
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Daniele 11

1 Ego autem ab anno primo Darii Medi astabam ei, ut confortaretur etroboraretur.1 standing as a reinforcement and a bulwark for me.
2 Et nunc veritatem annuntiabo tibi: Ecce adhuc tres reges stabuntpro Perside, et quartus ditabitur opibus nimis super omnes et, cum invalueritdivitiis suis, concitabit omnia adversum regnum Graeciae.2 Now I shall tell you the truth. "Three kings of Persia are yet to come; and a fourth shall acquire the greatest riches of all. Strengthened by his riches, he shall rouse all the kingdom of Greece.
3 Surget vero rexfortis et dominabitur dominatione multa et faciet, quod placuerit ei;3 But a powerful king shall appear and rule with great might, doing as he pleases.
4 et cumsteterit, conteretur regnum eius et dividetur in quattuor ventos caeli, sed nonin posteros eius neque secundum potentiam illius, qua dominatus est; lacerabiturenim regnum eius etiam ad alios, exceptis his.4 No sooner shall he appear than his kingdom shall be broken and divided in four directions under heaven; but not among his descendants or in keeping with his mighty rule, for his kingdom shall be torn to pieces and belong to others than they.
5 Et confortabitur rex austri, etunus de principibus eius praevalebit super eum et dominabitur dominatione superdominationem eius.5 "The king of the south shall grow strong, but one of his princes shall grow stronger still and govern a domain greater than his.
6 Et post finem annorum foederabuntur; filiaque regis austriveniet ad regem aquilonis facere amicitiam. Et non obtinebit fortitudinembrachii, nec stabit brachium eius; et tradetur ipsa, et qui adduxerunt eam, etadulescens eius, et qui confortabat eam in temporibus.6 After some years they shall become allies: the daughter of the king of the south shall come to the king of the north in the interest of peace. But her bid for power shall fail: and her line shall not be recognized, and she shall be given up, together with those who brought her, her son and her husband. But later
7 Et stabit de germineradicum eius plantatio loco eius et veniet ad exercitum et ingredietur oppidumregis aquilonis; et faciet adversus eos et confortabitur.7 a descendant of her line shall succeed to his rank, and shall come against the rampart and enter the stronghold of the king of the north, and conquer them.
8 Insuper et deoseorum cum sculptilibus eorum et vasis pretiosis argenti et auri captivos ducetin Aegyptum: ipse per aliquot annos praevalebit adversus regem aquilonis.8 Even their gods, with their molten images and their precious vessels of silver and gold, he shall carry away as booty into Egypt. For years he shall have nothing to do with the king of the north.
9 Etintrabit in regnum regis austri et revertetur ad terram suam.9 Then the latter shall invade the land of the king of the south, and return to his own country.
10 Filii autemeius provocabuntur et congregabunt multitudinem exercituum plurimorum; et venietproperans et inundans et revertetur et concitabitur et congredietur usque adoppidum eius.10 "But his sons shall prepare and assemble a great armed host, which shall advance like a flood, then withdraw. When it returns and surges around the stronghold,
11 Et provocabitur rex austri et egredietur et pugnabit adversuseum, adversus regem aquilonis; et praeparabit multitudinem nimiam, et dabiturmultitudo in manu eius.11 the king of the south, provoked, shall go out to fight against the king of the north, whose great host shall make a stand but shall be given into his hand
12 Et tolletur multitudo, et exaltabitur cor eius, etdeiciet multa milia, sed non praevalebit.12 and be carried off. In the pride of his heart, he shall lay low tens of thousands, but he shall not triumph.
13 Revertetur enim rex aquilonis etpraeparabit multitudinem maiorem quam prius; et in fine temporum annorumqueveniet properans cum exercitu magno et opibus nimis.13 For the king of the north shall raise another army, greater than before; after some years he shall attack with this large army and great resources.
14 Et in temporibus illismulti consurgent adversus regem austri, filii quoque praevaricatorum populi tuiextollentur, ut impleant visionem, et corruent.14 In those times many shall resist the king of the south, and outlaws of your people shall rise up in fulfillment of vision, but they shall fail.
