
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Sapienza 10

1 Haec illum, qui primus formatus est, pater orbis terrarum,
cum solus esset creatus, custodivit
et eduxit illum a delicto suo
1 This is he, who was formed first by God, the father of the world, who was alone when created; she preserved him,
2 et dedit illi virtutem continendi omnia.
2 and led him out of his offense, and gave him the power to maintain all things.
3 Ab hac ut recessit iniustus in ira sua,
in furoribus fraternae caedis deperiit;
3 After this, when the unjust man withdrew from her in his anger, he perished through anger by the murder of his brother.
4 propter quem, cum demergeretur terra,
sanavit eam iterum sapientia
per contemptibile lignum iustum gubernans.
4 Because of this, when water destroyed the earth, wisdom healed it again, guiding the just by means of contemptible wood.
5 Haec et in consensu nequitiae, cum se nationes confudissent,
scivit iustum et conservavit sine querela Deo
et super filii viscera fortem custodivit.
5 Moreover, when the nations had conspired together to consent to wickedness, she knew the just, and preserved him without blame before God, and preserved his strength out of mercy for his sons.
6 Haec iustum a pereuntibus impiis liberavit fugientem,
descendente igne in Pentapolim;
6 She freed this just man from the destruction of the impious, fleeing descending fire in the Five Cities,
7 cuius adhuc in testimonium nequitiae
fumigabunda constat deserta terra,
et incertis temporibus fructus habentes arbores,
et incredibilis animae memoria stans figmentum salis.
7 which, as a testimony to their wickedness, is a constantly smoking desolate land, and the trees bear fruit at uncertain times, and a figure of salt stands as a monument to an unbelieving soul.
8 Sapientiam enim praetereuntes
non tantum in hoc lapsi sunt, ut ignorarent bona,
sed et insipientiae suae reliquerunt hominibus memoriam,
ut in his, quae peccaverunt, nec latere potuissent.
8 For, in disregarding wisdom, they are fallen, not so much in this, that they were ignorant of good, but that they bequeathed to men a memorial of their foolishness, so that, in the things in which they sinned, they were unable to escape notice.
9 Sapientia autem hos, qui eam observant, a laboribus liberavit.
9 Yet wisdom has freed from sorrow those who are self-observant.
10 Haec profugum irae fratris iustum
deduxit per vias rectas
et ostendit illi regnum Dei
et dedit illi scientiam sanctorum;
honestavit illum in laboribus
et complevit labores illius.
10 She led the just man, this fugitive of his brother’s wrath, by the right ways, and revealed to him the kingdom of God, and gave him the knowledge of holiness, honored him in his labors, and completed his labors.
11 In avaritia circumvenientium illum affuit illi
et honestum fecit illum.
11 In the midst of encircling deceit, she flowed around him and made him honest.
12 Custodivit illum ab inimicis
et ab insidiantibus tutavit illum;
et post certamen forte bravium dedit illi,
ut sciret quoniam omnium potentior est pietas.
12 She guarded him from his enemies, and she defended him from seducers, and she gave him a strong conflict so that he might overcome and might know that the power of all things is wisdom.
13 Haec venditum iustum non dereliquit,
sed a peccato liberavit eum;
13 She did not abandon the just man when he was sold, but freed him from sinners; she went down with him into the pit,
14 descenditque cum illo in foveam
et in vinculis non dereliquit illum,
donec afferret illi sceptrum regni
et potentiam adversus eos, qui eum deprimebant,
et mendaces ostendit, qui maculaverunt illum,
et dedit illi claritatem aeternam.
14 and she did not abandon him in chains, while she brought him the scepter of the kingdom and power against those who oppressed him, and revealed them to be liars who had dishonored him, and gave him everlasting glory.
15 Haec populum sanctum et semen sine querela
liberavit a nationibus, quae illum deprimebant.
15 She freed this just people and the blameless offspring, from the nations that had oppressed them.
16 Intravit in animam servi Domini
et stetit contra reges horrendos in portentis et signis.
16 She entered the soul of the servant of God and stood against dreadful kings in the midst of portents and signs,
17 Reddidit sanctis mercedem laborum suorum
et deduxit illos in via mirabili
et fuit illis in velamento diei
et in luce stellarum per noctem.
17 and she rendered to the just the wages of their labors, and led them along a wondrous way; and she was to them, like a cover by day, and like the light of the stars by night.
18 Transtulit illos per mare Rubrum
et transvexit illos per aquam nimiam
18 She carried them through the Red Sea, and led them across a great water.
19 inimicos autem illorum demersit
et ab altitudine abyssi eduxit illos.
19 But their enemies, she submerged in the sea, and from the furthest depths, she drew them up. Therefore, the just carried off the spoils of the impious.
20 Ideo iusti tulerunt spolia impiorum
et decantaverunt, Domine, nomen sanctum tuum
et victricem manum tuam laudaverunt unanimiter,
20 And they chanted to your holy name, Lord, and they together praised your victorious hand,
21 quoniam sapientia aperuit os mutorum
et linguas infantium fecit disertas.
21 because wisdom opened the mouth of the mute, and made the speech of infants eloquent.