
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Ecclesiasticus 3

1 Filii sapientiæ ecclesia justorum,
et natio illorum obedientia et dilectio.
1 The sons of wisdom are the church of the just: and their generation, obedience and love.
2 Judicium patris audite, filii,
et sic facite, ut salvi sitis.
2 Children, hear the judgment of your father, and so do that you may be saved.
3 Deus enim honoravit patrem in filiis :
et judicium matris exquirens, firmavit in filios.
3 For God hath made the father honourable to the children: and seeking the judgment of the mothers, hath confirmed it upon the children.
4 Qui diligit Deum exorabit pro peccatis,
et continebit se ab illis,
et in oratione dierum exaudietur.
4 He that loveth God, shall obtain pardon for his sine by prayer, and shall refrain himself from them, and shall be heard in the prayer of days.
5 Et sicut qui thesaurizat,
ita et qui honorificat matrem suam.
5 And he that honoureth his mother is as one that layeth up a treasure.
6 Qui honorat patrem suum jucundabitur in filiis,
et in die orationis suæ exaudietur.
6 He that honoureth his father shall have joy in his own children, and in the day of his prayer he shall be heard.
7 Qui honorat patrem suum vita vivet longiore,
et qui obedit patri refrigerabit matrem.
7 He that honoureth his father shall enjoy a long life: and he that obeyeth the father, shall be a comfort to his mother.
8 Qui timet Dominum honorat parentes,
et quasi dominis serviet his qui se genuerunt.
8 He that feareth the Lord, honoureth his parents, and will serve them as his masters that brought him into the world.
9 In opere, et sermone, et omni patientia, honora patrem tuum,
9 Honour thy father, in work and word, and all patience,
10 ut superveniat tibi benedictio ab eo,
et benedictio illius in novissimo maneat.
10 That a blessing may come upon thee from him, and his blessing may remain in the latter end.
11 Benedictio patris firmat domos filiorum :
maledictio autem matris eradicat fundamenta.
11 The father's blessing establisheth the houses of the children: but the mother's curse rooteth up the foundation.
12 Ne glorieris in contumelia patris tui :
non enim est tibi gloria ejus confusio.
12 Glory not in the dishonour of thy father: for his shame is no glory to thee.
13 Gloria enim hominis ex honore patris sui,
et dedecus filii pater sine honore.
13 For the glory of a man is from the honour of his father, and a father without honour is the disgrace of the son.
14 Fili, suscipe senectam patris tui,
et non contristes eum in vita illius :
14 Son, support the old age of thy father, and grieve him not in his life;
15 et si defecerit sensu, veniam da,
et ne spernas eum in virtute tua :
eleemosyna enim patris non erit in oblivione.
15 And if his understanding fail, have patience with him, and despise him not when thou art in thy strength: for the relieving of the father shall not be forgotten.
16 Nam pro peccato matris restituetur tibi bonum :
16 For good shall be repaid to thee for the sin of thy mother.
17 et in justitia ædificabitur tibi,
et in die tribulationis commemorabitur tui,
et sicut in sereno glacies, solventur peccata tua.
17 And in justice thou shalt be built up, and in the day of affliction thou shalt be remembered: and thy sine shall melt away as the ice in the fair warm weather.
18 Quam malæ famæ est qui derelinquit patrem,
et est maledictus a Deo qui exasperat matrem !
18 Of what an evil fame is he that forsaketh his father: and he is cursed of God that angereth his mother.
19 Fili, in mansuetudine opera tua perfice,
et super hominum gloriam diligeris.
19 My son, do thy works in meekness, and thou shalt be beloved above the glory of men.
20 Quanto magnus es, humilia te in omnibus,
et coram Deo invenies gratiam :
20 The greater thou art, the more humble thyself in all things, and thou shalt find grace before God:
21 quoniam magna potentia Dei solius,
et ab humilibus honoratur.
21 For great is the power of God alone, and he is honoured by the humble.
22 Altiora te ne quæsieris,
et fortiora te ne scrutatus fueris :
sed quæ præcepit tibi Deus, illa cogita semper,
et in pluribus operibus ejus ne fueris curiosus.
22 Seek not the things that are too high for thee, and search not into things above thy ability: but the things that God hath commanded thee, think on them always, and in many of his works be not curious.
23 Non est enim tibi necessarium
ea, quæ abscondita sunt, videre oculis tuis.
23 For it is not necessary for thee to see with thy eyes those things that are hid.
24 In supervacuis rebus noli scrutari multipliciter,
et in pluribus operibus ejus non eris curiosus.
24 In unnecessary matters be not over curious, and in many of his works thou shalt not be inquisitive.
25 Plurima enim super sensum hominum ostensa sunt tibi :
25 For many things are shewn to thee above the understanding of men.
26 multos quoque supplantavit suspicio illorum,
et in vanitate detinuit sensus illorum.
26 And the suspicion of them hath deceived many, and hath detained their minds in vanity.
27 Cor durum habebit male in novissimo,
et qui amat periculum in illo peribit.
27 A hard heart shall fear evil at the last: and he that loveth danger shall perish in it.
28 Cor ingrediens duas vias non habebit successus,
et pravus corde in illis scandalizabitur.
28 A heart that goeth two ways shall not have success, and the perverse of heart shall be scandalized therein.
29 Cor nequam gravabitur in doloribus,
et peccator adjiciet ad peccandum.
29 A wicked heart shall be laden with sorrows, and the sinner will add sin to sin.
30 Synagogæ superborum non erit sanitas,
frutex enim peccati radicabitur in illis, et non intelligetur.
30 The congregation of the proud shall not be healed: for the plant of wickedness shall take root in them, and it shall not be perceived.
31 Cor sapientis intelligitur in sapientia,
et auris bona audiet cum omni concupiscentia sapientiam.
31 The heart of the wise is understood in wisdom, and a good ear will hear wisdom with all desire.
32 Sapiens cor et intelligibile abstinebit se a peccatis,
et in operibus justitiæ successus habebit.
32 A wise heart, and which hath understanding, will abstain from sine, and in the works of justice shall have success.
33 Ignem ardentem exstinguit aqua,
et eleemosyna resistit peccatis :
33 Water quencheth a flaming fire, and alms resisteth sins:
34 et Deus prospector est ejus qui reddit gratiam :
meminit ejus in posterum,
et in tempore casus sui inveniet firmamentum.
34 And God provideth for him that sheweth favour: he remembereth him afterwards, and in the time of his fall he shall find a sure stay.