
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Secondo libro dei Maccabei 3

1 Cum sancta civitas habitaretur cum omni pace, et leges quam optimecustodirentur propter Oniae pontificis pietatem et odium malitiae,1 While the holy city was inhabited in al peace and the laws were observed as perfectly as possible,owing to the piety of Onias the high priest and his hatred of wickedness,
2 fiebat utet ipsi reges locum honorarent et templum maximis muneribus illustrarent,2 it came about that the kings themselves honoured the holy place and enhanced the glory of the Templewith the most splendid offerings,
3 itaut Seleucus quoque Asiae rex de redditibus suis praestaret omnes sumptus administeria sacrificiorum pertinentes.3 even to the extent that Seleucus king of Asia defrayed from his own revenues al the expenses arisingout of the sacrificial liturgy.
4 Simon autem de tribu Belgae praepositustempli constitutus dissentiebat a principe sacerdotum de dispensatione incivitate.4 But a certain Simon, of the tribe of Bilgah, on being appointed administrator of the Temple, came intoconflict with the high priest over the regulation of the city markets.
5 Et cum vincere Oniam non posset, venit ad Apollonium Tharseaefilium, qui eo tempore erat dux Coelesyriae et Phoenicis,5 Unable to get the better of Onias, he went off to Apol onius, son of Thraseos, who was at that timecommander-in-chief of Coele-Syria and Phoenicia,
6 et nuntiavitpecuniis inenarrabilibus plenum esse aerarium Hierosolymis, ita ut multitudovectigalium innumerabilis esset et ea non pertinere ad rationem sacrificiorum;esse autem possibile sub potestate regis haec cadere.
6 and made out to him that the Treasury in Jerusalem was groaning with untold wealth, that the amountcontributed was incalculable and out of all proportion to expenditure on the sacrifice, but that it could al bebrought under the control of the king.
7 Collocutus autem Apollonius cum rege, de indicatis sibi pecuniis aperuit; atille vocans Heliodorum, qui erat super negotia, misit datis mandatis, utpraedictam pecuniam transportaret.7 Apol onius met the king and told him about the wealth that had been disclosed to him; whereupon theking selected Heliodorus, his chancel or, and sent him with instructions to effect the removal of the reportedwealth.
8 Statimque Heliodorus iter est aggressus,specie quidem quasi per Coelesyriam et Phoenicen civitates esset peragraturus,re vera autem regis propositum perfecturus.8 Heliodorus lost no time in setting out, ostensibly to inspect the towns of Coele-Syria and Phoenicia, butin fact to accomplish the king's purpose.
9 Sed cum venisset Hierosolymam etbenigne a summo sacerdote civitatis esset exceptus, narravit de dato indicio, etcuius rei gratia adesset aperuit; interrogabat autem, si vere haec ita essent.9 On his arrival in Jerusalem, and after a hospitable reception from the high priest and the city, heannounced what had been disclosed, thus revealing the reason for his presence, and asked if this was indeedthe true situation.
10 Tunc summus sacerdos ostendit deposita esse viduarum et pupillorum;10 The high priest explained that there were funds set aside for widows and orphans,
11 quaedam vero esse Hircani Thobiae, viri valde eminentis, non sicut detuleratobtrectans impius Simon; universa autem argenti talenta esse quadringenta etauri ducenta;11 with some belonging to Hyrcanus son of Tobias, a man occupying a very exalted position, and thatthe whole sum, in contrast to what the evil Simon had al eged, amounted to four hundred talents of silver andtwo hundred of gold.
12 decipi vero eos, qui credidissent loci sanctitati et honoratiper universum mundum templi venerationi inviolabili tutelae, omnino impossibileesse.
12 He also added that it was entirely out of the question that an injustice should be done to those whohad put their trust in the sanctity of the place and in the inviolable majesty of a Temple venerated throughout theentire world.
13 At ille, pro his, quae habebat, mandatis a rege, omnino dicebat in regiumfiscum ea esse deferenda.13 But Heliodorus, because of his instructions from the king, peremptorily insisted that the funds must beconfiscated for the royal exchequer.
14 Constituta autem die, intrabat de his visitationemordinaturus. Non modica vero per universam civitatem erat trepidatio.14 Fixing a day for the purpose, he went in to draw up an inventory of the funds. There was no littleconsternation throughout the city;
15 Sacerdotes autem ante altare cum stolis sacerdotalibus iactaverunt se etinvocabant in caelum eum, qui de deposito legem posuit, ut his, qui deposuerant,ea salva custodiret.15 the priests in their sacred vestments prostrated themselves before the altar and prayed to Heaven, tothe Author of the law governing deposits, to preserve these funds intact for the depositors.
16 Erat autem, ut qui videret summi sacerdotis vultum,mente vulneraretur; facies enim et color immutatus declarabat internum animidolorem.16 The appearance of the high priest was enough to pierce the heart of the beholder, his expression andhis altered colour betraying the anguish of his soul;
17 Circumfusus enim erat metus quidam viro, et horror corporis, undemanifestus aspicientibus dolor instans cordi efficiebatur.17 the man was so overwhelmed by fear and bodily trembling that those who saw him could not possiblymistake the distress he was suffering.
18 Alii autem dedomibus gregatim prosiliebant ad publicam supplicationem, pro eo quod incontemptum locus esset venturus.18 People rushed headlong from the houses, intent on making public supplication because of theindignity threatening the holy place.
19 Accinctaeque mulieres ciliciis sub mammisper vias confluebant; sed et virgines, quae conclusae erant, aliae quidemprocurrebant ad ianuas, aliae autem ad muros, quaedam vero per fenestrasaspiciebant;19 Women thronged the streets swathed in sackcloth below their breasts; girls secluded indoors camerunning, some to the doorways, some to the city walls, while others leaned out of the windows,
20 universae autem protendentes manus in caelum deprecabantur.20 al stretching out their hands to Heaven in entreaty.
21 Erat enim misereri commixtae multitudinis prostrationem et summi sacerdotis inmagna agonia constituti exspectationem.21 It was pitiful to see the people crowding together to prostrate themselves, and the foreboding of thehigh priest in his deep anguish.
22 Et hi quidem invocabant omnipotentemDominum, ut credita salva his, qui crediderant, conservaret cum omni tutela.
22 While they were cal ing on the al -powerful Lord to preserve the deposits intact for the depositors, inful security,
23 Heliodorus autem, quod fuerat decretum, perficiebat.23 Heliodorus set about his appointed task.
24 Eodem loco, ipso cumsatellitibus circa aerarium praesente, spirituum et omnis potestatis Dominusmagnam fecit ostensionem, ita ut omnes, qui ausi fuerant convenire, perterritivirtute Dei in dissolutionem et formidinem converterentur.24 He had already arrived with his bodyguard near the Treasury, when the Sovereign of spirits and ofevery power caused so great an apparition that all who had dared to accompany Heliodorus were dumbfoundedat the power of God and reduced to abject terror.
25 Apparuit enimillis quidam equus terribilem habens sessorem et optimo operimento adornatus;isque cum impetu invectus Heliodoro priores calces impegit; qui autemsupersedebat, videbatur arma habere aurea.25 Before their eyes appeared a horse richly caparisoned and carrying a fearsome rider. Rearingviolently, it struck at Heliodorus with its forefeet. The rider was seen to be accoutred entirely in gold.
26 Alii etiam apparuerunt duo iuvenesvirtute decori, optimi gloria speciosique amictu, qui etiam circumsteterunt eumet ex utraque parte flagellabant sine intermissione multas inferentes ei plagas.26 Two other young men of outstanding strength and radiant beauty, magnificently apparel ed, appearedto him at the same time and, taking their stand on each side of him, flogged him unremittingly, inflicting strokeafter stroke.
27 Subito autem concidit in terram; eumque multa caligine circumfusum rapueruntatque in sellam gestatoriam imposuerunt;27 Suddenly Heliodorus fel to the ground, enveloped in thick darkness. His men came to his rescue andplaced him in a litter,
28 et eum, qui cum multis cursoribus etsatellitibus praedictum ingressus erat aerarium, portabant carentem auxilio exarmis constitutum, manifeste Dei virtutem cognoscentem.28 this man who but a moment before had made his way into the Treasury, as we said above, with agreat retinue and his whole bodyguard; and as they carried him away, powerless to help himself, they openlyacknowledged the sovereign power of God.
29 Et ille quidem perdivinam virtutem iacebat mutus atque omni spe et salute privatus;29 While Heliodorus lay prostrate under the divine visitation, speechless and bereft of al hope ofdeliverance,
30 hi autemDominum benedicebant, qui magnificabat locum suum; et templum, quod paulo antetimore ac tumultu erat plenum, apparente omnipotente Domino, gaudio et laetitiaimpletum est.30 the Jews blessed the Lord who had miraculously glorified his own holy place. And the Temple, whicha little while before had been fil ed with terror and commotion, now overflowed with joy and gladness at themanifestation of the almighty Lord.
31 Confestim vero ex amicis Heliodori quidam rogabant Oniam, utinvocaret Altissimum, ut vitam donaret ei, qui prorsus in supremo spiritu eratconstitutus.31 Some of Heliodorus' companions quickly begged Onias to entreat the Most High to grant the man hislife, lying as he did at the very point of death.
32 Suspectus autem factus summus sacerdos, ne forte rex opinareturmalitiam aliquam ex Iudaeis circa Heliodorum consummatam, obtulit hostiam prosalute viri.32 The high priest, afraid that the king might suspect the Jews of some foul play concerning Heliodorus,did indeed offer a sacrifice for the man's recovery.
33 Cumque summus sacerdos litationem perficeret, iidem iuvenesrursus apparuerunt Heliodoro eisdem vestibus amicti et astantes dixerunt: “Oniae summo sacerdoti multas gratias age, nam propter eum Dominus tibi vitamdonavit;33 And while the high priest was performing the rite of expiation, the same young men again appeared toHeliodorus, wearing the same apparel and, standing beside him, said, 'Be very grateful to Onias the high priest,since it is for his sake that the Lord has granted you your life.
34 tu autem a caelo flagellatus nuntia omnibus magnam Dei potestatem”. Et his dictis, non comparuerunt.
34 As for you, who have been scourged by Heaven, you must proclaim to everyone the grandeur ofGod's power.' So saying, they vanished.
35 Heliodorus autem, hostia Domino oblata et votis magnis promissis ei, quivivere concessit, et Oniam acceptum habens cum exercitu repedavit ad regem;35 Heliodorus offered sacrifice to the Lord and made most solemn vows to the preserver of his life, andthen took courteous leave of Onias and marched his forces back to the king.
36 testabatur autem omnibus ea, quae sub oculis suis viderat, opera maximi Dei.36 He openly testified to everyone about the works of the supreme God which he had seen with his owneyes.
37 Cum autem rex interrogasset Heliodorum, quis esset aptus adhuc semelHierosolymam mitti, ait:37 When the king asked Heliodorus what sort of man would be the right person to send to Jerusalem ona second occasion, he replied,
38 “ Si quem habes hostem aut rerum insidiatorem,mitte eum illuc et flagellatum eum recipies, si tamen evaserit, eo quod in locosit vere Dei quaedam virtus;38 'If you have some enemy or anyone disloyal to the state, send him there, and you wil get him backwel flogged, if he survives at al , since some peculiarly divine power attaches to the holy place.
39 nam ipse, qui habet in caelis habitationem,visitator et adiutor est loci illius et venientes ad malefaciendum percutit acperdit ”.39 He who has his dwel ing in heaven watches over the place and defends it, and he strikes down anddestroys those who come to harm it.'
40 Igitur de Heliodoro et aerarii custodia ita res processerunt.
40 This was the outcome of the affair of Heliodorus and the preservation of the Treasury.