
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Lettera ai Galati 4

1 Dico autem: Quanto tempore heres parvulus est, nihil differt a servo, cumsit dominus omnium,1 But I say that, during the time an heir is a child, he is no different from a servant, even though he is the owner of everything.
2 sed sub tutoribus est et actoribus usque ad praefinitumtempus a patre.2 For he is under tutors and caretakers, until the time which was predetermined by the father.
3 Ita et nos, cum essemus parvuli, sub elementis mundi eramusservientes;3 So also we, when we were children, were subservient to the influences of the world.
4 at ubi venit plenitudo temporis, misit Deus Filium suum, factum exmuliere, factum sub lege,4 But when the fullness of time arrived, God sent his Son, formed from a woman, formed under the law,
5 ut eos, qui sub lege erant, redimeret, ut adoptionemfiliorum reciperemus.5 so that he might redeem those who were under the law, in order that we might receive the adoption of sons.
6 Quoniam autem estis filii, misit Deus Spiritum Filii suiin corda nostra clamantem: “ Abba, Pater! ”.6 Therefore, because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying out: “Abba, Father.”
7 Itaque iam non es servus sedfilius; quod si filius, et heres per Deum.
7 And so now he is not a servant, but a son. But if he is a son, then he is also an heir, through God.
8 Sed tunc quidem ignorantes Deum, his, qui natura non sunt dii, servistis;8 But then, certainly, while ignorant of God, you served those who, by nature, are not gods.
9 nunc autem, cum cognoveritis Deum, immo cogniti sitis a Deo, quomodoconvertimini iterum ad infirma et egena elementa, quibus rursus ut antea servirevultis?9 But now, since you have known God, or rather, since you have been known by God: how can you turn away again, to weak and destitute influences, which you desire to serve anew?
10 Dies observatis et menses et tempora et annos!10 You serve the days, and months, and times, and years.
11 Timeo vos, ne fortesine causa laboraverim in vobis.
11 I am afraid for you, lest perhaps I may have labored in vain among you.
12 Estote sicut ego, quia et ego sicut vos; fratres, obsecro vos. Nihil melaesistis;12 Brothers, I beg you. Be as I am. For I, too, am like you. You have not injured me at all.
13 scitis autem quia per infirmitatem carnis pridem vobisevangelizavi,13 But you know that, in the weakness of the flesh, I have preached the Gospel to you for a long time, and that your trials are in my flesh.
14 et tentationem vestram in carne mea non sprevistis nequerespuistis, sed sicut angelum Dei excepistis me, sicut Christum Iesum.
14 You did not despise or reject me. But instead, you accepted me like an Angel of God, even like Christ Jesus.
15 Ubi est ergo beatitudo vestra? Testimonium enim perhibeo vobis, quia, sifieri posset, oculos vestros eruissetis et dedissetis mihi.15 Therefore, where is your happiness? For I offer to you testimony that, if it could be done, you would have plucked out your own eyes and would have given them to me.
16 Ergo inimicusvobis factus sum, verum dicens vobis?16 So then, have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?
17 Aemulantur vos non bene, sed excluderevos volunt, ut illos aemulemini.17 They are not imitating you well. And they are willing to exclude you, so that you might imitate them.
18 Bonum est autem aemulari in bono semper, etnon tantum cum praesens sum apud vos,18 But be imitators of what is good, always in a good way, and not only when I am present with you.
19 filioli mei, quos iterum parturio,donec formetur Christus in vobis!19 My little sons, I am giving birth to you again, until Christ is formed in you.
20 Vellem autem esse apud vos modo et mutarevocem meam, quoniam incertus sum in vobis.
20 And I would willingly be present with you, even now. But I would alter my voice: for I am ashamed of you.
21 Dicite mihi, qui sub lege vultis esse: Legem non auditis?21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, have you not read the law?
22 Scriptum estenim quoniam Abraham duos filios habuit, unum de ancilla et unum de libera.22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons: one by a servant woman, and one by a free woman.
23 Sed qui de ancilla, secundum carnem natus est; qui autem de libera, perpromissionem.23 And he who was of the servant was born according to the flesh. But he who was of the free woman was born by the promise.
24 Quae sunt per allegoriam dicta; ipsae enim sunt duo Testamenta,unum quidem a monte Sinai, in servitutem generans, quod est Agar.24 These things are said through an allegory. For these represent the two testaments. Certainly the one, on Mount Sinai, gives birth unto servitude, which is Hagar.
25 Illud veroAgar mons est Sinai in Arabia, respondet autem Ierusalem, quae nunc est; servitenim cum filiis suis.25 For Sinai is a mountain in Arabia, which is related to the Jerusalem of the present time, and it serves with her sons.
26 Illa autem, quae sursum est Ierusalem, libera est, quaeest mater nostra;26 But that Jerusalem which is above is free; the same is our mother.
27 scriptum est enim:
“ Laetare, sterilis, quae non paris,
erumpe et exclama, quae non parturis,
quia multi filii desertae
magis quam eius, quae habet virum ”.
27 For it was written: “Rejoice, O barren one, though you do not conceive. Burst forth and cry out, though you do not give birth. For many are the children of the desolate, even more than of her who has a husband.”
28 Vos autem, fratres, secundum Isaac promissionis filii estis.28 Now we, brothers, like Isaac, are sons of the promise.
29 Sed quomodotunc, qui secundum carnem natus fuerat, persequebatur eum, qui secundumspiritum, ita et nunc.29 But just as then, he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now.
30 Sed quid dicit Scriptura? “ Eice ancillam et filiumeius; non enim heres erit filius ancillae cum filio liberae ”.30 And what does Scripture say? “Cast out the woman servant and her son. For the son of a servant women shall not be an heir with the son of a free woman.”
31 Itaque,fratres, non sumus ancillae filii sed liberae.
31 And so, brothers, we are not the sons of the servant woman, but rather of the free woman. And this is the freedom with which Christ has set us free.