
Martedi, 30 aprile 2024 - San Pio V ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbios 31

1 Palabras de Lemuel, rey de Massá, que le enseño su madre:
1 The sayings of Lemuel king of Massa, taught him by his mother:
2 ¡No, hijo mío, no, hijo de mis entrañas!
¡No, hijo de mis votos!
2 What, my son! What, son of my womb! What, son of my vows!
3 No entregues tu vigor a las mujeres,
ni tus caminos a las que pierden a los reyes.
3 Do not expend your energy on women nor your wealth on those who ruin kings.
4 No es para los reyes, Lemuel,
no es para los reyes beber vino,
ni para los príncipes ser aficionado a la bebida.
4 Not for kings, O Lemuel, not for kings the drinking of wine, not for princes the love of liquor,
5 No sea que, bebiendo, olviden sus decretos
y pervientan las causas de todos los desvalidos.
5 for fear that in liquor they forget what they have decreed and pervert the course of justice against allthe poor.
6 Dad bebidas fuertes al que va a perecer
y vino al de alma amargada;
6 Procure strong drink for someone about to die, wine for him whose heart is heavy:
7 que beba y olvide su miseria,
y no se acuerde ya de su desgracia.
7 let him drink and forget his misfortune, and remember his misery no more.
8 Abre tu boca en favor del mudo,
por la causa de todos los abandonados,
8 Make your views heard, on behalf of the dumb, on behalf of al the unwanted;
9 abre tu boca, juzga con justicia
y defiende la causa del mísero y del pobre.
9 make your views heard, pronounce an upright verdict, defend the cause of the poor and the wretched.
10 Alef. Una mujer completa, ¿quién la encontrará?
Es mucho más valiosa que las perlas.
10 The truly capable woman -- who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls.
11 Bet. En ella confía el corazón de su marido,
y no será sin provecho.
11 Her husband's heart has confidence in her, from her he wil derive no little profit.
12 Guímel. Le produce el bien, no el mal,
todos los días de su vida.
12 Advantage and not hurt she brings him al the days of her life.
13 Dálet. Se busca lana y lino
y lo trabaja con manos diligentes.
13 She selects wool and flax, she does her work with eager hands.
14 He. Es como nave de mercader
que de lejos trae su provisión.
14 She is like those merchant vessels, bringing her food from far away.
15 Vau. Se levanta cuando aún es de noche
da de comer a sus domésticos
y órdenes a su servidumbre.
15 She gets up while it is stil dark giving her household their food, giving orders to her serving girls.
16 Zain. Hace cálculos sobre un campo y lo compra;
con el fruto de sus manos planta una viña.
16 She sets her mind on a field, then she buys it; with what her hands have earned she plants avineyard.
17 Jet. Se ciñe con fuerza sus lomos
y vigoriza sus brazos.
17 She puts her back into her work and shows how strong her arms can be.
18 Tet. Siente que va bien su trabajo,
no se apaga por la noche su lámpara.
18 She knows that her affairs are going wel ; her lamp does not go out at night.
19 Tod. Echa mano a la rueca,
sus palmas toman el huso.
19 She sets her hands to the distaff, her fingers grasp the spindle.
20 Kaf. Alarga su palma al desvalido,
y tiende sus manos al pobre.
20 She holds out her hands to the poor, she opens her arms to the needy.
21 Lámed. No teme por su casa a la nieve,
pues todos los suyos tienen vestido doble.
21 Snow may come, she has no fears for her household, with al her servants warmly clothed.
22 Mem. Para sí se hace mantos,
y su vestido es de lino y púrpura.
22 She makes her own quilts, she is dressed in fine linen and purple.
23 Nun. Su marido es considerado en las puertas,
cuando se sienta con los ancianos del país.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gates, taking his seat among the elders of the land.
24 Sámek. Hace túnicas de lino y las vende,
entrega al comerciante ceñidores.
24 She weaves materials and sel s them, she supplies the merchant with sashes.
25 Ain. Se viste de fuerza y dignidad,
y se ríe del día de mañana.
25 She is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the day to come.
26 Pe. Abre su boca con sabiduría,
lección de amor hay en su lengua.
26 When she opens her mouth, she does so wisely; on her tongue is kindly instruction.
27 Sade. Está atenta a la marcha de su casa,
y no come pan de ociosidad.
27 She keeps good watch on the conduct of her household, no bread of idleness for her.
28 Qof. Se levantan sus hijos y la llaman dichosa;
su marido, y hace su elogio:
28 Her children stand up and proclaim her blessed, her husband, too, sings her praises:
29 Res. «¡Muchas mujeres hicieron proezas,
pero tú las superas a todas!»
29 'Many women have done admirable things, but you surpass them all!'
30 Sin. Engañosa es la gracia, vana la hermosura,
la mujer que teme a Yahveh, ésa será alabada.
30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty; the woman who fears Yahweh is the one to praise.
31 Tau. Dadle del fruto de sus manos
y que en las puertas la alaben sus obras.

31 Give her a share in what her hands have worked for, and let her works tel her praises at the citygates.