
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Sapienza 19

1 Impiis autem usque in novissimum sine misericor dia ira supervenit;
praesciebat enim et futura illorum,
1 But the wicked, merciless wrath assailed until the end. For he knew beforehand what they were yet to do:
2 quoniam, cum ipsi permisissent, ut seeducerent,
et cum magna sollicitudine praemisissent illos,
consequebantur illos paenitentia acti.
2 That though they themselves had agreed to the departure and had anxiously sent them on their way, they would regret it and pursue them.
3 Adhuc enim inter manus habentes luctus
et deplorantes ad monumenta mortuorum,
aliam sibi assumpserunt cogitationem inscientiae
et, quos rogantes proiecerant,
hos tamquam fugitivos persequebantur.
3 For while they were still engaged in funeral rites and were mourning at the burials of the dead, They adopted another senseless plan; and those whom they had sent away with entreaty, they pursued as fugitives.
4 Trahebat enim illos ad hunc finem digna necessitas;
et horum, quae acciderant, oblivionem immisit,
ut eam, quae deerat tormentis, suppleret punitionem,
4 For a compulsion suited to this ending drew them on, and made them forgetful of what had befallen them, That they might fill out the torments of their punishment,
5 et populus quidem tuus mirabile iter tentaret,
illi autem novam mortem invenirent.
5 and your people might experience a glorious journey while those others met an extraordinary death.
6 Omnis enim creatura in suo genere iterum ab initio refigurabatur,
deserviens tuis praeceptis,
ut pueri tui custodirentur illaesi.
6 For all creation, in its several kinds, was being made over anew, serving its natural laws, that your children might be preserved unharmed.
7 Nam nubes castra eorum obumbrans,
et ex aqua, quae ante erat, emersio terrae aridae apparuit:
e mari Rubro via sine impedimento,
et campus germinans de fluctu violento,
7 The cloud overshadowed their camp; and out of what had before been water, dry land was seen emerging: Out of the Red Sea an unimpeded road, and a grassy plain out of the mighty flood.
8 per quem cum tota natione transierunt, qui tegebantur tua manu,
videntes tua mirabilia monstra.
8 Over this crossed the whole nation sheltered by your hand, after they beheld stupendous wonders.
9 Tamquam enim equi depaverunt escam
et tamquam agni exsultaverunt,
magnificantes te, Domine, qui liberasti illos.
9 For they ranged about like horses, and bounded about like lambs, praising you, O LORD! their deliverer.
10 Memores enim erant adhuc eorum,
quae in incolatu illorum facta fuerant,
quemadmodum pro natione animalium eduxit terra muscas,
et pro piscibus eructavit fluvius multitudinem ranarum.
10 For they were still mindful of what had happened in their sojourn: how instead of the young of animals the land brought forth gnats, and instead of fishes the river swarmed with countless frogs.
11 Novissime autem viderunt novam creaturam avium,
cum, adducti concupiscentia, postulaverunt escas epulationis:
11 And later they saw also a new kind of bird when, prompted by desire, they asked for pleasant foods;
12 in consolationem enim desiderii ascendit illis de mari ortygometra.
12 For to appease them quail came to them from the sea.
13 Et vexationes peccatoribus supervenerunt,
non sine illis, quae ante facta erant, argumentis per vim fulminum:
iuste enim patiebantur secundum suas nequitias;
etenim detestabiliorem inhospitalitatem instituerunt.
13 And the punishments came upon the sinners only after forewarnings from the violence of the thunderbolts. For they justly suffered for their own misdeeds, since indeed they treated their guests with the more grievous hatred.
14 Alii quidem ignotos non recipiebant advenas,
isti autem beneficos hospites in servitutem redigebant.
14 For those others did not receive unfamiliar visitors, but these were enslaving beneficent guests.
15 Et non solum haec, sed et alius quidam respectus erit illorum,
quoniam inviti recipiebant extraneos;
15 And not that only; but what punishment was to be theirs since they received strangers unwillingly!
16 isti autem, qui cum laetitia receperunt hos,
qui eisdem usi erant iustitiis,
saevissimis afflixerunt doloribus.
16 Yet these, after welcoming them with festivities, oppressed with awful toils those who now shared with them the same rights.
17 Percussi sunt autem caecitate
sicut illi in foribus iusti,
cum, vastis cooperti tenebris,
unusquisque transitum ostii sui quaerebat.
17 And they were struck with blindness, as those others had been at the portals of the just- When, surrounded by yawning darkness, each sought the entrance of his own gate.
18 Inter se enim elementa convertuntur,
sicut in psalterio voces numeri nomen immutant,
semper tamen suum sonum custodiunt;
quod quidem ex ipso visu eorum, quae facta sunt,
certo aestimari potest.
18 For the elements, in variable harmony among themselves, like strings of the harp, produce new melody, while the flow of music steadily persists. And this can be perceived exactly from a review of what took place.
19 Agrestia enim in aquatica convertebantur,
et, quaecumque erant natantia, in terram transibant.
19 For land creatures were changed into water creatures, and those that swam went over on to the land.
20 Ignis in aqua valebat supra suam virtutem,
et aqua exstinguentis naturae obliviscebatur.
20 Fire in water maintained its own strength, and water forgot its quenching nature;
21 Flammae e contrario corruptibilium animalium
non vexaverunt carnes inambulantium,
nec dissolvebant illud, quod facile dissolvebatur,
glaciei simile genus immortalis escae.
21 Flames, by contrast, neither consumed the flesh of the perishable animals that went about in them, nor melted the icelike, quick-melting kind of ambrosial food.
22 In omnibus enim magnificasti populum tuum, Domine,
et honorasti et non despexisti,
in omni tempore et in omni loco assistens eis.
28 LIBER ECCLESIASTICUS Cum multa nobis et magna per Legem et Prophetas aliosque, qui secuti sunt illos,data sint, in quibus oportet laudare Israel doctrinae et sapientiae causa,cumque non solum ipsos legentes necesse sit fieri peritos, sed etiam extraneisposse sapientiae studiosos et dicentes et scribentes utiles fieri, avus meusIesus, postquam se amplius dedit ad diligentiam lectionis Legis et Prophetarumet aliorum librorum, qui nobis a parentibus nostris traditi sunt, atque in hissufficientem usum acquisivit, voluit et ipse scribere aliquid horum, quae addoctrinam et sapientiam pertinent, ut desiderantes discere et illorum peritifacti magis magisque attendant animo et confirmentur per legitimam vitam.
Hortor itaque venire vos cum benevolentia et attentiore studio lectionem facereet veniam habere in illis, in quibus interpretationi adlaborantes videamurquibusdam verbis deficere. Nam deficiunt verba Hebraica, quando fuerinttranslata ad alteram linguam; non autem solum haec, sed et ipsa Lex et Prophetaeceteraque aliorum librorum non parvam habent differentiam, quando ipsa per seleguntur.
Nam in octavo et trigesimo anno temporibus Ptolemaei Evergetis regis, postquamperveni in Aegyptum et, cum multum temporis ibi fecissem, inveni ibi exemplarnon parvae neque contemnendae doctrinae. Itaque bonum et necessarium putavi etipse aliquam addere diligentiam et laborem interpretandi librum istum; et multamvigiliam attuli et doctrinam in spatio temporis, ut perducens ad finem, librumistum ederem etiam pro illis, qui in terra aliena, cum iam moribus institutisint, sibi proposuerint secundum legem vitam agere.
22 For every way, O LORD! you magnified and glorified your people; unfailing, you stood by them in every time and circumstance.