
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Primo libro dei Maccabei 6

1 Et rex Antiochus perambulabat superiores regiones et audivit esseElymaida in Perside civitatem gloriosam divitiis argento et auro1 As King Antiochus was traversing the inland provinces, he heard that in Persia there was a city called Elymais, famous for its wealth in silver and gold,
2 templumque inea locuples valde et illic velamina aurea et loricae et scuta, quae reliquit ibiAlexander Philippi rex Macedo, qui regnavit primus in Graecia.2 and that its temple was very rich, containing gold helmets, breastplates, and weapons left there by Alexander, son of Philip, king of Macedon, the first king of the Greeks.
3 Et venit etquaerebat capere civitatem et depraedari eam et non potuit, quoniam innotuitsermo his, qui erant in civitate.3 He went therefore and tried to capture and pillage the city. But he could not do so, because his plan became known to the people of the city
4 Et restiterunt ei in proelium. Et fugit indeet abiit cum tristitia magna, ut reverteretur in Babyloniam.4 who rose up in battle against him. So he retreated and in great dismay withdrew from there to return to Babylon.
5 Et venit, quinuntiaret ei in Perside quia fugata sunt castra, quae iverant in terram Iudae,5 While he was in Persia, a messenger brought him news that the armies sent into the land of Judah had been put to flight;
6 et quia abiit Lysias cum virtute forti in primis et fugatus est a facie eorum,et invaluerunt armis et viribus et spoliis multis, quae ceperunt de castris quaeexciderunt,6 that Lysias had gone at first with a strong army and been driven back by the Israelites; that they had grown strong by reason of the arms, men, and abundant possessions taken from the armies they had destroyed;
7 et quia diruerunt abominationem, quam aedificaverat super altare,quod erat in Ierusalem, et sanctificationem sicut prius circumdederunt murisexcelsis et Bethsuram civitatem eius.7 that they had pulled down the Abomination which he had built upon the altar in Jerusalem; and that they had surrounded with high walls both the sanctuary, as it had been before, and his city of Beth-zur.
8 Et factum est, ut audivit rex sermonesistos, expavit et commotus est valde et decidit in lectum et incidit inlanguorem prae tristitia, quia non factum est ei, sicut cogitabat.8 When the king heard this news, he was struck with fear and very much shaken. Sick with grief because his designs had failed, he took to his bed.
9 Et eratillic per dies multos, quia renovata est in eo tristitia magna, et arbitratusest se mori.9 There he remained many days, overwhelmed with sorrow, for he knew he was going to die.
10 Et vocavit omnes amicos suos et dixit illis: “ Recessit somnusab oculis meis, et concidi corde prae sollicitudine10 So he called in all his Friends and said to them: "Sleep has departed from my eyes, for my heart is sinking with anxiety.
11 et dixi in corde meo:Quousque tribulationis deveni et tempestatis magnae, in qua nunc sum? Quiaiucundus eram et dilectus in potestate mea!11 I said to myself: 'Into what tribulation have I come, and in what floods of sorrow am I now!
12 Nunc vero reminiscor malorum,quae feci in Ierusalem, unde et abstuli omnia vasa aurea et argentea, quae erantin ea, et misi auferre habitantes Iudam sine causa.12 Yet I was kindly and beloved in my rule.' But I now recall the evils I did in Jerusalem, when I carried away all the vessels of gold and silver that were in it, and for no cause gave orders that the inhabitants of Judah be destroyed.
13 Cognovi quia proptereainvenerunt me mala ista; et ecce pereo tristitia magna in terra aliena ”.13 I know that this is why these evils have overtaken me; and now I am dying, in bitter grief, in a foreign land."
14 Et vocavit Philippum, unum de amicis suis, et praeposuit eum super universumregnum suum;14 Then he summoned Philip, one of his Friends, and put him in charge of his whole kingdom.
