
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Ecclesiasticus 50

1 Simon, Oniæ filius, sacerdos magnus,
qui in vita sua suffulsit domum,
et in diebus suis corroboravit templum.
1 Simon, the high priest, son of Onias: in his life, he propped up the house, and in his days, he strengthened the temple.
2 Templi etiam altitudo ab ipso fundata est,
duplex ædificatio, et excelsi parietes templi.
2 Even the height of the temple was established by him: the double building and the high walls of the temple.
3 In diebus ipsius emanaverunt putei aquarum,
et quasi mare adimpleti sunt supra modum.
3 In his days, waters flowed out from the wells, and these were full beyond measure, like the sea.
4 Qui curavit gentem suam,
et liberavit eam a perditione :
4 He cared for his nation, and he freed it from perdition.
5 qui prævaluit amplificare civitatem,
qui adeptus est gloriam in conversatione gentis,
et ingressum domus et atrii amplificavit.
5 He prevailed, so as to enlarge the city. And he obtained glory by his behavior among the people. And he enlarged the entrance of the house and of the atrium.
6 Quasi stella matutina in medio nebulæ,
et quasi luna plena, in diebus suis lucet :
6 He shined in his days like the morning star through the midst of a cloud, and like the full moon.
7 et quasi sol refulgens,
sic ille effulsit in templo Dei.
7 And he shined forth in the temple of God in this manner: like the sun when it shines brightly,
8 Quasi arcus refulgens inter nebulas gloriæ,
et quasi flos rosarum in diebus vernis,
et quasi lilia quæ sunt in transitu aquæ,
et quasi thus redolens in diebus æstatis :
8 and like a rainbow shining amid clouds of glory, and like flowering roses in the days of spring, and like lilies along the water’s edge, and like sweet smelling frankincense in the days of summer,
9 quasi ignis effulgens,
et thus ardens in igne :
9 like a fire shining brightly, and like frankincense burning within a fire,
10 quasi vas auri solidum,
ornatum omni lapide pretioso :
10 like a vessel of solid gold, adorned with every precious stone,
11 quasi oliva pullulans, et cypressus in altitudinem se extollens,
in accipiendo ipsum stolam gloriæ,
et vestiri eum in consummationem virtutis.
11 like an olive tree producing buds, and like a cypress tree lifting itself on high, when he received the robe of glory and was vested with the consummation of virtue.
12 In ascensu altaris sancti
gloriam dedit sanctitatis amictum.
12 He gave glory to the vestment of sanctity, when he ascended to the holy altar.
13 In accipiendo autem partes de manu sacerdotum,
et ipse stans juxta aram :
et circa illum corona fratrum :
quasi plantatio cedri in monte Libano,
13 Then, when he received the portions from the hands of the priests, he himself stood next to the altar. And around him was the crown of his brethren, like a cedar planted on a mountain of Lebanon.
14 sic circa illum steterunt quasi rami palmæ :
et omnes filii Aaron in gloria sua.
14 And they stood around him like palm branches, and all were sons of Aaron in their glory.
15 Oblatio autem Domini in manibus ipsorum
coram omni synagoga Israël :
et consummatione fungens in ara,
amplificare oblationem excelsi Regis,
15 Then the oblation of the Lord was in their hands, in the sight of the entire synagogue of Israel. And completing his service at the altar, so as to magnify the offering to the Most High King,
16 porrexit manum suam in libatione,
et libavit de sanguine uvæ.
16 he extended his hand to make a libation, and he offered from the blood of the grape.
17 Effudit in fundamento altaris
odorem divinum excelso Principi.
17 At the base of the altar, he poured out a divine fragrance to the Most High Prince.
18 Tunc exclamaverunt filii Aaron,
in tubis productilibus sonuerunt :
et auditam fecerunt vocem magnam in memoriam coram Deo.
18 Then the sons of Aaron shouted; they sounded finely-made trumpets, and they made a great noise, as a memorial in the sight of God.
19 Tunc omnis populus simul properaverunt,
et ceciderunt in faciem super terram,
adorare Dominum Deum suum,
et dare preces omnipotenti Deo excelso.
19 Then all the people at once hurried forward, and they fell to the ground on their faces, to adore the Lord their God, and to offer prayers to Almighty God Most High.
20 Et amplificaverunt psallentes in vocibus suis,
et in magna domo auctus est sonus suavitatis plenus.
20 And the singers of Psalms raised their voices, and a full sweet sound increased in the great house.
21 Et rogavit populus Dominum excelsum in prece,
usque dum perfectus est honor Domini,
et munus suum perfecerunt.
21 And the people petitioned the Most High Lord in prayer, even until the honor of the Lord was completed, and they finished offering their gifts.
22 Tunc descendens, manus suas extulit
in omne congregationem filiorum Israël,
dare gloriam Deo a labiis suis,
et in nomine ipsius gloriari :
22 Then, descending, he extended his hands over the entire congregation of the sons of Israel, to give glory to God from his lips, and to glory in his name.
23 et iteravit orationem suam,
volens ostendere virtutem Dei.
23 And he repeated his prayer, wanting to reveal the virtue of God.
24 Et nunc orate Deum omnium, qui magna fecit in omni terra,
qui auxit dies nostros a ventre matris nostræ,
et fecit nobiscum secundum suam misericordiam :
24 And now, pray to the God of all, who has accomplished great things over all the earth, who has increased our days from our mother’s womb, and who has acted toward us in accord with his mercy.
25 det nobis jucunditatem cordis,
et fieri pacem in diebus nostris in Israël per dies sempiternos :
25 May he give us joyfulness in heart, and may there be peace in our days, in Israel for unending days,
26 credere Israël nobiscum esse Dei misericordiam,
ut liberet nos in diebus suis.
26 so that Israel may trust the mercy of God to be with us, in order to free us in his days.
27 Duas gentes odit anima mea :
tertia autem non est gens quam oderim :
27 Two nations my soul hates, and a third, which I hate, is not a nation:
28 qui sedent in monte Seir, et Philisthiim,
et stultus populus qui habitat in Sichimis.
28 those who sit upon mount Seir, and the Philistines, and the foolish people who live at Shechem.
29 Doctrinam sapientiæ et disciplinæ scripsit in codice isto
Jesus, filius Sirach, Jerosolymita,
qui renovavit sapientiam de corde suo.
29 Jesus, the son of Sirach, of Jerusalem, who renewed wisdom from his heart, wrote the doctrine of wisdom and discipline in this book.
30 Beatus qui in istis versatur bonis :
qui ponit illa in corde suo, sapiens erit semper.
30 Blessed is he who lives by these good things. Whoever places these things in his heart will be ever wise.
31 Si enim hæc fecerit, ad omnia valebit, quia lux Dei vestigium ejus est.31 For if he does these things, he will prevail in all things. For the light of God is upon his footsteps.