
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 2

1 Fili, accedens ad servitutem Dei
sta in iustitia et timore
et praepara animam tuam ad tentationem.
1 My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal.
2 Dirige cor tuum et sustine,
inclina aurem tuam et suscipe verba intellectus
et ne sollicitus sis in tempore calamitatis.
2 Be sincere of heart, be steadfast, and do not be alarmed when disaster comes.
3 Sustine sustentationes Dei, coniungere Deo et ne laxes,
ut sapiens fias in viis tuis.
3 Cling to him and do not leave him, so that you may be honoured at the end of your days.
4 Omne, quod tibi applicitum fuerit, accipe et in dolore sustine
et in humilitate tua patientiam habe,
4 Whatever happens to you, accept it, and in the uncertainties of your humble state, be patient,
5 quoniam in igne probatur aurum et argentum,
homines vero receptibiles in camino humiliationis.
5 since gold is tested in the fire, and the chosen in the furnace of humiliation.
6 Crede Deo, et recuperabit te,
et spera in illum, et diriget viam tuam;
serva timorem illius et in illo veterasce.
6 Trust him and he wil uphold you, fol ow a straight path and hope in him.
7 Metuentes Dominum, sustinete misericordiam eius
et non deflectatis ab illo, ne cadatis.
7 You who fear the Lord, wait for his mercy; do not turn aside, for fear you fal .
8 Qui timetis Dominum, credite illi,
et non evacuabitur merces vestra.
8 You who fear the Lord, trust him, and you will not be robbed of your reward.
9 Qui timetis Dominum, sperate in bona
et in oblectationem aevi et in misericordiam.
9 You who fear the Lord, hope for those good gifts of his, everlasting joy and mercy.
10 Qui timetis Dominum, diligite illum, et illuminabuntur corda vestra.
10 Look at the generations of old and see: whoever trusted in the Lord and was put to shame? Orwhoever, steadfastly fearing him, was forsaken? Or whoever cal ed to him and was ignored?
11 Respicite, filii, generationes antiquas et videte:
quis speravit in Domino et confusus est?
11 For the Lord is compassionate and merciful, he forgives sins and saves in the time of distress.
12 Aut quis permansit in mandatis eius et derelictus est?
Aut quis invocavit eum, et despexit illum?
12 Woe to faint hearts and listless hands, and to the sinner who treads two paths.
13 Quoniam pius et misericors est Dominus
et remittet in die tribulationis peccata
et protector est omnibus exquirentibus se in veritate.
13 Woe to the listless heart that has no faith, for such will have no protection.
14 Vae duplici corde et labiis scelestis et manibus dissolutis
et peccatori terram ingredienti duabus viis!
14 Woe to you who have lost the strength to endure; what will you do at the Lord's visitation?
15 Vae dissolutis corde, qui non credunt,
et ideo non protegentur!
15 Those who fear the Lord do not disdain his words, and those who love him keep his ways.
16 Vae vobis, qui perdidistis sustinentiam
et qui dereliquistis vias rectas et divertistis in vias pravas!
16 Those who fear the Lord do their best to please him, and those who love him wil find satisfaction in theLaw.
17 Et quid facietis, cum inspicere coeperit Dominus?
17 Those who fear the Lord keep their hearts prepared and humble themselves in his presence.
18 Qui timent Dominum, non erunt incredibiles verbo illius;
et, qui diligunt illum, conservabunt viam illius.
18 Let us fal into the hands of the Lord, not into any human clutches; for as his majesty is, so too is hismercy.
19 Qui timent Dominum, inquirent quae beneplacita sunt ei;
et, qui diligunt eum, replebuntur lege ipsius.
20 Qui timent Dominum, praeparabunt corda sua
et in conspectu illius sanctificabunt animas suas.
21 Qui timent Dominum, custodiunt mandata illius
et patientiam habebunt usque ad inspectionem illius
22 dicentes: “ Si paenitentiam non egerimus,
incidemus in manus Domini et non in manus hominum;
23 secundum enim magnitudinem ipsius,
sic et misericordia illius ”.