15 et dedit ei diadema et stolam suam et anulum, ut adduceretAntiochum filium suum et nutriret eum, ut regnaret.15 He gave him his crown, his robe, and his signet ring, so that he might guide the king's son Antiochus and bring him up to be king.
16 Et mortuus est illicAntiochus rex anno centesimo quadragesimo nono.16 King Antiochus died in Persia in the year one hundred and forty-nine.
17 Et cognovit Lysias quoniammortuus est rex, et constituit regnare Antiochum filium eius pro eo, quemnutrivit adulescentiorem; et vocavit nomen eius Eupatorem.
17 When Lysias learned that the king was dead, he set up the king's son Antiochus, whom he had reared as a child, to be king in his place; and he gave him the title Eupator.
18 Et hi, qui erant in arce, concluserant Israel in circuitu sanctorum etquaerebant eis mala semper et firmamentum gentium.18 The men in the citadel were hemming in Israel around the sanctuary, continually trying to harm them and to strengthen the Gentiles.
19 Et cogitavit Iudasdisperdere eos et convocavit universum populum, ut obsiderent eos.19 But Judas planned to destroy them, and called all the people together to besiege them.
20 Etconvenerunt simul et obsederunt eos anno centesimo quinquagesimo et feceruntballistas et machinas.20 So in the year one hundred and fifty they assembled and stormed the citadel, for which purpose he constructed catapults and other devices.
21 Et exierunt quidam ex eis, qui obsidebantur, etadiunxerunt se illis aliqui impii ex Israel21 Some of the besieged escaped, joined by impious Israelites;
22 et abierunt ad regem et dixerunt:“ Quousque non facis iudicium et vindicabis fratres nostros?22 they went to the king and said: "How long will you fail to do justice and avenge our kinsmen?
23 Nos decrevimusservire patri tuo et ambulare in praeceptis eius et obsequi edictis eius;23 We agreed to serve your father and to follow his orders and obey his edicts.
24 etfilii populi nostri propter hoc obsederunt arcem et alienabant se a nobis, et,quicumque inveniebantur ex nobis, interficiebantur, et hereditates nostraediripiebantur.24 And for this the sons of our people have become our enemies; they have put to death as many of us as they could find and have plundered our estates.
25 Et non ad nos tantum extenderunt manum sed et in omnes finessuos;25 They have acted aggressively not only against us, but throughout their whole territory.
26 et ecce applicuerunt hodie ad arcem in Ierusalem occupare eam et sanctaet Bethsuram munierunt.26 Look! They have now besieged the citadel in Jerusalem in order to capture it, and they have fortified the sanctuary and Beth-zur.
27 Et, nisi praeveneris eos velocius, maiora quam haecfacient, et non poteris continere eos ”.
27 Unless you quickly forestall them, they will do even worse things than these, and you will not be able to stop them."
28 Et iratus est rex, ut audivit, et convocavit omnes amicos suos et principesexercitus sui et eos, qui super vehicula erant;28 When the king heard this he was angry, and he called together all his Friends, the officers of his army, and the commanders of the cavalry.
29 sed et de regnis aliis et deinsulis maritimis venerunt ad eum exercitus conducticii.29 Mercenary forces also came to him from other kingdoms and from the islands of the seas.
30 Et erat numerusexercitus eius centum milia peditum et viginti milia equitum, et elephantitriginta duo docti ad proelium.30 His army numbered a hundred thousand foot-soldiers, twenty thousand cavalry, and thirty-two elephants trained for war.
31 Et venerunt per Idumaeam et applicuerunt adBethsuram. Et pugnaverunt dies multos et fecerunt machinas et exierunt etsuccenderunt eas igne et pugnaverunt viriliter.31 They passed through Idumea and camped before Beth-zur. For many days they attacked it; they constructed siege-devices, but the besieged made a sortie and burned these, and they fought bravely.
32 Et recessit Iudas ab arce etmovit castra ad Bethzacharam contra castra regis.32 Then Judas marched away from the citadel and moved his camp to Beth-zechariah, on the way to the king's camp.
