
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 24

1 La sapienza loda se stessa,
si vanta in mezzo al suo popolo.
1 Wisdom will praise her own mind, and she will be honored by God, and she will be glorified in the midst of her people.
2 Nell'assemblea dell'Altissimo apre la bocca,
si glorifica davanti alla sua potenza:
2 And she will open her mouth in the churches of the Most High, and she will be glorified in the sight of his virtue.
3 "Io sono uscita dalla bocca dell'Altissimo
e ho ricoperto come nube la terra.
3 And in the midst of her own people, she will be exalted. And she will be admired by the holy assembly.
4 Ho posto la mia dimora lassù,
il mio trono era su una colonna di nubi.
4 And she will have praise within the multitude of the elect. And she will be blessed among the blessed. And she will say:
5 Il giro del cielo da sola ho percorso,
ho passeggiato nelle profondità degli abissi.
5 “I went forth from the mouth of the Most High, as the first-born before all creatures.
6 Sulle onde del mare e su tutta la terra,
su ogni popolo e nazione ho preso dominio.
6 I caused an unfailing light to arise in the heavens. And I covered all the earth like a cloud.
7 Fra tutti questi cercai un luogo di riposo,
in quale possedimento stabilirmi.
7 I lived in the highest places, and my throne is in the pillar of a cloud.
8 Allora il creatore dell'universo mi diede un ordine,
il mio creatore mi fece posare la tenda
e mi disse: Fissa la tenda in Giacobbe
e prendi in eredità Israele.
8 I alone have encompassed the circuit of heaven, and have penetrated to the depths of the abyss, and have walked upon the waves of the sea,
9 Prima dei secoli, fin dal principio, egli mi creò;
per tutta l'eternità non verrò meno.
9 and have stood upon the whole earth. And among every people,
10 Ho officiato nella tenda santa davanti a lui,
e così mi sono stabilita in Sion.
10 and in every nation, I have held primacy.
11 Nella città amata mi ha fatto abitare;
in Gerusalemme è il mio potere.
11 And by virtue, I have tread upon the hearts of all, the great and the lowly. And I have sought my rest in all of them. And I will continue, as the inheritance of the Lord.
12 Ho posto le radici in mezzo a un popolo glorioso,
nella porzione del Signore, sua eredità.
12 Then the Creator of all things instructed and spoke with me. And the One who created me rested in my tabernacle.
13 Sono cresciuta come un cedro sul Libano,
come un cipresso sui monti dell'Ermon.
13 And he said to me: ‘Let your dwelling place be with Jacob, and let your inheritance be in Israel, for you shall take root among my elect.’
14 Sono cresciuta come una palma in Engaddi,
come le piante di rose in Gerico,
come un ulivo maestoso nella pianura;
sono cresciuta come un platano.
14 From the beginning, and before the world, I was created. And even unto the future world, I will not cease to exist. For I have ministered before him in the holy habitation.
15 Come cinnamòmo e balsamo ho diffuso profumo;
come mirra scelta ho sparso buon odore;
come gàlbano, ònice e storàce,
come nuvola di incenso nella tenda.
15 And in this way, I was established in Zion. And likewise, in the holy city, I found rest. And my authority was in Jerusalem.
16 Come un terebinto ho esteso i rami
e i miei rami son rami di maestà e di bellezza.
16 And I took root among an honorable people, within the portion of my God, within his inheritance. And so my abode is in the full assembly of the saints.
17 Io come una vite ho prodotto germogli graziosi
e i miei fiori, frutti di gloria e ricchezza.
17 I was exalted like a cedar in Lebanon and like a cypress on Mount Zion.
18 Avvicinatevi a me, voi che mi desiderate,
e saziatevi dei miei prodotti.
18 I was exalted like a palm tree in Kadesh and like a rose bush in Jericho.
19 Poiché il ricordo di me è più dolce del miele,
il possedermi è più dolce del favo di miele.
19 I was exalted like a beautiful olive tree in the plains, and like a sycamore tree beside the waters along a wide road.
