
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Ecclesiasticus 26

1 Mulieris bonæ beatus vir :
numerus enim annorum illius duplex.
1 How blessed is the husband of a really good wife; the number of his days will be doubled.
2 Mulier fortis oblectat virum suum,
et annos vitæ illius in pace implebit.
2 A perfect wife is the joy of her husband, he wil live out the years of his life in peace.
3 Pars bona mulier bona,
in parte timentium Deum dabitur viro pro factis bonis :
3 A good wife is the best of portions, reserved for those who fear the Lord;
4 divitis autem et pauperis cor bonum,
in omni tempore vultus illorum hilaris.
4 rich or poor, their hearts wil be glad, their faces cheerful, whatever the season.
5 A tribus timuit cor meum,
et in quarto facies mea metuit :
5 There are three things that I dread, and a fourth which terrifies me: slander by a whole town, thegathering of a mob, and a false accusation -- these are al worse than death;
6 delaturam civitatis, et collectionem populi :
6 but a woman jealous of a woman means heartbreak and sorrow, and al this is the scourge of thetongue.
7 calumniam mendacem super mortem omnia gravia :
7 A bad wife is a badly fitting ox-yoke, trying to master her is like grasping a scorpion.
8 dolor cordis et luctus, mulier zelotypa.
8 A drunken wife wil goad anyone to fury, she cannot conceal her own degradation.
9 In muliere zelotypa flagellum linguæ,
omnibus communicans.
9 A woman's wantonness shows in her wide-eyed look, her eyelashes leave no doubt.
10 Sicut boum jugum quod movetur, ita et mulier nequam :
qui tenet illam quasi qui apprehendit scorpionem.
10 Keep a headstrong daughter under firm control, or, feeling free, she wil take advantage of it.
11 Mulier ebriosa ira magna, et contumelia :
et turpitudo illius non tegetur.
11 Keep a strict watch on her shameless eye, do not be surprised if she disgraces you.
12 Fornicatio mulieris in extollentia oculorum,
et in palpebris illius agnoscetur.
12 Like a thirsty travel er she wil open her mouth and drink any water she comes across; she wil sitdown in front of every tent-peg and open her quiver to any arrow.
13 In filia non avertente se, firma custodiam,
ne inventa occasione utatur se.
13 The grace of a wife wil charm her husband, her understanding will make him the stronger.
14 Ab omni irreverentia oculorum ejus cave,
et ne mireris si te neglexerit.
14 A silent wife is a gift from the Lord, no price can be put on a well-trained character.
15 Sicut viator sitiens ad fontem os aperiet,
et ab omni aqua proxima bibet,
et contra omnem palum sedebit,
et contra omnem sagittam aperiet pharetram donec deficiat.
15 A modest wife is a boon twice over, a chaste character cannot be over-valued.
16 Gratia mulieris sedulæ delectabit virum suum,
et ossa illius impinguabit.
16 Like the sun rising over the mountains of the Lord, such is the beauty of a good wife in a wel -runhouse.
17 Disciplina illius datum Dei est.
17 Like a lamp shining on the sacred lamp-stand, such is a beautiful face on a wel -proportioned body.
18 Mulier sensata et tacita,
non est immutatio eruditæ animæ.
18 Like golden pil ars on a silver base, such are shapely legs on firm-set heels.
19 Gratia super gratiam
mulier sancta et pudorata.
20 Omnis autem ponderatio non est digna
continentis animæ.
21 Sicut sol oriens mundo in altissimis Dei,
sic mulieris bonæ species in ornamentum domus ejus.
22 Lucerna splendens super candelabrum sanctum,
et species faciei super ætatem stabilem.
23 Columnæ aureæ super bases argenteas,
et pedes firmi super plantas stabilis mulieris.
24 Fundamenta æterna supra petram solidam,
et mandata Dei in corde mulieris sanctæ.
25 In duobus contristatum est cor meum,
et in tertio iracundia mihi advenit :
26 vir bellator deficiens per inopiam ;
et vir sensatus contemptus ;
27 et qui transgreditur a justitia ad peccatum :
Deus paravit eum ad rhomphæam.
28 Duæ species difficiles et periculosæ mihi apparuerunt :
difficile exuitur negotians a negligentia,
et non justificabitur caupo a peccatis labiorum.
28 There are two things which grieve my heart and a third arouses my anger: a warrior wasting awaythrough poverty, the intel igent treated with contempt, someone turning back from virtue to sin -- the Lord marksout such a person for a violent death.
29 It is difficult for a merchant to avoid doing wrong and for a trader not to incur sin.