33 Et surrexit rex ante lucemet excitavit exercitum in impetu suo contra viam Bethzacharam, et comparaveruntse exercitus in proelium et tubis cecinerunt33 The king, rising before dawn, moved his force hastily along the road to Beth-zechariah; and the armies prepared for battle, while the trumpets sounded.
34 et elephantis ostenderuntsanguinem uvae et mori ad acuendos eos in proelium.34 They showed the elephants the juice of grapes and mulberries to provoke them to fight.
35 Et diviserunt bestias perlegiones, et astiterunt singulis elephantis mille viri in loricis concatenatis,et galeae aereae in capitibus eorum, et quingenti equites ordinati unicuiquebestiae electi.35 The beasts were distributed along the phalanxes, each elephant having assigned to it a thousand men in coats of mail, with bronze helmets, and five hundred picked cavalry.
36 Hi ante tempus, ubicumque erat bestia, ibi erant et,quocumque ibat, ibant; non discedebant ab ea.36 These anticipated the beast wherever it was; and wherever it moved, they moved too and never left it.
37 Et turres ligneae super eosfirmae, protectae super singulas bestias, praecinctae super eas machinis, etsuper singulas viri virtutis quattuor, qui pugnabant desuper, et Indus eius.37 A strong wooden tower covering each elephant, and fastened to it by a harness, held, besides the Indian mahout, three soldiers who fought from it.
38 Et residuos equites hinc et inde statuit in duas partes exercitus excitaturos etprotecturos in legionibus.38 The remaining cavalry were stationed on one or the other of the two flanks of the army, to harass the enemy and to be protected from the phalanxes.
39 Et, ut refulsit sol in clipeos aureos et aereos,resplenduerunt montes ab eis et resplenduerunt sicut lampades ignis.39 When the sun shone on the gold and bronze shields, the mountains gleamed with their brightness and blazed like flaming torches.
40 Etdistincta est pars exercitus regis super montes excelsos, et quidam per locahumilia; et ibant caute et ordinate.40 Part of the king's army extended over the heights, while some were on low ground, but they marched forward steadily and in good order.
41 Et commovebantur omnes audientes vocemmultitudinis et incessum turbae et collisionem armorum; erat enim exercitusmagnus valde et fortis.41 All who heard the noise of their numbers, the tramp of their marching, and the clashing of the arms, trembled; for the army was very great and strong.
42 Et appropiavit Iudas et exercitus eius in proelium,et ceciderunt de exercitu regis sescenti viri.
42 Judas with his army advanced to fight, and six hundred men of the king's army fell.
43 Et vidit Eleazar Abaran unam de bestiis loricatam loricis regis, et erateminens super ceteras bestias, et visum est ei quod in ea esset rex;43 Eleazar, called Avaran, saw one of the beasts bigger than any of the others and covered with royal armor, and he thought the king must be on it.
44 et deditse, ut liberaret populum suum et acquireret sibi nomen aeternum.44 So he gave up his life to save his people and win an everlasting name for himself.
45 Et cucurritad eam audacter, in medio legionis interficiens a dextris et a sinistris, etfindebantur ab eo huc atque illuc;45 He dashed up to it in the middle of the phalanx, killing men right and left, so that they fell back from him on both sides.
46 et ivit sub elephantum et supposuit se eiet occidit eum; et cecidit in terram super ipsum, et mortuus est illic.
46 He ran right under the elephant and stabbed it in the belly, killing it. The beast fell to the ground on top of him, and he died there.
47 Et videntes virtutem regni et impetum exercituum diverterunt se ab eis.47 When the Jews saw the strength of the royal army and the ardor of its forces, they retreated from them.
48 Qui autem erant de castris regis, ascenderunt obviam illis in Ierusalem, etapplicuit rex ad Iudaeam et montem Sion.48 A part of the king's army went up to Jerusalem to attack them, and the king established camps in Judea and at Mount Zion.
