
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbios 11

1 Abominación de Yahveh la balanza falsa,
pero el peso justo gana su favor.
1 False scales are an abomination to the LORD, but a full weight is his delight.
2 Detrás de la insolencia viene el insulto;
mas con los modosos está la sabiduría.
2 When pride comes, disgrace comes; but with the humble is wisdom.
3 A los rectos su integridad les guía;
a los pérfidos les arruina su perversidad.
3 The honesty of the upright guides them; the faithless are ruined by their duplicity.
4 Nada servirán riquezas el día de la ira,
mas la justicia libra de la muerte.
4 Wealth is useless on the day of wrath, but virtue saves from death.
5 A los íntregros su justicia les allana el camino,
pero el malo cae en su malicia.
5 The honest man's virtue makes his way straight, but by his wickedness the wicked man falls.
6 A los rectos les salva su justicia,
los pérfidos en su codicia son atrapados.
6 The virtue of the upright saves them, but the faithless are caught in their own intrigue.
7 En la muerte del malo se esfuma su esperanza,
la confianza en las riquezas se desvanece.
7 When a wicked man dies his hope perishes, and what is expected from strength comes to nought.
8 El justo es librado de la angustia,
y el malo viene a ocupar su lugar.
8 The just man escapes trouble, and the wicked man falls into it in his stead.
9 Con la boca el impío pierde a su vecino,
por la ciencia se libran los justos.
9 With his mouth the impious man would ruin his neighbor, but through their knowledge the just make their escape.
10 Con el bien de los justos la ciudad se regocija,
con la perdición de los malos grita de alegría.
10 When the just prosper, the city rejoices; and when the wicked perish, there is jubilation.
11 Con la bendición de los rectos, se levanta la ciudad;
la boca de los malos la destruye.
11 Through the blessing of the righteous the city is exalted, but through the mouth of the wicked it is overthrown.
12 Quien desprecia a su vecino es un insensato;
el hombre discreto se calla.
12 He who reviles his neighbor has no sense, but the intelligent man keeps silent.
13 El que anda calumniando descubre secretos,
el de espíritu leal oculta las cosas.
13 A newsmonger reveals secrets, but a trustworthy man keeps a confidence.
14 Donde no hay buen gobierno, el pueblo se hunde;
abundancia de consejeros, trae salvación.
14 For lack of guidance a people falls; security lies in many counselors.
15 El mal se busca quien avala al desconocido,
quien no es amigo de chocar la mano está seguro.
15 He is in a bad way who becomes surety for another, but he who hates giving pledges is safe.
16 Mujer graciosa consigue honor,
y los audaces consiguen la riqueza.
16 A gracious woman wins esteem, but she who hates virtue is covered with shame. (The slothful become impoverished, but the diligent gain wealth.)
17 A sí mismo se beneficia el que es compasivo,
a sí mismo se perjudica el hombre cruel.
17 A kindly man benefits himself, but a merciless man harms himself.
18 El malo consigue un jornal falso;
el que siembra justicia, un salario verdadero.
18 The wicked man makes empty profits, but he who sows virture has a sure reward.
19 Al que establece justicia, la vida,
al que obra el mal, la muerte.
19 Virtue directs toward life, but he who pursues evil does so to his death.
20 A los de corazón torcido abomina Yahveh;
a los de camino intachable da su favor.
20 The depraved in heart are an abomination to the LORD, but those who walk blamelessly are his delight.
21 De cierto que el malo no quedará impune,
mas la raza de los justos quedará a salvo.
21 Truly the evil man shall not go unpunished, but those who are just shall escape.
22 Anillo de oro en nariz de un puerco,
mujer hermosa pero sin gusto.
22 Like a golden ring in a swine's snout is a beautiful woman with a rebellious disposition.
23 El deseo de los justos es sólo el bien,
la esperanza de los malos, la ira.
23 The desire of the just ends only in good; the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
24 Hay quien gasta y todavía va a más;
y hay quien ahorra en demasía sólo para venir a menos.
24 One man is lavish yet grows still richer; another is too sparing, yet is the poorer.
25 El alma generosa será colmada,
y el que sacia a otro la sed, también será saciado.
25 He who confers benefits will be amply enriched, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
26 El pueblo maldice al que acapara trigo;
bendición para la cabeza del que vende.
26 Him who monopolizes grain, the people curse-- but blessings upon the head of him who distributes it!
27 Quien busca el bien, se procura favor,
quien va tras el mal, le saldrá al encuentro.
27 He who seeks the good commands favor, but he who pursues evil will have evil befall him.
28 Quien confía en su riqueza, ése caerá,
los justos brotarán como follaje.
28 He who trusts in his riches will fall, but like green leaves the just flourish.
29 Quien desordena su casa, hereda viento,
el insensato será esclavo del sabio.
29 He who upsets his household has empty air for a heritage; and the fool will become slave to the wise man.
30 El fruto del justo es un árbol de vida;
cautivador de las almas es el sabio.
30 The fruit of virtue is a tree of life, but violence takes lives away.
31 Si el justo recibe su recompensa en la tierra,
¡cuánto más el pecador y el malo!
31 If the just man is punished on earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner!