
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Giuditta 8

1 Et erat in civitate commorans in diebus illis Iudith filia Merari filiiOx filii Ioseph filii Oziel filii Elchiae filii Ananiae filii Gedeon filiiRafain filii Achitob filii Eliab filii Nathanael filii Salamiel filii Surisaddaifilii Simeon filii Israel.1 Now at that time Judith heard thereof, which was the daughter of Merari, the son of Ox, the son of Joseph, the son of Ozel, the son of Elcia, the son of Ananias, the son of Gedeon, the son of Raphaim, the son of Acitho, the son of Eliu, the son of Eliab, the son of Nathanael, the son of Samael, the son of Salasadal, the son of Israel.
2 Et vir eius Manasses erat ex tribu eius et patriaeius; et mortuus est in diebus messis hordiariae.2 And Manasses was her husband, of her tribe and kindred, who died in the barley harvest.
3 Steterat enim superalligantes manipulos in campo, et aestus introivit in caput eius, et incidit inlectum et mortuus est in Betulia civitate sua. Et sepelierunt eum cum patribussuis in agro, qui est inter Dothain et Balamon.3 For as he stood overseeing them that bound sheaves in the field, the heat came upon his head, and he fell on his bed, and died in the city of Bethulia: and they buried him with his fathers in the field between Dothaim and Balamo.
4 Et erat Iudith in domo suavidua per annos tres et menses quattuor.4 So Judith was a widow in her house three years and four months.
5 Et fecit sibi tabernaculum supertectum domus suae et imposuit super lumbos suos cilicium, et erant super eamvestimenta viduitatis suae,5 And she made her a tent upon the top of her house, and put on sackcloth upon her loins and ware her widow's apparel.
6 et ieiunabat per omnes dies viduitatis suaepraeter pridie sabbatorum et sabbata et pridie neomeniarum et neomenias et diesfestos et gaudimonia domus Israel.6 And she fasted all the days of her widowhood, save the eves of the sabbaths, and the sabbaths, and the eves of the new moons, and the new moons and the feasts and solemn days of the house of Israel.
7 Et erat bona in aspectu et formosa facievalde et prudens in corde et bona in sensu et erat honesta valde, quiareliquerat ei Manasses vir eius filius Ioseph filii Achitob filii Melchis filiiEliab filii Nathanael filii Surisaddai filii Simeon filii Israel aurum etargentum et pueros et puellas et pecora et praedia, et manebat in eis;7 She was also of a goodly countenance, and very beautiful to behold: and her husband Manasses had left her gold, and silver, and menservants and maidservants, and cattle, and lands; and she remained upon them.
8 et nonerat qui inferret ei verbum malum, quia timebat Deum valde.
8 And there was none that gave her an ill word; ar she feared God greatly.
9 Et audivit verba populi maligna super principem quoniam defecerunt animo superpenuriam aquarum. Et audivit omnia verba Iudith, quae locutus est ad eos Ozias,quemadmodum iuraverat eis, ut post quinque dies traderet civitatem Assyriis.9 Now when she heard the evil words of the people against the governor, that they fainted for lack of water; for Judith had heard all the words that Ozias had spoken unto them, and that he had sworn to deliver the city unto the Assyrians after five days;
10 Et mittens abram suam, quae erat super omnia bona eius, vocavit Oziam et Chabrinet Charmin seniores civitatis suae.
10 Then she sent her waitingwoman, that had the government of all things that she had, to call Ozias and Chabris and Charmis, the ancients of the city.
11 Et venerunt ad eam. Et dixit ad eos: “ Audite me, principes inhabitantiumin Betulia, quoniam non est rectum verbum vestrum, quod locuti estis coram plebein hac die et statuistis iuramentum istud, quod locuti estis inter Deum et vos,et dixistis tradituros vos civitatem inimicis nostris, si non in illis diebusconverterit Dominus Deus noster audiutorium nobis.11 And they came unto her, and she said unto them, Hear me now, O ye governors of the inhabitants of Bethulia: for your words that ye have spoken before the people this day are not right, touching this oath which ye made and pronounced between God and you, and have promised to deliver the city to our enemies, unless within these days the Lord turn to help you.
12 Et nunc qui estis vos, quitentastis Deum in hodierno die et astitistis pro Deo in medio filiorum hominum?12 And now who are ye that have tempted God this day, and stand instead of God among the children of men?
13 Et nunc Dominum omnipotentem tentatis et nihil intellegetis usque insempiternum.13 And now try the Lord Almighty, but ye shall never know any thing.
14 Quoniam altitudinem cordis hominis non invenietis et cogitatussensus eius non comprehendetis, quomodo Deum, qui fecit omnia ista, inquiretiset sensum eius cognoscetis et cogitationem eius inspicietis? Minime, fratres,nolite exacerbare Dominum Deum nostrum,14 For ye cannot find the depth of the heart of man, neither can ye perceive the things that he thinketh: then how can ye search out God, that hath made all these things, and know his mind, or comprehend his purpose? Nay, my brethren, provoke not the Lord our God to anger.
15 quoniam, si noluerit in his quinquediebus adiuvare nos, ipse habet potestatem, in quibus diebus velit, protegereaut disperdere nos ante faciem inimicorum nostrorum.15 For if he will not help us within these five days, he hath power to defend us when he will, even every day, or to destroy us before our enemies.
16 Vos autem nolitepraepignorare voluntates Domini Dei nostri, quoniam non sicut homo Deus est, utminis terreatur, aut sicut filius hominis, ut iudicetur.16 Do not bind the counsels of the Lord our God: for God is not as man, that he may be threatened; neither is he as the son of man, that he should be wavering.
