
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Primo libro dei Maccabei 16

1 Et ascendit Ioannes de Ga zaris et nuntiavit Simoni pa tri suo, quaefecit Cendebaeus.1 John then went up from Gazara and told his father Simon what Cendebeus was doing.
2 Et vocavit Simon duos filios seniores, Iudam et Ioannem, etait illis: “ Ego et fratres mei et domus patris mei expugnavimus hostes Israelab adulescentia usque in hunc diem, et prosperatum est in manibus nostrisliberare Israel saepius.2 Simon called his two oldest sons, Judas and John, and said to them: "I and my brothers and my father's house have fought the battles of Israel from our youth until today, and many times we succeeded in saving Israel.
3 Nunc autem senui, vos autem in misericordiasufficientes estis in annis; estote loco meo et fratris mei et egressi pugnatepro gente nostra; auxilium vero de caelo vobiscum sit ”.3 I have now grown old, but you, by the mercy of Heaven, have come to man's estate. Take my place and my brother's, and go out and fight for our nation; and may the help of Heaven be with you!"
4 Et elegit deregione viginti milia virorum belligeratorum et equites; et profecti sunt adCendebaeum et dormierunt in Modin4 John then mustered in the land twenty thousand warriors and horsemen. Setting out against Cendebeus, they spent the night at Modein,
5 et surrexerunt mane et abierunt in campum.Et ecce exercitus copiosus in obviam illis peditum et equitum, et fluviustorrens erat inter medium ipsorum.5 rose early, and marched into the plain. There, facing them, was an immense army of foot soldiers and horsemen, and between the two armies was a stream.
6 Et admovit castra contra faciem eorum ipseet populus eius et vidit populum trepidantem ad transfretandum torrentem; ettransfretavit primus, et viderunt eum viri et transierunt post eum.6 John and his men took their position against the enemy. Seeing that his men were afraid to cross the stream, John crossed first. When his men saw this, they crossed over after him.
7 Et divisitpopulum, et equites in medio peditum; erat autem equitatus adversariorumcopiosus nimis.7 Then he divided his infantry into two corps and put his cavalry between them, for the enemy's horsemen were very numerous.
8 Et exclamaverunt tubis, et in fugam conversus est Cendebaeuset castra eius, et ceciderunt ex eis multi vulnerati; residui autem inmunitionem fugerunt.8 They blew the trumpets, and Cendebeus and his army were put to flight; many of them fell wounded, and the rest fled toward the stronghold.
9 Tunc vulneratus est Iudas frater Ioannis; Ioannes auteminsecutus est eos, donec venit Cedron, quam aedificavit.9 It was then that John's brother Judas fell wounded; but John pursued them until Cendebeus reached Kedron, which he had fortified.
10 Et fugerunt usque adturres, quae erant in agris Azoti, et succendit eas igni; et ceciderunt ex illisduo milia virorum. Et reversus est in Iudaeam in pace.
10 Some took refuge in the towers on the plain of Azotus, but John set fire to these, and about two thousand of the enemy perished. He then returned to Judea in peace.
11 Et Ptolemaeus filius Abubi constitutus erat dux in campo Iericho et habebatargentum et aurum multum;11 Ptolemy, son of Abubus, had been appointed governor of the plain of Jericho, and he had much silver and gold,
12 erat enim gener summi sacerdotis.12 being the son-in-law of the high priest.
13 Et exaltatumest cor eius, et volebat obtinere regionem et cogitabat dolum adversus Simonemet filios eius, ut tolleret eos.13 But he became ambitious and sought to get control of the country. So he made treacherous plans to do away with Simon and his sons.
14 Simon autem perambulans civitates, quaeerant in regione, et sollicitudinem gerens earum descendit in Iericho ipse etMatthathias et Iudas filii eius, anno centesimo septuagesimo septimo, menseundecimo, hic est mensis Sabath.14 As Simon was inspecting the cities of the country and providing for their needs, he and his sons Mattathias and Judas went down to Jericho in the year one hundred and seventy-seven, in the eleventh month (that is, the month Shebat).
15 Et suscepit eos filius Abubi inmunitiunculam, quae vocatur Doc, cum dolo, quam aedificavit; et fecit eisconvivium magnum et abscondit illic viros.15 The son of Abubus gave them a deceitful welcome in the little stronghold called Dok which he had built. While serving them a sumptuous banquet, he had his men hidden there.
16 Et, cum inebriatus esset Simon etfilii eius, surrexit Ptolemaeus cum suis et sumpserunt arma sua et intraveruntin convivium et occiderunt eum et duos filios eius et quosdam pueros eius.16 Then, when Simon and his sons had drunk freely, Ptolemy and his men sprang up, weapons in hand, rushed upon Simon in the banquet hall, and killed him, his two sons, and some of his servants.
17 Etfecit deceptionem magnam et reddidit mala pro bonis.17 By this vicious act of treason he repaid good with evil.
18 Et scripsit haecPtolemaeus et misit regi, ut mitteret ei exercitum in auxilium et traderet eicivitates et regionem.18 Then Ptolemy wrote an account of this and sent it to the king, asking that troops be sent to help him and that the country be turned over to him.
19 Et misit alios in Gazaram tollere Ioannem; et tribunismisit epistulas, ut venirent ad se, et daret eis argentum et aurum et dona.19 He sent other men to Gazara to do away with John. To the army officers he sent letters inviting them to come to him so that he might present them with silver, gold, and gifts.
20 Et alios misit occupare Ierusalem et montem templi.20 He also sent others to seize Jerusalem and the mount of the temple.
21 Et praecurrens quidamnuntiavit Ioanni in Gazara quia periit pater eius et fratres eius et quia: “Misit te quoque interfici ”.21 But someone ran ahead and brought word to John at Gazara that his father and his brothers had perished, and that Ptolemy had sent men to kill him also.
22 Ut audivit autem, vehementer expavit etcomprehendit viros, qui venerant perdere eum, et occidit eos; cognovit enim quiaquaerebant eum perdere.
22 On hearing this, John was utterly astounded. When the men came to kill him, he had them arrested and put to death, for he knew what they meant to do.
23 Et cetera sermonum Ioannis et bellorum eius et bonarum virtutum, quibusfortiter gessit, et aedificii murorum, quos exstruxit, et rerum gestarum eius,23 Now the rest of the history of John, his wars and the brave deeds he performed, his rebuilding of the walls, and his other achievements-
24 ecce haec scripta sunt in libro dierum sacerdotii eius, ex quo factus estprinceps sacerdotum post patrem suum.24 these things are recorded in the chronicle of his pontificate, from the time that he succeeded his father as high priest.