
Sabato, 27 luglio 2024 - San Celestino . ( Letture di oggi)

Numeri 29

1 Mensis etiam septimi prima die conventus sanctus erit vo bis; omne opus servile non facietis in ea, quia dies clangoris est et tubarum.1 "On the first day of the seventh month you shall hold a sacred assembly, and do no sort of work; it shall be a day on which you sound the trumpet.
2 Offeretisque holocaustum in odorem suavissimum Domino: vitulum de armento unum, arietem unum et agnos anniculos immaculatos septem;2 You shall offer as a sweet-smelling holocaust to the LORD one bullock, one ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs,
3 et in oblationibus eorum similae oleo conspersae tres decimas per vitulum, duas decimas per arietem,3 with their cereal offerings of fine flour mixed with oil; offering three tenths of an ephah for the bullock, two tenths for the ram,
4 unam decimam per agnum, qui simul sunt agni septem;4 and one tenth for each of the seven lambs.
5 et hircum pro peccato, qui offertur in expiationem vestram,5 Moreover, one goat shall be offered as a sin offering in atonement for yourselves.
6 praeter holocaustum calendarum cum oblatione et holocaustum sempiternum cum oblatione et libationibus solitis in odorem suavissimum, sacrificium ignis Domino.
6 These are to be offered in addition to the ordinary new-moon holocaust with its cereal offering, and in addition to the established holocaust with its cereal offering, together with the libations prescribed for them, as a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD.
7 Decima quoque die mensis huius septimi erit vobis conventus sanctus, et affligetis animas vestras; omne opus servile non facietis.7 "On the tenth day of this seventh month you shall hold a sacred assembly, and mortify yourselves, and do no sort of work.
8 Offeretisque holocaustum Domino in odorem suavissimum: vitulum de armento unum, arietem unum, agnos anniculos immaculatos septem;8 You shall offer as a sweet-smelling holocaust to the LORD one bullock, one ram, and seven yearling lambs that you are sure are unblemished,
9 et in oblatione eorum similae oleo conspersae tres decimas per vitulum, duas decimas per arietem,9 with their cereal offerings of fine flour mixed with oil; offering three tenths of an ephah for the bullock, two tenths for the ram,
10 decimam unam per agnos singulos, qui sunt simul septem agni;10 and one tenth for each of the seven lambs.
11 et hircum pro peccato, absque his, quae offerri pro delicto solent in expiationem et holocaustum sempiternum cum oblatione et libaminibus eorum.
11 Moreover, one goat shall be sacrificed as a sin offering. These are to be offered in addition to the atonement sin offering, the established holocaust with its cereal offering, and their libations.
12 Quinta decima vero die mensis septimi conventus sanctus erit; omne opus servile non facietis in ea, sed celebrabitis sollemnitatem Domino septem diebus12 "On the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall hold a sacred assembly, and do no sort of work; then, for seven days following, you shall celebrate a pilgrimage feast to the LORD.
13 offeretisque holocaustum in odorem suavissimum Domino: vitulos de armento tredecim, arietes duos, agnos anniculos immaculatos quattuordecim;13 You shall offer as a sweet-smelling holocaust to the LORD thirteen bullocks, two rams, and fourteen yearling lambs that are unblemished,
14 et in oblatione eorum similae oleo conspersae tres decimas per vitulos singulos, qui sunt simul vituli tredecim, et duas decimas arieti uno, id est simul arietibus duobus,14 with their cereal offerings of fine flour mixed with oil; offering three tenths of an ephah for each of the thirteen bullocks, two tenths for each of the two rams,
15 et decimam unam agnis singulis, qui sunt simul agni quattuordecim;15 and one tenth for each of the fourteen lambs.
16 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno et oblatione et libamine eius.16 Moreover, one goat shall be sacrificed as a sin offering. These are to be offered in addition to the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
17 In die altero offeretis vitulos de armento duodecim, arietes duos, agnos anniculos immaculatos quattuordecim;17 "On the second day you shall offer twelve bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
18 oblationemque et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos iuxta numerum eorum rite celebrabitis,18 with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
19 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno oblationeque et libamine eorum.19 as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
20 Die tertio offeretis vitulos undecim, arietes duos, agnos anniculos imma culatos quattuordecim,20 "On the third day you shall offer eleven bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
21 oblationem et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos iuxta numerum eorum rite celebrabitis,21 with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
22 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno oblationeque et libamine eius.22 as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
23 Die quarto offeretis vitulos decem, arietes duos, agnos anniculos immaculatos quattuordecim,23 "On the fourth day you shall offer ten bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
24 oblationem et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos iuxta numerum eorum rite celebrabitis,24 with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
25 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno, oblatione eius et libamine.25 as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
26 Die quinto offeretis vitulos novem, arietes duos, agnos anniculos immaculatos quattuordecim,26 "On the fifth day you shall offer nine bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
27 oblationem et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos iuxta numerum eorum rite celebrabitis,27 with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
28 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno, oblatione eius et libamine.28 as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
29 Die sexto offeretis vitulos octo, arietes duos, agnos anniculos immaculatos quattuordecim,29 "On the sixth day you shall offer eight bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
30 oblationem et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos iuxta numerum eorum rite celebrabitis,30 with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
31 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno, oblatione eius et libamine.31 as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
32 Die septimo offeretis vitulos septem et arietes duos, agnos anniculos immaculatos quattuordecim,32 "On the seventh day you shall offer seven bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
33 oblationem et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos iuxta numerum eorum rite celebrabitis,33 with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
34 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno, oblatione eius et libamine.34 as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
35 Die octavo erit conventus sollemnis, omne opus servile non facietis35 "On the eighth day you shall hold a solemn meeting, and do no sort of work.
36 offerentes holocaustum in odorem suavissimum Domino: vitulum unum, arietem unum, agnos anniculos immaculatos septem,36 You shall offer up in holocaust as a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD one bullock, one ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs,
37 oblationem et libamina singulorum per vitulum et arietem et agnos iuxta numerum eorum rite celebrabitis,37 with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
38 et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno, oblatione eius et libamine.
38 as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
39 Haec offeretis Domino in sollemnitatibus vestris, praeter vota et oblationes spontaneas in holocaustis, in oblationibus, in libaminibus et in hostiis pacificis ”.
39 "These are the offerings you shall make to the LORD on your festivals, besides whatever holocausts, cereal offerings, libations, and peace offerings you present as your votive or freewill offerings."