
Martedi, 30 aprile 2024 - San Pio V ( Letture di oggi)

Ecclesiasticus 32

1 Rectorem te posuerunt ? noli extolli :
esto in illis quasi unus ex ipsis.
1 Have they appointed you as a leader? Do not be willing to be extolled. Be among them as one of them.
2 Curam illorum habe, et sic conside,
et omni cura tua explicita recumbe :
2 Have concern for them, and in this way sit down with them, and when you have explained all your concerns, sit back.
3 ut læteris propter illos,
et ornamentum gratiæ accipias coronam,
et dignationem consequaris corrogationis.
3 Then you may rejoice because of them, and you may receive a crown as an adornment of grace, and so obtain the dignity of the assembly.
4 Loquere major natu :
decet enim te
4 Speak, you who are greater by birth. For it is fitting for you
5 primum verbum diligenti scientia,
et non impedias musicam.
5 to speak the first word with careful knowledge. But you should not hinder the music.
6 Ubi auditus non est, non effundas sermonem,
et importune noli extolli in sapientia tua.
6 Where no one is listening, you should not pour out words. And do not choose to be extolled improperly for your wisdom.
7 Gemmula carbunculi in ornamento auri,
et comparatio musicorum in convivio vini.
7 A gemstone of garnet is set amid an ornament of gold, and a concert of music is set amid a banquet of wine.
8 Sicut in fabricatione auri signum est smaragdi,
sic numerus musicorum in jucundo et moderato vino.
8 Just as a signet of emerald is set amid a work of gold, so is a melody of music set amid delightful and moderate wine.
9 Audi tacens,
et pro reverentia accedet tibi bona gratia.
9 Listen silently, and for your reverence, good graces will be added to you.
10 Adolescens, loquere in tua causa vix.
10 Young man, speak in your own case only reluctantly.
11 Si bis interrogatus fueris,
habeat caput responsum tuum.
11 If you have been asked twice, let your response be concise.
12 In multis esto quasi inscius,
et audi tacens simul et quærens.
12 In many matters, be as if you lack knowledge, and listen silently as well as intently.
13 In medio magnatorum non præsumas :
et ubi sunt senes non multum loquaris.
13 In the midst of great men, you should not be presumptuous. And where the elders are present, you should not speak much.
14 Ante grandinem præibit coruscatio :
et ante verecundiam præibit gratia,
et pro reverentia accedet tibi bona gratia.
14 Lightning goes before a hailstorm, and grace goes before modesty. And so, for your reverence, good graces will be added to you.
15 Et hora surgendi non te trices :
præcurre autem prior in domum tuam,
et illic avocare, et illic lude,
15 And at the hour for rising, you should not be lax. Later, be the first to run ahead to your house, and there withdraw, and there take your pastime.
16 et age conceptiones tuas,
et non in delictis et verbo superbo :
16 And act according to your intentions, but not in sin and not in arrogant speech.
17 et super his omnibus benedicito Dominum, qui fecit,
et inebriantem te ab omnibus bonis suis.
17 And for all these things, bless the Lord, who made you, and who fills you to overflowing with all his good things.
18 Qui timet Dominum excipiet doctrinam ejus :
et qui vigilaverint ad illum invenient benedictionem.
18 Whoever fears the Lord will accept his doctrine. And whoever watches for him diligently will find a blessing.
19 Qui quærit legem replebitur ab ea,
et qui insidiose agit scandalizabitur in ea.
19 Whoever seeks the law will be filled from the law. But whoever acts with treachery will be scandalized by treachery.
20 Qui timent Dominum invenient judicium justum,
et justitias quasi lumen accendent.
20 Those who fear the Lord will find just judgment, and they will kindle justice like a light.
21 Peccator homo vitabit correptionem,
et secundum voluntatem suam inveniet comparationem.
21 A sinful man will shun correction, and he will find a rationalization in accord with his own will.
22 Vir consilii non disperdet intelligentiam :
alienus et superbus non pertimescet timorem :
22 A man of counsel will not reject understanding. A strange and arrogant man will not be disturbed by fear.
23 etiam postquam fecit cum eo sine consilio,
et suis insectationibus arguetur.
23 Even so, after he has acted out of fear and without counsel, he will be rebuked by his own criticism.
24 Fili, sine consilio nihil facias,
et post factum non p?nitebis.
24 Son, you should do nothing without counsel, and then you will not regret what you have done.
25 In via ruinæ non eas, et non offendes in lapides :
nec credas te viæ laboriosæ, ne ponas animæ tuæ scandalum.
25 You should not go into the way of ruin, and you then will not stumble on stones. You should not commit yourself to a laborious way; otherwise, you may set up a scandal against your own soul.
26 Et a filiis tuis cave,
et a domesticis tuis attende.
26 And be cautious concerning your own sons. And be attentive to those of your own household.
27 In omni opere tuo crede ex fide animæ tuæ,
hoc est enim conservatio mandatorum.
27 In all of your works, trust your soul to faith. For this is the keeping of the commandments.
28 Qui credit Deo attendit mandatis :
et qui confidit in illo non minorabitur.
28 Whoever believes God attends to the commandments. And whoever trusts in him will not be diminished.