20 Quanti si nutrono di me avranno ancora fame
e quanti bevono di me, avranno ancora sete.
20 I gave off an aromatic fragrance like cinnamon or balsam. I produced a sweet odor like the best myrrh.
21 Chi mi obbedisce non si vergognerà,
chi compie le mie opere non peccherà".

21 And I perfumed my dwelling place with sweet gum, and aromatic resin, and flower petals, and aloe, as well as the finest cedar from Lebanon. And my fragrance is like undiluted balsam.
22 Tutto questo è il libro dell'alleanza del Dio
la legge che ci ha imposto Mosè,
l'eredità delle assemblee di Giacobbe.
22 I have extended my branches like a terebinth tree, and my branches are of honor and grace.
23 Essa trabocca di sapienza come il Pison
e come il Tigri nella stagione dei frutti nuovi;
23 Like the vine, I have born the fruit of a sweet fragrance. And my flowers are the fruit of honor and integrity.
24 fa traboccare l'intelligenza come l'Eufrate
e come il Giordano nei giorni della mietitura;
24 I am the mother of the beauty of love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope.
25 espande la dottrina come il Nilo,
come il Ghicon nei giorni della vendemmia.
25 All grace of the way and of the truth is in me. All hope of life and of virtue is in me.
26 Il primo non ne esaurisce la conoscenza
né l'ultimo la può pienamente indagare.
26 Journey toward me, all you who desire me, and be filled by my harvest.
27 Il suo pensiero infatti è più vasto del mare
e il suo consiglio più del grande abisso.
27 For my spirit is sweeter than honey, and my inheritance is better than honey and the honeycomb.
28 Io sono come un canale derivante da un fiume
e come un corso d'acqua sono uscita verso un giardino.
28 My memory is for the generations of all ages.
29 Ho detto: "Innaffierò il mio giardino
e irrigherò la mia aiuola".
Ed ecco il mio canale è diventato un fiume,
il mio fiume è diventato un mare.
29 Whoever consumes me will hunger still. And whoever drinks me will thirst still.
30 Farò ancora splendere la mia dottrina come l'aurora;
la farò brillare molto lontano.
30 Whoever listens to me will not be confounded. And whoever acts in me will not sin.
31 Riverserò ancora l'insegnamento come una profezia,
lo lascerò per le generazioni future.
31 Whoever elucidates me will have eternal life.”
32 Vedete, non ho lavorato solo per me,
ma per quanti cercano la dottrina.
32 All this is a book of life, and a covenant of the Most High, and an acknowledgement of truth.
33 Moses commanded the law by the precepts of justice, and an inheritance to the house of Jacob, and the promises to Israel.
34 God appointed David as his servant, in order to raise up from him a most mighty King, who would sit upon the throne of honor forever.
35 It is he who fulfills wisdom, like the Phison river and the Tigris river in the first days.
36 It is he who fulfills understanding, like the river Euphrates. It is he who multiplies understanding, like the river Jordan in the time of the harvest.
37 He sends forth discipline like the light, and he stands forth like the river Gehon in the time of the vintage.
38 He first had perfect knowledge of her, for a weaker one would not search for her.
39 For her thoughts abound like the sea, and her counsels abound like the great abyss.
40 “I, wisdom, have poured forth rivers.
41 I am like a brook leading to a river of immense waters. I am like a channel flowing from a river. And I went forth from Paradise like an aqueduct.
42 I said: I will irrigate my garden of plantings, and I will thoroughly water the fruits of my field.
43 And behold, my brook became overflowing, and my river drew near to the sea.
44 For I illuminate doctrine to all, like the first light. And I will announce doctrine, even to those who are far away.
45 I will reach to all the lower parts of the earth, and I will gaze upon all who sleep, and I will illuminate all who hope in the Lord.
46 Even now, I pour forth doctrine like prophecy. And even now, I bequeath doctrine to those who seek wisdom. And I will not cease from their progeny, even unto the holy time.
47 See how I have not labored for myself alone, but for all who are seeking truth!”