
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Atti degli Apostoli 19

1 Factum est autem, cum Apollo esset Corinthi, ut Paulus, peragratissuperioribus partibus, veniret Ephesum et inveniret quosdam discipulos;1 It happened that while Apol os was in Corinth, Paul made his way overland as far as Ephesus, wherehe found a number of disciples.
2 dixitque ad eos: “ Si Spiritum Sanctum accepistis credentes? ”. At illi adeum: “ Sed neque, si Spiritus Sanctus est, audivimus ”.2 When he asked, 'Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?' they answered, 'No, wewere never even told there was such a thing as a Holy Spirit.'
3 Ille vero ait: “In quo ergo baptizati estis? ”. Qui dixerunt: “ In Ioannis baptismate ”.3 He asked, 'Then how were you baptised?' They replied, 'With John's baptism.'
4 Dixit autem Paulus: “ Ioannes baptizavit baptisma paenitentiae, populo dicensin eum, qui venturus esset post ipsum ut crederent, hoc est in Iesum ”.4 Paul said, 'John's baptism was a baptism of repentance; but he insisted that the people should believein the one who was to come after him -- namely Jesus.'
5 Hisauditis, baptizati sunt in nomine Domini Iesu;5 When they heard this, they were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus,
6 et cum imposuisset illis manusPaulus, venit Spiritus Sanctus super eos, et loquebantur linguis etprophetabant.6 and the moment Paul had laid hands on them the Holy Spirit came down on them, and they began tospeak with tongues and to prophesy.
7 Erant autem omnes viri fere duodecim.
7 There were about twelve of these men in al .
8 Introgressus autem synagogam cum fiducia loquebatur per tres menses disputanset suadens de regno Dei.8 He began by going to the synagogue, where he spoke out fearlessly and argued persuasively aboutthe kingdom of God. He did this for three months,
9 Cum autem quidam indurarentur et non crederentmaledicentes viam coram multitudine, discedens ab eis segregavit discipulos,cotidie disputans in schola Tyranni.9 till the attitude of some of the congregation hardened into unbelief. As soon as they began attackingthe Way in public, he broke with them and took his disciples apart to hold daily discussions in the lecture room ofTyrannus.
10 Hoc autem factum est per biennium, itaut omnes, qui habitabant in Asia, audirent verbum Domini, Iudaei atque Graeci.
10 This went on for two years, with the result that al the inhabitants of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, wereable to hear the word of the Lord.
11 Virtutesque non quaslibet Deus faciebat per manus Pauli,11 So remarkable were the miracles worked by God at Paul's hands
12 ita ut etiamsuper languidos deferrentur a corpore eius sudaria vel semicinctia, etrecederent ab eis languores, et spiritus nequam egrederentur.
12 that handkerchiefs or aprons which had touched him were taken to the sick, and they were cured oftheir il nesses, and the evil spirits came out of them.
13 Tentaverunt autem quidam et de circumeuntibus Iudaeis exorcistis invocaresuper eos, qui habebant spiritus malos, nomen Domini Iesu dicentes: “ Adiurovos per Iesum, quem Paulus praedicat ”.13 But some itinerant Jewish exorcists too tried pronouncing the name of the Lord Jesus over peoplewho were possessed by evil spirits; they used to say, 'I adjure you by the Jesus whose spokesman is Paul.'
14 Erant autem cuiusdam Scevae Iudaeiprincipis sacerdotum septem filii, qui hoc faciebant.14 Among those who did this were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest.
15 Respondens autemspiritus nequam dixit eis: “ Iesum novi et Paulum scio; vos autem qui estis?”.15 The evil spirit replied, 'Jesus I recognise, and Paul I know, but who are you?'
16 Et insiliens homo in eos, in quo erat spiritus malus, dominatus amboruminvaluit contra eos, ita ut nudi et vulnerati effugerent de domo illa.16 and the man with the evil spirit hurled himself at them and overpowered first one and then another,and handled them so violently that they fled from that house stripped of clothing and badly mauled.
17 Hocautem notum factum est omnibus Iudaeis atque Graecis, qui habitabant Ephesi, etcecidit timor super omnes illos, et magnificabatur nomen Domini Iesu.17 Everybody in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, heard about this episode; everyone was fil ed withawe, and the name of the Lord Jesus came to be held in great honour.
18 Multique credentium veniebant confitentes et annuntiantes actus suos.18 Some believers, too, came forward to admit in detail how they had used spel s
19 Multiautem ex his, qui fuerant curiosa sectati, conferentes libros combusserunt coramomnibus; et computaverunt pretia illorum et invenerunt argenti quinquagintamilia.19 and a number of them who had practised magic col ected their books and made a bonfire of them inpublic. The value of these was calculated to be fifty thousand silver pieces.
20 Ita fortiter verbum Domini crescebat et convalescebat.
20 In this powerful way the word of the Lord spread more and more widely and successful y.
21 His autem expletis, proposuit Paulus in Spiritu, transita Macedonia etAchaia, ire Hierosolymam, dicens: “ Postquam fuero ibi, oportet me et Romamvidere ”.21 When al this was over Paul made up his mind to go back to Jerusalem through Macedonia andAchaia. 'After I have been there,' he said, 'I must go on to see Rome as wel .'