15 Et veniet rex aquilonis etcomportabit aggerem et capiet urbem munitissimam; et brachia austri nonsustinebunt, et populo electorum eius non erit fortitudo ad resistendum.15 When the king of the north comes, he shall set up siegeworks and take the fortified city by storm. The power of the south shall not withstand him, and not even his picked troops shall have the strength to resist.
16 Etfaciet veniens super eum iuxta placitum suum, et non erit qui stet contra faciemeius; et stabit in terra inclita, et consumptio in manu eius.16 He shall attack him and do as he pleases, with no one to withstand him. He shall stop in the glorious land, dealing destruction.
17 Et ponet faciemsuam, ut veniat ad tenendum universum regnum eius, et recta faciet cum eo etfiliam feminarum dabit ei, ut evertat illud; et non stabit nec illius erit.17 He shall set himself to penetrate the entire strength of his kingdom. He shall conclude an agreement with him and give him a daughter in marriage in order to destroy the kingdom, but this shall not succeed in his favor.
18 Et convertet faciem suam ad insulas et capiet multas, et cessare faciet princepsopprobrium eius, et opprobrium eius convertetur in eum.18 He shall turn to the coastland and take many, but a leader shall put an end to his shameful conduct, so that he cannot renew it against him.
19 Et convertet faciemsuam ad oppida terrae suae et impinget et corruet, et non invenietur.19 He shall turn to the strongholds of his own land, but shall stumble and fall, to be found no more.
20 Etstabit in loco eius, qui mittat exactorem in decus regni; et in paucis diebusconteretur, non in furore nec in proelio.
20 In his stead one shall arise who will send a tax collector through the glorious kingdom, but he shall soon be destroyed, though not in conflict or in battle.
21 Et stabit in loco eius despectus, et non tribuetur ei honor regius; et venietclam et obtinebit regnum in fraudulentia.21 "There shall rise in his place a despicable person, to whom the royal insignia shall not be given. By stealth and fraud he shall seize the kingdom.
22 Et brachia pugnantis expugnabuntura facie eius et conterentur; insuper et dux foederis.22 Armed might shall be completely overwhelmed by him and crushed, and even the prince of the covenant.
23 Et post amicitias, cumeo faciet dolum et ascendet et superabit in modico populo.23 After allying with him, he shall treacherously rise to power with a small party.
24 In prosperitateuberes urbes ingredietur et faciet, quae non fecerunt patres eius et patrespatrum eius: rapinas et praedam et divitias eorum dissipabit et contra oppidacogitationes inibit, et hoc usque ad tempus.24 By stealth he shall enter prosperous provinces and do that which his fathers or grandfathers never did; he shall distribute spoil, booty, and riches among them and devise plots against their strongholds; but only for a time.
25 Et concitabitur fortitudo eiuset cor eius adversum regem austri in exercitu magno; et rex austri provocabiturad bellum multis auxiliis et fortibus nimis, et non stabit, quia inibuntadversus eum consilia.25 He shall call on his strength and cleverness to meet the king of the south with a great army; the king of the south shall prepare for battle with a very large and strong army, but he shall not succeed because of the plots devised against him.
26 Et comedentes panem cum eo conterent illum;exercitusque eius opprimetur, et cadent interfecti plurimi.26 Even his table companions shall seek to destroy him, his army shall be overwhelmed, and many shall fall slain.
27 Duorum quoqueregum cor erit, ut malefaciant et ad mensam unam mendacium loquentur et nonproficient, quia adhuc finis in aliud tempus.27 The two kings, resolved on evil, shall sit at table together and exchange lies, but they shall have no success, because the appointed end is not yet.
28 Et revertetur in terram suamcum opibus multis, et cor eius adversum testamentum sanctum; et faciet etrevertetur in terram suam.28 "He shall turn back toward his land with great riches, his mind set against the holy covenant; he shall arrange matters and return to his land.
29 Statuto tempore revertetur et veniet ad austrum,et non erit priori simile novissimum.29 At the time appointed he shall come again to the south, but this time it shall not be as before.
30 Et venient super eum trieres, Romani;et percutietur et revertetur et indignabitur contra testamentum sanctum etfaciet reverteturque et cogitabit adversum eos, qui dereliquerunt testamentumsanctum.30 When ships of the Kittim confront him, he shall lose heart and retreat. Then he shall direct his rage and energy against the holy covenant; those who forsake it he shall once more single out.
