.
9 Lacta filium, et paventem te faciet;
lude cum eo, et contristabit te.
9 Coddle a son, and he will make you afraid. Play with him, and he will make you sorrowful.
10 Non corrideas illi, ne doleas,
et in novissimo obstupescent dentes tui.
10 You should not laugh with him; otherwise you may have grief, and in the end, your teeth be clenched.
11 Non des illi potestatem in iuventute
et ne despicias errata illius.
11 You should not give him power in his youth, but you should not despise his thoughts.
12 Curva cervicem eius in iuventute
et tunde latera eius, dum infans est,
ne forte induret et non credat tibi,
et erit tibi ab illo dolor animae.
12 Bow down his neck in his youth, and slap his sides while he is a child, lest perhaps he may become stubborn, and then he will not trust you, and so he will bring sorrow to your soul.
13 Doce filium tuum et operare in illo,
ne in turpitudinem illius offendas.
13 Instruct your son, and work with him, lest you give offense by his shameful behavior.
14 Melior est pauper sanus et fortis viribus
quam dives imbecillis et flagellatus in carne sua.
14 Better is a healthy pauper with a strong constitution, than a wealthy man who is weak and afflicted by maladies.
15 Salus carnis melior est omni auro et argento,
et spiritus validus quam census immensus.
15 A healthy soul with the sanctity of justice is better than all the gold and silver. And a sound body is better than immense revenues.
16 Non est census super censum salutis corporis,
et non est oblectatio super cordis gaudium.
16 There is no revenue above the revenue of a healthy body. And there is no delight above a joyful heart.
17 Melior est mors quam vita amara,
et requies aeterna quam languor perseverans.
17 Death is better than a bitter life. And eternal rest is better than continual sickness.
18 Bona effusa in ore clauso
quasi appositiones epularum circumpositae sepulcro.
18 Good things hidden in a closed mouth are like seats at a feast placed around a grave.
19 Quid proderit libatio idolo?
Nec enim manducabit nec odorabitur:
19 What benefit is there in an offering to an idol? For it can neither eat, nor smell.
20 sic qui effugatur a Domino
portans mercedes iniquitatis,
20 So is he who flees from the Lord, carrying the wages of his iniquity.
21 videns oculis et ingemiscens
sicut spado complectens virginem et suspirans.
21 He sees with his eyes and groans, like a eunuch who embraces a virgin and sighs.
22 Tristitiam non des animae tuae
et non affligas temetipsum in consilio tuo.
22 You should not give your soul to sadness, and you should not afflict yourself by your own counsel.
23 Iucunditas cordis haec est vita hominis
et thesaurus sine defectione sanctitatis,
et exsultatio viri est longaevitas.
23 The gladness of the heart is the life of a man, and it is a treasure of sanctity without defect. And the exultation of a man is length of life.
24 Indulge animae tuae et consolare cor tuum
et tristitiam longe repelle a te.
24 Take pity on your own soul by pleasing God, and show self-restraint. Gather your heart into his sanctity, and drive sadness far away from yourself.
25 Multos enim occidit tristitia,
et non est utilitas in illa;
25 For sadness has killed many, and there is no usefulness in it.
26 zelus et iracundia minuunt dies,
et ante tempus senectam adducet cogitatus.
26 Envy and anger will diminish your days, and pensiveness will bring old age before its time.
27 Splendidum cor et bonum in epulis est;
epulae enim illius diligenter fiunt.
27 A cheerful and good heart is like a feast. And its feasts are formed by diligence.