
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Genesi 34

1 Ora Dina, figlia di Lia, uscì a vedere e donne di quel paese;1 Dinah, the daughter whom Leah had borne to Jacob, went out to visit some of the women of the land.
2 e Sichem, figliolo di Hemor Eveo, principe del paese, avendola veduta, se ne innamorò e la rapì, con lei si giacque e la disonorò colla violenza.2 When Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite, who was chief of the region, saw her, he seized her and lay with her by force.
3 E appassionato nell'anima per Dina che ne era afflitta, l'acquietò colle carezze;3 Since he was strongly attracted to Dinah, daughter of Jacob, indeed was really in love with the girl, he endeavored to win her affection.
4 e poi andò a dire ad Hemor suo padre: « Prendimi questa fanciulla per moglie ».4 Shechem also asked his father Hamor, "Get me this girl for a wife."
5 Giacobbe, sebbene sapesse la cosa, pure, essendo i suoi figli assenti e occupati a pascere le pecore, si tacque fino al loro ritorno.5 Meanwhile, Jacob heard that Shechem had defiled his daughter Dinah; but since his sons were out in the fields with his livestock, he held his peace until they came home.
6 Or essendo andato Hemor, padre di Sichem, a parlare a Giacobbe,6 Now Hamor, the father of Shechem, went out to discuss the matter with Jacob,
7 ecco i figli di lui tornare dalla campagna. Essi, appena seppero quanto era avvenuto, si abbandonarono al furore contro chi aveva fatta azione si infame contro Israele, e violando la figlia di Giacobbe aveva commessa un'azione vituperevole.7 just as Jacob's sons were coming in from the fields. When they heard the news, the men were shocked and seethed with indignation. What Shechem had done was an outrage in Israel; such a thing could not be tolerated.
8 Ma Hemor disse loro: «L'anima del mio figliolo non può stare lontana dalla vostra figlia: dategliela in moglie,8 Hamor appealed to them, saying: "My son Shechem has his heart set on your daughter. Please give her to him in marriage.
9 e imparentatevi con noi, dandoci le vostre figliole e prendendo le nostre;9 Intermarry with us; give your daughters to us, and take our daughters for yourselves.
10 abitate con noi: la terra è a vostra disposizione: lavoratela, trafficateci, acquistatela ».10 Thus you can live among us. The land is open before you; you can settle and move about freely in it, and acquire landed property here."
11 Ed anche Sichem diceva al padre ed ai fratelli di Dina: « Se io posso trovar grazia presso di voi, vi darò tutto quello che desiderate:11 Then Shechem, too, appealed to Dinah's father and brothers: "Do me this favor, and I will pay whatever you demand of me.
12 aumentate la dote, chiedete doni, ed io volentieri vi darò quanto chiederete; ma datemi questa fanciulla in moglie ».12 No matter how high you set the bridal price, I will pay you whatever you ask; only give me the maiden in marriage."
13 I figli di Giacobbe rispondendo a Sichem e a suo padre con inganno, perche esacerbati pel disonore della sorella, dissero:13 Jacob's sons replied to Shechem and his father Hamor with guile, speaking as they did because their sister Dinah had been defiled.
14 « Non possiamo far quanto bramate, nè dare la sorella ad un uomo incirconciso, perchè ciò presso di noi è cosa illecita e abominevole;14 "We could not do such a thing," they said, "as to give our sister to an uncircumcised man; that would be a disgrace for us.
15 ma potremo fare alleanza, se vorrete farvi simili a noi, circoncidendo tra voi ogni maschio:15 We will agree with you only on this condition, that you become like us by having every male among you circumcised.
16 allora vi daremo le nostre figliole e ci prenderemo le vostre, e abiteremo con voi e diventerei o un popolo solo.16 Then we will give you our daughters and take yours in marriage; we will settle among you and become one kindred people with you.
17 Ma se non vi volete circoncidere, prenderemo la nostra fanciulla e ce ne andremo ».17 But if you do not comply with our terms regarding circumcision, we will take our daughter and go away."
18 La loro offerta piacque ad Hemor e a Sichem suo figlio,18 Their proposal seemed fair to Hamor and his son Shechem.
19 il quale non tardò ad eseguire quanto gli era richiesto, perchè portava grande amore alla fanciulla ed era il più onorato in tutta la casa di suo padre.19 The young man lost no time in acting in the matter, since he was deeply in love with Jacob's daughter. Moreover he was more highly respected than anyone else in his clan.
20 Hemor e Sichem allora andarono alla porta della città e dissero al popolo:20 So Hamor and his son Shechem went to their town council and thus presented the matter to their fellow townsmen:
21 « Questi uomini sono pacifici e desiderano abitar con noi: permettiamo loro di trafficare in questa terra e di lavorarla, giacché è spaziosa e vasta ed ha bisogno di coltivatori; prenderemo poi in moglie le loro figliole e daremo loro le nostre.21 "These men are friendly toward us. Let them settle in the land and move about in it freely; there is ample room in the country for them. We can marry their daughters and give our daughters to them in marriage.
22 Una sola cosa allontana tanto bene: bisogna circoncidere i nostri maschi, imitando il rito di questa gente.22 But the men will agree to live with us and form one kindred people with us only on this condition, that every male among us be circumcised as they themselves are.
23 Ma cosi le loro ricchezze, i loro bestiami e tutto quello che posseggono sarà nostro. Basta accordarsi in questo soltanto, per vivere insieme e formare un sol popolo ».23 Would not the livestock they have acquired--all their animals--then be ours? Let us, therefore, give in to them, so that they may settle among us."
24 Tutti diedero il loro assenso e tutti i maschi furono circoncisi.24 All the able-bodied men of the town agreed with Hamor and his son Shechem, and all the males, including every able-bodied man in the community, were circumcised.
25 Ma ecco al terzo giorno, quando il dolore del taglio è più acerbo, i due figli di Giacobbe, Simeone e Levi, fratelli di Dina, impugnate le spade, entrare a man salva nella città ed uccidere tutti i maschi.25 On the third day, while they were still in pain, Dinah's full brothers Simeon and Levi, two of Jacob's sons, took their swords, advanced against the city without any trouble, and massacred all the males.
26 Trucidarono anche Hemor e Sichem, e tolsero dalla casa di Sichem la loro sorella Dina.26 After they had put Hamor and his son Shechem to the sword, they took Dinah from Shechem's house and left.
27 E, usciti loro, si gettarono sopra gli uccisi gli altri figli di Giacobbe, e saccheggiarono la città per vendicarsi dello stupro.27 Then the other sons of Jacob followed up the slaughter and sacked the city in reprisal for their sister Dinah's defilement.
28 Presero loro le pecore, gli armenti e gli asini, e devastarono quanto era nelle case e nella campagna,28 They seized their flocks, herds and asses, whatever was in the city and in the country around.
29 e di più menarono in schiavitù i fanciulli e le loro donne.29 They carried off all their wealth, their women, and their children, and took for loot whatever was in the houses.
30 Finita questa audace impresa, Giacobbe disse a Simeone e a Levi: « Voi mi procurate grandi affanni, avendomi reso odioso ai Cananei ed ai Ferezei abitatori di questa terra. Noi siam pochi, e se essi uniti insieme mi verranno addosso, io sarò sterminato colla mia famiglia ».30 Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: "You have brought trouble upon me by making me loathsome to the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzites. I have so few men that, if these people unite against me and attack me, I and my family will be wiped out."
31 E quelli risposero: « Dovevano essi abusare di nostra sorella come di una meretrice? »31 But they retorted, "Should our sister have been treated like a harlot?"