
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 45

1 dilectum a Deo et hominibus
Moysen, cuius memoria in benedictione est.
1 Moses was beloved by God and men. The remembrance of him is a blessing.
2 Similem illum fecit in gloria sanctorum
et magnificavit eum in timore inimicorum
et in verbis suis signa acceleravit.
2 He made him like the holy ones in glory, and he magnified him by the fear of his enemies, and he appeased great portents by his words.
3 Glorificavit illum in conspectu regum
et ius dedit illi ad populum suum
et ostendit illi gloriam suam.
3 He glorified him in the sight of kings, and he gave commandments to him in the sight of his people, and he revealed his glory to him.
4 In fide et lenitate ipsius sanctum fecit illum
et elegit eum ex omni carne.
4 He made him holy by his faith and meekness, and he chose him from among all flesh.
5 Auditam fecit illi vocem suam
et induxit illum in nubem;
5 For he heard him and his voice, and he led him into a cloud.
6 et dedit illi coram praecepta
et legem vitae et disciplinae,
docere Iacob testamentum suum
et iudicia sua Israel.
6 And he gave him precepts in his presence, with a law of life and discipline, so as to teach Jacob his covenant and Israel his judgments.
7 Excelsum fecit Aaron sanctum similem ei,
fratrem eius de tribu Levi.
7 He exalted his brother Aaron and those who were similar to him from the tribe of Levi.
8 Statuit illum in testamentum aeternum
et dedit illi sacerdotium gentis,
et beatificavit illum in gloria
8 He established an eternal covenant with him, and he gave him the priesthood of the people, and he caused him to be blessed in glory.
9 et circumcinxit eum zona gloriae.
Et induit eum perfecto decore
et coronavit eum in vasis virtutis:
9 And he encircled him with a glorious belt, and he clothed him with a robe of glory, and he crowned him with virtuous attire.
10 femoralia et tunicam et umerale posuit ei
et cinxit illum tintinnabulis aureis,
malis granatis plurimis in gyro,
10 He placed upon him a garment to the feet, and pants, and an ephod, and he wrapped him all around with many little bells of gold,
11 ut daret sonitum in incessu suo,
auditum faceret sonitum in templo
in memoriam filiis gentis suae.
11 so that there would be a sound at his arrival, and so as to make a noise that would be heard in the temple, as a memorial for the sons of his people.
12 Stola sancta auro et hyacintho et purpura,
opus textile rationale iudicii et cingulum,
12 He provided him with a holy robe of gold and hyacinth and purple, a woven work for a wise man of judgment and truth,
13 tortum coccum opere artificis,
gemmae pretiosae super rationale
in ligatura auri, opere lapidarii sculptis,
in memoriam cum scriptura sculpta secundum numerum tribuum Israel.
13 a work of twisted scarlet, the work of an artist, with precious stones, cut and set in gold, and engraved by the work of a jeweler, as a memorial according to the number of the tribes of Israel.
14 Corona aurea super mitram eius,
lamina cum signo sanctitatis, gloria honoris,
opus virtutis et desideria oculorum, perfecta pulchritudo.
14 He provided him with a crown of gold upon his headdress, on which was written a symbol of holiness, a mark of honor. This was a work of virtue and a delight to the eyes in its beauty.
15 Sic pulchra ante ipsum non fuerunt talia in sempiternum;
15 Prior to him, there was no one of such beauty, even from the beginning.
16 non induet illa alienigena aliquis,
sed tantum filii ipsius soli
et nepotes eius per omne tempus.
16 No foreigner was ever clothed with these things, but only his sons and his descendents alone, for all time.
17 Sacrificium ipsius consumitur
igne cotidie iuge bis.
17 His sacrifices were consumed by fire daily.
18 Complevit Moyses manus eius
et unxit illum oleo sancto.
18 Moses filled his hands and anointed him with holy oil.
19 Factum est illi in testamentum aeternum
et semini eius sicut dies caeli:
ministrare illi et fungi sacerdotio
et benedicere populum suum in nomine eius.
19 An eternal covenant was made, with him and with his offspring, like the days of heaven, to execute the office of the priesthood, and to give praise and to glorify his people, in his name.
20 Ipsum elegit ab omni vivente
offerre sacrificium Deo, incensum et adipes
et incendere bonum odorem et memoriale
et placare pro populo suo.
20 He chose him from among all living men to offer to God sacrifice, incense, and a pleasing fragrance, as a memorial of appeasement on behalf of his people.
21 Et dedit illi in praeceptis suis potestatem,
in testamentis iudiciorum:
docere Iacob testimonia
et in lege sua lucem dare Israel.
21 And he gave him authority by his precepts, in the covenants of his judgments, to teach Jacob his testimonies, and to give light by his law to Israel.
22 Quia contra illum steterunt alieni,
et propter invidiam circumdederunt illum homines in deserto,
qui erant cum Dathan et Abiram,
et congregatio Core in iracundia furoris sui.
22 Then strangers stood up against him, and, because of envy, the men who were with Dathan and Abiram surrounded him in the desert, along with the congregation of Korah, in their anger.
23 Vidit Dominus Deus, et non placuit illi,
et consumpti sunt in impetu iracundiae eius.
23 The Lord God saw this, and it did not please him, and so they were consumed by the force of his anger.
24 Fecit illis monstra
et consumpsit illos in flamma ignis.
24 He wrought great portents among them, and he consumed them with a flame of fire.
25 Et addidit Aaron gloriam
et dedit illi hereditatem
et primitias frugum terrae divisit illi.
25 And he added glory to Aaron, and he gave him an inheritance, and he allotted to him the first-fruits of the earth.
26 Panem ipsis in primis paravit in satietatem,
nam et sacrificia Domini edent,
quae dedit illi et semini eius.
26 He prepared for them the finest bread unto fullness. And they shall also eat from the sacrifices of the Lord, which he gave to him and to his offspring.
27 Ceterum in terra gentis non hereditabit,
et pars non est illi in gente:
ipse est enim pars eius et hereditas.
27 And yet he will not have an inheritance among the people of the land, and he has no portion among the people. For the Lord himself is his portion and his inheritance.
28 Et Phinees filius Eleazari tertius in gloria est,
zelando timorem Domini;
28 Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, is third in glory, by imitating him in the fear of the Lord.
29 et stetit in ruptura pro gente,
in bonitate et alacritate animae suae placuit Deo pro lsrael.
29 And he stood up against the shamefulness of the people. By the goodness and responsiveness of his soul, he appeased God on behalf of Israel.
30 Ideo statuit illi testamentum pacis,
principem sanctorum et gentis suae,
ut sit illi et semini eius
sacerdotii dignitas in aeternum.
30 For this reason, he made him a covenant of peace, a leader of the sanctuary and of his people, so that the dignity of the priesthood would remain with him and with his offspring unto eternity.
31 Et testamentum David regi filio Iesse de tribu Iudae,
hereditas viri coram gloria eius,
hereditas Aaron et semini eius.
Det vobis sapientiam in cor vestrum
iudicare gentem suam in iustitia,
ne abolerentur bona ipsorum,
et gloria ipsorum in generationes aeternas.
31 And he made a covenant with king David, the son of Jesse from the tribe of Judah, an inheritance for him and for his offspring, so that he might provide wisdom for our hearts, so as to judge his people in justice, lest their good things be abolished. And he caused their glory within their nation to be everlasting.