49 Et fecit pacem cum his, qui erant inBethsura; et exierunt de civitate, quia non erant eis ibi alimenta, eo quodconclusi essent in ea, quia sabbatum erat terrae.49 He made peace with the men of Beth-zur, and they evacuated the city, because they had no food there to enable them to stand a siege, for that was a sabbath year in the land.
50 Et comprehendit rexBethsuram et constituit illic custodiam servare eam.50 The king took Beth-zur and stationed a garrison there to hold it.
51 Et applicuit castra adlocum sanctificationis dies multos; et statuit illic ballistas et machinas etignis iacula et tormenta ad lapides iactandos et scorpios ad mittendas sagittaset fundibula.51 For many days he besieged the sanctuary, setting up artillery and machines, fire-throwers, catapults and mechanical bows for shooting arrows and slingstones.
52 Fecerunt autem et ipsi machinas adversus machinas eorum etpugnaverunt dies multos;52 The Jews countered by setting up machines of their own, and kept up the fight a long time.
53 escae autem non erant in horreis, eo quod septimusannus esset, et, qui evaserant in Iudaeam de gentibus, consumpserant reliquiasrepositionis.53 But there were no provisions in the storerooms, because it was the seventh year, and the tide-over provisions had been eaten up by those who had been rescued from the Gentiles and brought to Judea.
54 Et remanserunt in sanctis viri pauci, quoniam obtinuerat eosfames, et dispersi sunt unusquisque in locum suum.
54 Few men remained in the sanctuary; the rest scattered, each to his own home, for the famine was too much for them.
55 Et audivit Lysias quod Philippus, quem constituerat rex Antiochus, cum adhucviveret, ut nutriret Antiochum filium suum ut regnaret,55 Lysias heard that Philip, whom King Antiochus, before his death, had appointed to train his son Antiochus to be king,
56 reversus esset aPerside et Media, et exercitus, qui abierat cum ipso, et quia quaerebatsuscipere regni negotia.56 had returned from Persia and Media with the army that accompanied the king, and that he was seeking to take over the government.
57 Festinavit et significavit ire dixitque ad regem etduces exercitus et viros: “ Deficimus cotidie, et esca nobis modica est, etlocus, quem obsidemus, est munitus, et incumbunt nobis negotia regni.57 So he hastily resolved to withdraw. He said to the king, the leaders of the army, and the soldiers: "We are grow-ing weaker every day, our provisions are scanty, the place we are besieging is strong, and it is our duty to take care of the affairs of the kingdom.
58 Nuncitaque demus dextras hominibus istis et faciamus cum illis pacem et cum omnigente eorum58 Therefore let us now come to terms with these men, and make peace with them and all their nation.
59 et constituamus illis, ut ambulent in legitimis suis sicut prius;propter legitima enim ipsorum, quae dispersimus, irati sunt et fecerunt omniahaec ”.59 Let us grant them freedom to live according to their own laws as formerly; it was on account of their laws, which we abolished, that they became angry and did all these things."
60 Et placuit sermo in conspectu regis et principum, et misit ad eospacem facere, et receperunt illam.60 The proposal found favor with the king and the leaders;
61 Et iuravit illis rex et principes. Hiscondicionibus exierunt de munitione.61 he sent peace terms to the Jews, and they accepted. So the king and the leaders swore an oath to them, and on these terms they evacuated the fortification.
62 Et intravit rex in montem Sion et viditmunitionem loci et rupit iuramentum, quod iuravit, et mandavit destruere murumin gyro.62 But when the king entered Mount Zion and saw how the place was fortified, he broke the oath he had sworn and gave orders for the encircling wall to be destroyed.
63 Et discessit festinanter et reversus est Antiochiam; et invenitPhilippum dominantem civitati et pugnavit adversus eum et occupavit civitatemper vim.
63 Then he departed in haste and returned to Antioch, where he found Philip in possession of the city. He fought against him and took the city by force.