
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

ΑΜΒΑΚΟΥΜ - Abacuc - Habakkuk 2

1 επι της φυλακης μου στησομαι και επιβησομαι επι πετραν και αποσκοπευσω του ιδειν τι λαλησει εν εμοι και τι αποκριθω επι τον ελεγχον μου1 I shal stand at my post, I shall station myself on my watch-tower, watching to see what he wil say tome, what answer he wil make to my complaints.
2 και απεκριθη προς με κυριος και ειπεν γραψον ορασιν και σαφως επι πυξιον οπως διωκη ο αναγινωσκων αυτα2 Then Yahweh answered me and said, 'Write the vision down, inscribe it on tablets to be easily read.
3 διοτι ετι ορασις εις καιρον και ανατελει εις περας και ουκ εις κενον εαν υστερηση υπομεινον αυτον οτι ερχομενος ηξει και ου μη χρονιση3 For the vision is for its appointed time, it hastens towards its end and it wil not lie; although it may takesome time, wait for it, for come it certainly will before too long.
4 εαν υποστειληται ουκ ευδοκει η ψυχη μου εν αυτω ο δε δικαιος εκ πιστεως μου ζησεται4 'You see, anyone whose heart is not upright wil succumb, but the upright wil live through faithfulness.'
5 ο δε κατοινωμενος και καταφρονητης ανηρ αλαζων ουδεν μη περανη ος επλατυνεν καθως ο αδης την ψυχην αυτου και ουτος ως θανατος ουκ εμπιπλαμενος και επισυναξει επ' αυτον παντα τα εθνη και εισδεξεται προς αυτον παντας τους λαους5 Now, surely, wealth is treacherous! He is arrogant, for ever on the move, with appetite as large asSheol and as insatiable as Death, gathering in al the nations, and making a harvest of al peoples.
6 ουχι ταυτα παντα παραβολην κατ' αυτου λημψονται και προβλημα εις διηγησιν αυτου και ερουσιν ουαι ο πληθυνων εαυτω τα ουκ οντα αυτου εως τινος και βαρυνων τον κλοιον αυτου στιβαρως6 Are not the peoples al bound to satirise and make up cryptic riddles about him? As for instance:Disaster to anyone who amasses goods not his (for how long?) and to anyone who weighs himself down withgoods taken in pledge!
7 οτι εξαιφνης αναστησονται δακνοντες αυτον και εκνηψουσιν οι επιβουλοι σου και εση εις διαρπαγην αυτοις7 Wil not your creditors suddenly stand up, wil not those who make you shiver wake up, and you wil fala prey to them?
8 διοτι συ εσκυλευσας εθνη πολλα σκυλευσουσιν σε παντες οι υπολελειμμενοι λαοι δι' αιματα ανθρωπων και ασεβειας γης και πολεως και παντων των κατοικουντων αυτην8 Since you have plundered many nations, al the nations that remain wil plunder you, because of thebloodshed and violence done to the country, to the city and to all who live in it.
9 ω ο πλεονεκτων πλεονεξιαν κακην τω οικω αυτου του ταξαι εις υψος νοσσιαν αυτου του εκσπασθηναι εκ χειρος κακων9 Disaster to anyone who amasses ill-gotten gains for his house, so as to fix his nest on high and soevade the reach of misfortune!
10 εβουλευσω αισχυνην τω οικω σου συνεπερανας λαους πολλους και εξημαρτεν η ψυχη σου10 You have conspired to bring shame on your house: by overthrowing many peoples you have workedyour own ruin.
11 διοτι λιθος εκ τοιχου βοησεται και κανθαρος εκ ξυλου φθεγξεται αυτα11 For the very stone will protest from the wal , and the beam wil respond from the framework.
12 ουαι ο οικοδομων πολιν εν αιμασιν και ετοιμαζων πολιν εν αδικιαις12 Disaster to anyone who builds a town with bloodshed and founds a city on wrong-doing!
13 ου ταυτα εστιν παρα κυριου παντοκρατορος και εξελιπον λαοι ικανοι εν πυρι και εθνη πολλα ωλιγοψυχησαν13 Is it not thanks to Yahweh Sabaoth that the peoples' toil is fuel for the fire, and the nations' labourcame to nothing?
14 οτι πλησθησεται η γη του γνωναι την δοξαν κυριου ως υδωρ κατακαλυψει αυτους14 But the earth wil be full of the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh as the waters cover the depths of thesea.
15 ω ο ποτιζων τον πλησιον αυτου ανατροπη θολερα και μεθυσκων οπως επιβλεπη επι τα σπηλαια αυτων15 Disaster to anyone who makes his neighbours drink, pouring out his poison until they are drunk, sothat he can see them naked!
16 πλησμονην ατιμιας εκ δοξης πιε και συ και διασαλευθητι και σεισθητι εκυκλωσεν επι σε ποτηριον δεξιας κυριου και συνηχθη ατιμια επι την δοξαν σου16 You are ful of shame, not glory! Your turn now to drink and show your foreskin. The cup in Yahweh'sright hand comes round to you, and disgrace wil overshadow your glory.
17 διοτι ασεβεια του λιβανου καλυψει σε και ταλαιπωρια θηριων πτοησει σε δια αιματα ανθρωπων και ασεβειας γης και πολεως και παντων των κατοικουντων αυτην17 For the violence done to the Lebanon wil overwhelm you and the massacre of animals will terrify you,because of the bloodshed and violence done to the country, to the city and to al who live in it. Disaster toanyone who says to the log, 'Wake up!', to the dumb stone, 'On your feet!' (This is the prophecy!) Look, he isencased in gold and silver, -but not a breath of life inside it!
18 τι ωφελει γλυπτον οτι εγλυψαν αυτο επλασαν αυτο χωνευμα φαντασιαν ψευδη οτι πεποιθεν ο πλασας επι το πλασμα αυτου του ποιησαι ειδωλα κωφα18 What use is a sculpted image that a sculptor should make it? - a metal image, a lying instructor! Andwhy does the image-maker put his trust in it, that he should make dumb idols?
19 ουαι ο λεγων τω ξυλω εκνηψον εξεγερθητι και τω λιθω υψωθητι και αυτο εστιν φαντασια τουτο δε εστιν ελασμα χρυσιου και αργυριου και παν πνευμα ουκ εστιν εν αυτω19
20 ο δε κυριος εν ναω αγιω αυτου ευλαβεισθω απο προσωπου αυτου πασα η γη20 But Yahweh is in his holy Temple: let the whole earth be silent before him.