22 Mittens autem in Macedoniam duos ex ministrantibus sibi,Timotheum et Erastum, ipse remansit ad tempus in Asia.
22 So he sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, ahead of him to Macedonia, while he remainedfor a time in Asia.
23 Facta est autem in illo tempore turbatio non minima de via.23 It was during this time that a serious disturbance broke out in connection with the Way.
24 Demetrius enimquidam nomine, argentarius, faciens aedes argenteas Dianae praestabatartificibus non modicum quaestum;24 A silversmith cal ed Demetrius, who provided work for a large number of craftsmen making silvershrines of Diana,
25 quos congregans et eos, qui eiusmodi erantopifices, dixit: “ Viri, scitis quia de hoc artificio acquisitio est nobis;25 cal ed a general meeting of them with others in the same trade. 'As you know,' he said, 'it is on thisindustry that we depend for our prosperity.
26 et videtis et auditis quia non solum Ephesi, sed paene totius Asiae Paulus hicsuadens avertit multam turbam dicens quoniam non sunt dii, qui manibus fiunt.26 Now you must have seen and heard how, not just in Ephesus but nearly everywhere in Asia, this manPaul has persuaded and converted a great number of people with his argument that gods made by hand are notgods at all.
27 Non solum autem haec periclitatur nobis pars in redargutionem venire, sed etmagnae deae Dianae templum in nihilum reputari, et destrui incipiet maiestaseius, quam tota Asia et orbis colit ”.
27 This threatens not only to discredit our trade, but also to reduce the sanctuary of the great goddessDiana to unimportance. It could end up by taking away the prestige of a goddess venerated al over Asia, andindeed al over the world.'
28 His auditis, repleti sunt ira et clamabant dicentes: “ Magna DianaEphesiorum! ”;28 This speech roused them to fury, and they started to shout, 'Great is Diana of the Ephesians!'
29 et impleta est civitas confusione, et impetum fecerunt unoanimo in theatrum, rapto Gaio et Aristarcho Macedonibus, comitibus Pauli.29 The whole town was fil ed with the uproar and the mob made a concerted rush to the theatre,dragging along two of Paul's Macedonian travelling companions, Gaius and Aristarchus.
30 Paulo autem volente intrare in populum, non permiserunt discipuli;30 Paul wanted to make an appeal to the people, but the disciples refused to let him;
31 quidamautem de Asiarchis, qui erant amici eius, miserunt ad eum rogantes, ne se daretin theatrum.31 in fact, some of the Asiarchs, who were friends of his, sent messages urging him not to take the riskof going into the theatre.
32 Alii autem aliud clamabant; erat enim ecclesia confusa, etplures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent.
32 By now everybody was shouting different things, til the assembly itself had no idea what was goingon; most of them did not even know why they had gathered together.
33 De turba autem instruxerunt Alexandrum, propellentibus eum Iudaeis; Alexanderergo, manu silentio postulato, volebat rationem reddere populo.33 Some of the crowd prevailed upon Alexander, whom the Jews pushed forward; he raised his hand forsilence with the intention of explaining things to the people.
34 Quem utcognoverunt Iudaeum esse, vox facta est una omnium quasi per horas duasclamantium: “ Magna Diana Ephesiorum ”.34 As soon as they realised he was a Jew, they all started shouting in unison, 'Great is Diana of theEphesians!' and they kept this up for two hours.
35 Et cum sedasset scriba turbam,dixit: “ Viri Ephesii, quis enim est hominum, qui nesciat Ephesiorum civitatemcultricem esse magnae Dianae et simulacri a Iove delapsi?35 When the town clerk eventual y succeeded in calming the crowd, he said, 'Citizens of Ephesus! Isthere anybody who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is the guardian of the temple of great Diana andof her statue that fell from heaven?
36 Cum ergo hiscontradici non possit, oportet vos sedatos esse et nihil temere agere.36 Nobody can contradict this and there is no need for you to get excited or do anything rash.
37 Adduxistis enim homines istos neque sacrilegos neque blasphemantes deam nostram.37 These men you have brought here are not guilty of any sacrilege or blasphemy against our goddess.
38 Quod si Demetrius et, qui cum eo sunt, artifices habent adversus aliquemcausam, conventus forenses aguntur, et proconsules sunt: accusent invicem.38 If Demetrius and the craftsmen he has with him want to complain about anyone, there are the assizesand the proconsuls; let them take the case to court.
39 Siquid autem ulterius quaeritis, in legitima ecclesia poterit absolvi.39 And if you want to ask any more questions you must raise them in the regular assembly.
40 Nam etpericlitamur argui seditionis hodiernae, cum nullus obnoxius sit, de quo nonpossimus reddere rationem concursus istius ”. Et cum haec dixisset, dimisitecclesiam.
40 We could easily be charged with rioting for today's happenings: there is no ground for it al , and wecan give no justification for this gathering.' When he had finished this speech he dismissed the assembly.