
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Seconda lettera ai Corinzi 2

1 Statui autem hoc ipse apud me, ne iterum in tristitia venirem ad vos;1 But I determined this within myself, not to return again to you in sorrow.
2 si enim ego contristo vos, et quis est qui me laetificet, nisi qui contristaturex me?2 For if I make you sorrowful, then who is it that can make me glad, except the one who is made sorrowful by me?
3 Et hoc ipsum scripsi, ut non, cum venero, tristitiam habeam de quibusoportebat me gaudere, confidens in omnibus vobis, quia meum gaudium omniumvestrum est.3 And so, I wrote this same thing to you, so that I might not, when I arrive, add sorrow to sorrow for those with whom I ought to rejoice, having confidence in you in all things, so that my joy may be entirely yours.
4 Nam ex multa tribulatione et angustia cordis scripsi vobis permultas lacrimas, non ut contristemini, sed ut sciatis quam carita tem habeoabundantius in vos.4 For with much tribulation and anguish of heart, I wrote to you with many tears: not so that you would be sorrowful, but so that you might know the charity that I have more abundantly toward you.
5 Si quis autem contristavit, non me contristavit, sed exparte, ut non onerem, omnes vos.5 But if anyone has brought sorrow, he has not sorrowed me. Yet, for my part, this is so that I might not burden all of you.
6 Sufficit illi, qui eiusmodi est, obiurgatiohaec, quae fit a pluribus,6 Let this rebuke be sufficient for someone like this, for it has been brought by many.
7 ita ut e contra magis donetis et consolemini, neforte abundantiore tristitia absorbeatur, qui eiusmodi est.7 So then, to the contrary, you should be more forgiving and consoling, lest perhaps someone like this may be overwhelmed with excessive sorrow.
8 Propter quodobsecro vos, ut confirmetis in illum caritatem;8 Because of this, I beg you to confirm your charity toward him.
9 ideo enim et scripsi, utcognoscam probationem vestram, an in omnibus oboedientes sitis.9 It was for this reason, also, that I wrote, so that I might know, by testing you, whether you would be obedient in all things.
10 Cui autemaliquid donatis, et ego; nam et ego, quod donavi, si quid donavi, propter vos inpersona Christi,10 But anyone whom you have forgiven of anything, I also forgive. And then, too, anyone I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, it was done in the person of Christ for your sakes,
11 ut non circumveniamur a Satana; non enim ignoramuscogitationes eius.
11 so that we would not be circumvented by Satan. For we are not ignorant of his intentions.
12 Cum venissem autem Troadem ob evangelium Christi, et ostium mihi apertumesset in Domino,12 And when I had arrived at Troas, because of the Gospel of Christ, and a door had opened to me in the Lord,
13 non habui requiem spiritui meo, eo quod non invenerim Titumfratrem meum, sed valefaciens eis profectus sum in Macedoniam.13 I had no rest within my spirit, because I was not able to find Titus, my brother. So, saying goodbye to them, I set out for Macedonia.
14 Deo autemgratias, qui semper triumphat nos in Christo et odorem notitiae suae manifestatper nos in omni loco.14 But thanks be to God, who always brings triumph to us in Christ Jesus, and who manifests the fragrance of his knowledge through us in every place.
15 Quia Christi bonus odor sumus Deo in his, qui salvifiunt, et in his, qui pereunt:15 For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ for God, both with those who are being saved and with those who are perishing.
16 aliis quidem odor ex morte in mortem, aliisautem odor ex vita in vitam. Et ad haec quis idoneus?16 To the one, certainly, the fragrance is of death unto death. But to the other, the fragrance is of life unto life. And concerning these things, who is so suitable?
17 Non enim sumus sicutplurimi adulterantes verbum Dei, sed sicut ex sinceritate, sed sicut ex Deocoram Deo in Christo loquimur.
17 For we are not like many others, adulterating the Word of God. But instead, we speak with sincerity: from God, before God, and in Christ.