
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Secondo libro dei Maccabei 12

1 Dopo pattuite quelle cose Lisia: se ne tornò a trovare il re; e i Giudei si diedero a coltivare le loro terre.1 When these covenants were made, Lysias went unto the king, and the Jews were about their husbandry.
2 Ma quelli che eran rimasi nel paese, Timoteo, e Apollonio figliuolo di Genneo, e anche Girolamo, e Demofonte, e oltre a questi Nicanore governatore di Cipro non li lasciavano ben avere, nè viver tranquilli.2 But of the governours of several places, Timotheus, and Apollonius the son of Genneus, also Hieronymus, and Demophon, and beside them Nicanor the governor of Cyprus, would not suffer them to be quiet and live in peace.
3 Quelli poi di Joppe giunsero a commettere questa barbarie: invitarono i Giudei abitanti in quella città ad entrare nelle barche da lor preparate, non essendovi tra gli uni, e gli altri nissuna nimicizia.3 The men of Joppa also did such an ungodly deed: they prayed the Jews that dwelt among them to go with their wives and children into the boats which they had prepared, as though they had meant them no hurt.
4 E questi avendo a ciò condiscesa senza sospetto alcuno di male per ragion della pace, e della pubblica convenzione fatta colla città, allorché si trovarono in alto mare furono annegati non meno di dugento.4 Who accepted of it according to the common decree of the city, as being desirous to live in peace, and suspecting nothing: but when they were gone forth into the deep, they drowned no less than two hundred of them.
5 La qual crudeltà esercitata contro quei suoi nazionali appena giunse a notizia di Giuda, mise in ordine la sua gente, e invocato Dio giusto giudice,5 When Judas heard of this cruelty done unto his countrymen, he commanded those that were with him to make them ready.
6 Andò a punire gli uccisori de' fratelli, e di notte tempo mise a fuoco, e fiamma il porto, e abbrugiò le barche, e trucidò quelli, che erano scampati dal fuoco.6 And calling upon God the righteous Judge, he came against those murderers of his brethren, and burnt the haven by night, and set the boats on fire, and those that fled thither he slew.
7 E fatto questo parti per poi ritornarvi, e sterminare tutti i cittadini di Joppe.7 And when the town was shut up, he went backward, as if he would return to root out all them of the city of Joppa.
8 Ma avendo saputo, che anche quelli di Jamnia meditavano di trattare in simil guisa i Giudei che abitavano tra di loro,8 But when he heard that the Jamnites were minded to do in like manner unto the Jews that dwelt among them,
9 Sopraggiunse anche a Jamnia di notte tempo, e diede fuoco al porto, e alle navi, onde il chiaror delle fiamme si vedeva a Gerusalemme in distanza di dugento quaranta stadj.9 He came upon the Jamnites also by night, and set fire on the haven and the navy, so that the light of the fire was seen at Jerusalem two hundred and forty furlongs off.
10 E partito che fu di là, e avendo camminato dieci stadj, e avanzandosi contro Timoteo, fu egli assalito dagli Arabi in numero di cinque mila fanti, e di cinque cento cavalli.10 Now when they were gone from thence nine furlongs in their journey toward Timotheus, no fewer than five thousand men on foot and five hundred horsemen of the Arabians set upon him.
11 E dopo un aspro combattimento, il quale coll'aiuto di Dio ebbe felice esito per lui, quelli che restavano dell'esercito vinto degli Arabi, chieser la pace a Giuda, promettendo di cedergli dei pascoli, e di giovargli in ogni altra cosa.11 Whereupon there was a very sore battle; but Judas' side by the help of God got the victory; so that the Nomades of Arabia, being overcome, besought Judas for peace, promising both to give him cattle, and to pleasure him otherwise.
12 E Giuda credendo che veramente poteano essergli utili in molte cose, promise la pace; e fatto l'accordo se n'andaron quegli alle loro tende.12 Then Judas, thinking indeed that they would be profitable in many things, granted them peace: whereupon they shook hands, and so they departed to their tents.
13 Indi egli diede l'assalto ad una città forte, chiusa intorno di ponti, e di mura, abitata da una turba di varie nazioni, la quale chiamavasi Casphin.13 He went also about to make a bridge to a certain strong city, which was fenced about with walls, and inhabited by people of divers countries; and the name of it was Caspis.
14 Ma quelli di dentro affidati sulla saldezza della mura, e avendo provvisione di viveri, non se ne mettevano in pena, e provocavano Giuda colle villanie, e colle bestemmie, e con parole da non ridirsi.14 But they that were within it put such trust in the strength of the walls and provision of victuals, that they behaved themselves rudely toward them that were with Judas, railing and blaspheming, and uttering such words as were not to be spoken.