31 Et brachia ex eo stabunt et polluent sanctuarium fortitudinis etauferent iuge sacrificium et dabunt abominationem vastatoris.31 Armed forces shall move at his command and defile the sanctuary stronghold, abolishing the daily sacrifice and setting up the horrible abomination.
32 Et impios intestamentum errare faciet fraudulenter; populus autem scientium Deum suumobtinebit et faciet.32 By his deceit he shall make some who were disloyal to the covenant apostatize; but those who remain loyal to their God shall take strong action.
33 Et docti in populo docebunt plurimos; et ruent in gladioet in flamma et in captivitate et in rapina per dies.33 The nation's wise men shall instruct the many; though for a time they will become victims of the sword, of flames, exile, and plunder.
34 Cumque corruerint,sublevabuntur auxilio parvulo, et applicabuntur eis plurimi fraudulenter.34 When they fall, few people shall help them, but many shall join them out of treachery.
35 Etde eruditis ruent, ut aliqui eorum conflentur et purgentur et dealbentur usquead tempus praefinitum, quia adhuc aliud tempus erit.
35 Of the wise men, some shall fall, so that the rest may be tested, refined, and purified, until the end time which is still appointed to come.
36 Et faciet iuxta voluntatem suam rex et elevabitur et magnificabitur adversusomnem deum et adversus Deum deorum loquetur magnifica et prosperabitur, doneccompleatur iracundia; perpetrata quippe est definitio.36 "The king shall do as he pleases, exalting himself and making himself greater than any god; he shall utter dreadful blasphemies against the God of gods. He shall prosper only till divine wrath is ready, for what is determined must take place.
37 Et deos patrum suorumnon reputabit neque concupiscentiam feminarum nec quemquam deorum curabit, quiasuper universa magnificabit se;37 He shall have no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one in whom women delight; for no god shall he have regard, because he shall make himself greater than all.
38 deum autem oppidorum in loco suo venerabituret deum, quem ignoraverunt patres eius, colet auro et argento et lapide pretiosorebusque pretiosis38 Instead, he shall give glory to the god of strongholds; a god unknown to his fathers he shall glorify with gold, silver, precious stones, and other treasures.
39 et faciet adversus oppida munita cum deo alieno; quicognoverit eum, multiplicabit gloriam eius et dabit eis potestatem in multis etterram dividet pretio.
39 To defend the strongholds he shall station a people of a foreign god. Whoever acknowledges him he shall provide with abundant honor; he shall make them rule over the many and distribute the land as a reward.
40 Et in tempore praefinito proeliabitur adversus eum rex austri, et quasitempestas veniet contra illum rex aquilonis in curribus et in equitibus et inclasse magna, et ingredietur terras et conteret et pertransiet.40 "At the appointed time the king of the south shall come to grips with him, but the king of the north shall overwhelm him with chariots and horsemen and a great fleet, passing through the countries like a flood.
41 Et introibitin terram gloriosam, et multae corruent; hae autem solae salvabuntur de manueius: Edom et Moab et principium filiorum Ammon.41 He shall enter the glorious land and many shall fall, except Edom, Moab, and the chief part of Ammon, which shall escape from his power.
42 Et mittet manum suam interras, et terra Aegypti non effugiet;42 He shall extend his power over the countries, and not even the land of Egypt shall escape.
43 et dominabitur thesaurorum auri etargenti et in omnibus pretiosis Aegypti, et Libyes et Aethiopes in vestigia eiustransibunt.43 He shall control the riches of gold and silver and all the treasures of Egypt; Libya and Ethiopia shall be in his train.
44 Et fama turbabit eum ab oriente et ab aquilone; et veniet in iramagna, ut conterat et interficiat plurimos,44 When news from the east and the north terrifies him, he shall set out with great fury to slay and to doom many.
45 et figet tabernacula palatii suiinter maria super montem sanctum decoris; et veniet usque ad summitatem eius, etnemo auxiliabitur ei.
45 He shall pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between the sea and the glorious holy mountain, but he shall come to his end with none to help him.