17 Propter quodsustinentes salvationem ab eo, invocemus ipsum in adiutorium nostrum, etexaudiet vocem nostram, si fuerit ipsi placitum.
17 Therefore let us wait for salvation of him, and call upon him to help us, and he will hear our voice, if it please him.
18 Quoniam non exsurrexit in progenie nostra, nec est in hodierna die nequetribus neque patria neque populus neque civitas ex nobis, qui adorent deosmanufactos, sicut factum est in primis diebus,18 For there arose none in our age, neither is there any now in these days neither tribe, nor family, nor people, nor city among us, which worship gods made with hands, as hath been aforetime.
19 pro quibus traditi sunt ingladium et in rapinam patres nostri et ceciderunt casum magnum ante conspectuminimicorum nostrorum.19 For the which cause our fathers were given to the sword, and for a spoil, and had a great fall before our enemies.
20 Nos autem alium Deum nescimus praeter eum, a quosperamus quia non despiciet nos nec auferet salutare suum a genere nostro.
20 But we know none other god, therefore we trust that he will not dispise us, nor any of our nation.
21 Quoniam in eo quod capti sumus, sic et capietur omnis Iudaea, et praedabuntursancta nostra, et exquiret Deus coinquinationem eorum ex sanguine nostro21 For if we be taken so, all Judea shall lie waste, and our sanctuary shall be spoiled; and he will require the profanation thereof at our mouth.
22 etmortem fratrum nostrorum et captivitatem terrae et desertionem hereditatisnostrae reducet in caput nostrum in gentibus, ubicumque servierimus. Et erimusin offendiculum et in improperium ante omnes, qui possidebunt nos,22 And the slaughter of our brethren, and the captivity of the country, and the desolation of our inheritance, will he turn upon our heads among the Gentiles, wheresoever we shall be in bondage; and we shall be an offence and a reproach to all them that possess us.
23 quoniamnon dirigetur servitus nostra in gratiam, sed in inhonorationem ponet eamDominus Deus noster.23 For our servitude shall not be directed to favour: but the Lord our God shall turn it to dishonour.
24 Et nunc, fratres, ostendamus fratribus nostris quoniamex nobis pendet anima eorum, et sancta et domus et altare incumbit in nobis.
24 Now therefore, O brethren, let us shew an example to our brethren, because their hearts depend upon us, and the sanctuary, and the house, and the altar, rest upon us.
25 Praeter haec omnia gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro, qui tentat nos sicut etpatres nostros.25 Moreover let us give thanks to the Lord our God, which trieth us, even as he did our fathers.
26 Memores estote quanta fecerit cum Abraham et Isaac, et quantafacta sint Iacob in Mesopotamia Syriae pascenti oves Laban fratris matris suae.26 Remember what things he did to Abraham, and how he tried Isaac, and what happened to Jacob in Mesopotamia of Syria, when he kept the sheep of Laban his mother's brother.
27 Quia non sicut illos combussit in inquisitionem cordis illorum et in nos nonultus est, sed in monitionem flagellat Dominus appropinquantes sibi ”.
27 For he hath not tried us in the fire, as he did them, for the examination of their hearts, neither hath he taken vengeance on us: but the Lord doth scourge them that come near unto him, to admonish them.
28 Et dixit ad eam Ozias: “ Omnia, quaecumque dixisti, in bono corde locutaes, et non est qui resistat verbis tuis,28 Then said Ozias to her, All that thou hast spoken hast thou spoken with a good heart, and there is none that may gainsay thy words.
29 quoniam non ex hodierna diesapientia tua manifesta est, sed ab initio dierum tuorum scit omnis populussensum tuum, quoniam bona sunt figmenta cordis tui.29 For this is not the first day wherein thy wisdom is manifested; but from the beginning of thy days all the people have known thy understanding, because the disposition of thine heart is good.
30 Sed populus sitiit valde,et coegerunt nos sic facere, ut locuti sumus eis, et inducere super nosiuramentum, quod non praeteriemus.30 But the people were very thirsty, and compelled us to do unto them as we have spoken, and to bring an oath upon ourselves, which we will not break.
31 Et nunc ora pro nobis, et forte exaudiette Deus noster, quoniam tu mulier sancta es, et dimittet Dominus pluviam inrepletionem lacuum nostrorum, et non deficiemus iam ”.
31 Therefore now pray thou for us, because thou art a godly woman, and the Lord will send us rain to fill our cisterns, and we shall faint no more.
32 Et dixit ad eos Iudith: “ Audite me, et faciam opus prudentiae, quodperveniet in generationes generationum filiis generis nostri.32 Then said Judith unto them, Hear me, and I will do a thing, which shall go throughout all generations to the children of our nation.
33 Vos enimstabitis ad portam hac nocte, et exeam ego cum abra mea, et in diebus, post quosdixistis civitatem tradituros vos inimicis nostris, visitabit Dominus Israel inmanu mea, sicut ego fido.33 Ye shall stand this night in the gate, and I will go forth with my waitingwoman: and within the days that ye have promised to deliver the city to our enemies the Lord will visit Israel by mine hand.
34 Vos autem non scrutabitis actum meum; non enimrenuntiabo vobis, quousque consummentur, quae ego facio ”.34 But enquire not ye of mine act: for I will not declare it unto you, till the things be finished that I do.
35 Et dixit Oziaset principes ad eam: “ Vade in pacem, et Dominus Deus sit ante te in ultioneminimicorum nostrorum ”.35 Then said Ozias and the princes unto her, Go in peace, and the Lord God be before thee, to take vengeance on our enemies.
36 Et revertentes descenderunt de tabernaculo eius etabierunt ad dispositiones suas.
36 So they returned from the tent, and went to their wards.