15 Ma Maccabeo, invocato il gran Re dell'Universo, il quale senza arieti, né macchine atterrò Gerico a tempo di Giosuè, sali furiosamente sopra le mura:15 Wherefore Judas with his company, calling upon the great Lord of the world, who without rams or engines of war did cast down Jericho in the time of Joshua, gave a fierce assault against the walls,
16 E presa per divino volere la città, vi fece immensa strage, talmente che il lago adiacente largo due stadj appariva tinto del sangue degli uccisi.16 And took the city by the will of God, and made unspeakable slaughters, insomuch that a lake two furlongs broad near adjoining thereunto, being filled full, was seen running with blood.
17 E partiti di là dopo un viaggio di settecento cinquanta stadj giunsero a Characa presso que' Giudei, che sono detti Tubianei:17 Then departed they from thence seven hundred and fifty furlongs, and came to Characa unto the Jews that are called Tubieni.
18 Ma non trovaron ivi Timoteo, il quale senza aver fatto nulla tornò indietro, lasciando in un dato luogo una guarnigione assai forte.18 But as for Timotheus, they found him not in the places: for before he had dispatched any thing, he departed from thence, having left a very strong garrison in a certain hold.
19 E Dositeo, e Sosipatro, che erano capitani de' soldati insieme con Maccabeo, uccisero dieci mila uomini lasciati da Timoteo in quella fortezza.19 Howbeit Dositheus and Sosipater, who were of Maccabeus' captains, went forth, and slew those that Timotheus had left in the fortress, above ten thousand men.
20 E Maccabeo riuniti seco sei mila uomini, e divisigli in coorti si avanzò contro Timoteo, che avea seco cento venti mila fanti, e due mila cinque cento cavalli.20 And Maccabeus ranged his army by bands, and set them over the bands, and went against Timotheus, who had about him an hundred and twenty thousand men of foot, and two thousand and five hundred horsemen.
21 Ma Timoteo avendo saputo l'arrivo di Giuda, mandò innanzi le donne, e i ragazzi, e tutto il bagaglio in una fortezza chiamata Charnion; perocché questa era inespugnabile, e di difficile accesso a causa delle strettezze dei luoghi.21 Now when Timotheus had knowledge of Judas' coming, he sent the women and children and the other baggage unto a fortress called Carnion: for the town was hard to besiege, and uneasy to come unto, by reason of the straitness of all the places.
22 Ma all'apparire della prima coorte di Giuda la paura entrò addosso a' nemici a causa della presenza di Dio, che vede il tutto, e furono messi in fuga gli uni dagli altri, talmente che il maggior danno lo ricevevan dalla loro gente, e restavan feriti dalle spade de' suoi.22 But when Judas his first band came in sight, the enemies, being smitten with fear and terror through the appearing of him who seeth all things, fled amain, one running into this way, another that way, so as that they were often hurt of their own men, and wounded with the points of their own swords.
23 E Giuda vigorosamente gl'inseguiva gastigando que' profani, e ne uccise trenta mila.23 Judas also was very earnest in pursuing them, killing those wicked wretches, of whom he slew about thirty thousand men.
24 E lo stesso Timoteo si imbattè nelle schiere guidate da Dositeo, e da Sosipatro, e istantemente si raccomandava che gli salvasser la vita, perocché aveva in suo potere molti o parenti, o fratelli de' Giudei, i quali, morto lui, avverrebbe che resterebbero senza speranza.24 Moreover Timotheus himself fell into the hands of Dositheus and Sosipater, whom he besought with much craft to let him go with his life, because he had many of the Jews' parents, and the brethren of some of them, who, if they put him to death, should not be regarded.
25 E data parola di restituirli seconda la convenzione fatta, fu lasciato andarsene sano, e salvo par salvare i fratelli.25 So when he had assured them with many words that he would restore them without hurt, according to the agreement, they let him go for the saving of their brethren.
26 E Giuda si mosse contro Carnion, e vi uccise venticinque mila uomini.26 Then Maccabeus marched forth to Carnion, and to the temple of Atargatis, and there he slew five and twenty thousand persons.
27 Dopo la sconfitta, e la strage di quelli andò contro Ephron, città forte abitata da una turba di diverse nazioni, e la gioventù robusta stando a difesa, delle muraglie faceano gran resistenza, e vi erano molte macchine, e gran provvisione di armi.27 And after he had put to flight and destroyed them, Judas removed the host toward Ephron, a strong city, wherein Lysias abode, and a great multitude of divers nations, and the strong young men kept the walls, and defended them mightily: wherein also was great provision of engines and darts.
28 Ma i Giudei, invocato l'Onnipotente, il quale con sua possanza abbatte le forze de' nemici, espugnarono la città, e stesero al suolo venticinque mila uomini di quelli che v'eran dentro.28 But when Judas and his company had called upon Almighty God, who with his power breaketh the strength of his enemies, they won the city, and slew twenty and five thousand of them that were within,
29 Indi andarono alla città degli Sciti, distante secento stadj da Gerusalemme.29 From thence they departed to Scythopolis, which lieth six hundred furlongs from Jerusalem,
30 Ma protestando i Giudei, che dimoravano tragli Scitopolitani, come essi erano trattati da quelli benignamente, e anche nei tempi della calamità, aveano trovata presso di loro molta umanità,30 But when the Jews that dwelt there had testified that the Scythopolitans dealt lovingly with them, and entreated them kindly in the time of their adversity;
31 I Giudei rendettero grazie a quelli, è gli esortarono a continuare nel loro buon animo verso la loro nazione: e partiron per Gerusalemme, essendo imminente il di solenne delle settimane.31 They gave them thanks, desiring them to be friendly still unto them: and so they came to Jerusalem, the feast of the weeks approaching.
32 E dopo la Pentecoste si mossero contro Gorgia governatore dell'Idumea.32 And after the feast, called Pentecost, they went forth against Gorgias the governor of Idumea,
33 E si mossero in viaggio in numero di tre mila fanti, e quattrocento cavalli.33 Who came out with three thousand men of foot and four hundred horsemen.
34 E attaccata la zuffa alcuni pochi Giudei rimasero uccisi.34 And it happened that in their fighting together a few of the Jews were slain.
35 Ma un certo Dositheo soldato a cavallo di quei di Bacenore, uomo valoroso, avea messe le mani addosso a Gorgia; ma volendo egli prenderlo vivo, un soldato a cavallo, Trace di nazione, andò sopra di lui, e gli tagliò la spalla; e in tal modo Gorgia si fuggì a Maresa.35 At which time Dositheus, one of Bacenor's company, who was on horseback, and a strong man, was still upon Gorgias, and taking hold of his coat drew him by force; and when he would have taken that cursed man alive, a horseman of Thracia coming upon him smote off his shoulder, so that Gorgias fled unto Marisa.
36 Ma combattendo per lunga pezza di tempo i soldati che eran sotto il comando di Esdrin, ed essendo già stanchi, Giuda invocò il Signore, affinchè egli fosse lor protettore, e condottiere nella battaglia:36 Now when they that were with Gorgias had fought long, and were weary, Judas called upon the Lord, that he would shew himself to be their helper and leader of the battle.
37 E avendo cominciato a cantare ad alta voce degli inni nel linguaggio natìo messe in fuga i soldati di Gorgia.37 And with that he began in his own language, and sung psalms with a loud voice, and rushing unawares upon Gorgias' men, he put them to flight.
38 E Giuda, riunito l'esercito, giunse alla città di Odollam, e venuto il settimo giorno purificatisi secondo il rito, celebrarono il sabato in quel medesimo luogo.38 So Judas gathered his host, and came into the city of Odollam, And when the seventh day came, they purified themselves, as the custom was, and kept the sabbath in the same place.
39 E il dì seguente Giuda andò colla sua gente a prendere i corpi degli uccisi per riporli co' loro parenti nei sepolcri de' loro nazionali.39 And upon the day following, as the use had been, Judas and his company came to take up the bodies of them that were slain, and to bury them with their kinsmen in their fathers' graves.
40 E in seno degli uccisi trovarono delle cose donate agli idoli, che erano già in Jamnia, le quali sono cose proibite pe' Giudei secondo la legge; e tutti conobbero evidentemente, che per questo quegli eran periti.40 Now under the coats of every one that was slain they found things consecrated to the idols of the Jamnites, which is forbidden the Jews by the law. Then every man saw that this was the cause wherefore they were slain.
41 E tutti benedissero i giusti giudizi del Signore, il quale avea manifestato il male nascosto.41 All men therefore praising the Lord, the righteous Judge, who had opened the things that were hid,
42 E perciò rivoltisi all'orazione, pregarono, che fosse posto in dimenticanza il delitto commesso. Ma il fortissimo Giuda esortava il popolo a conservarsi senza peccato, mentre avean veduto co' proprj occhi quel che era avvenuto a causa del peccato di quelli, che rimasero uccisi.42 Betook themselves unto prayer, and besought him that the sin committed might wholly be put out of remembrance. Besides, that noble Judas exhorted the people to keep themselves from sin, forsomuch as they saw before their eyes the things that came to pass for the sins of those that were slain.
43 E fatta una colletta mandò a Gerusalemme dodici mila dramme d'argento, perchè si offerisse sagrifizio pei peccati di quei defunti, rettamente, e piamente pensando intorno alla risurrezione,43 And when he had made a gathering throughout the company to the sum of two thousand drachms of silver, he sent it to Jerusalem to offer a sin offering, doing therein very well and honestly, in that he was mindful of the resurrection:
44 (Perocché s'ei non avesse avuto speranza, che que' defunti avessero a risuscitare, superflua cosa, e inutile sarebbe paruta a lui l'orazione pei morti),44 For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should have risen again, it had been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead.
45 E considerando, che per quelli si erano addormentati nella pietà, serbavasi una grande misericordia.45 And also in that he perceived that there was great favour laid up for those that died godly, it was an holy and good thought. Whereupon he made a reconciliation for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin.
46 Santo adunque, e salutare è il pensiero di pregare pei defunti, affinchè siano sciolti da' loro peccati.