
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Hechos de los Apóstoles 14

1 En Iconio, entraron del mismo modo en la sinagoga de los judíos y hablaron de tal manera que gran multitud de judíos y griegos abrazaron la fe.1 Now it happened in Iconium that they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and they spoke in such a way that a copious multitude of both Jews and Greeks believed.
2 Pero los judíos que no habían creído excitaron y envenenaron los ánimos de los gentiles contra los hermanos.2 Yet truly, the Jews who were unbelieving had incited and enflamed the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.
3 Con todo se detuvieron allí bastante tiempo, hablando con valentía del Señor que les concedía obrar por sus manos señales y prodigios, dando así testimonio de la predicación de su gracia.3 And so, they remained for a long time, acting faithfully in the Lord, offering testimony to the Word of his grace, providing signs and wonders done by their hands.
4 La gente de la ciudad se dividió: unos a favor de los judíos y otros a favor de los apóstoles.4 Then the multitude of the city was divided. And certainly, some were with the Jews, yet truly others were with the Apostles.
5 Como se alzasen judíos y gentiles con sus jefes para ultrajarles y apedrearles,5 Now when an assault had been planned by the Gentiles and the Jews with their leaders, so that they might treat them with contempt and stone them,
6 al saberlo, huyeron a las ciudades de Licaonia, a Listra y Derbe y sus alrededores.6 they, realizing this, fled together to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and to the entire surrounding region. And they were evangelizing in that place.
7 Y allí se pusieron a anunciar la Buena Nueva.7 And a certain man was sitting at Lystra, disabled in his feet, lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked.
8 Había allí, sentado, un hombre tullido de pies, cojo de nacimiento y que nunca había andado.8 This man heard Paul speaking. And Paul, gazing at him intently, and perceiving that he had faith, so that he might be healed,
9 Este escuchaba a Pablo que hablaba. Pablo fijó en él su mirada y viendo que tenía fe para ser curado,9 said with a loud voice, “Stand upright upon your feet!” And he leaped up and walked around.
10 le dijo con fuerte voz: «Ponte derecho sobre tus pies». Y él dio un salto y se puso a caminar.10 But when the crowds had seen what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice in the Lycaonian language, saying, “The gods, having taken the likenesses of men, have descended to us!”
11 La gente, al ver lo que Pablo había hecho, empezó a gritar en licaonio: «Los dioses han bajado hasta nosotros en figura de hombres».11 And they called Barnabas, ‘Jupiter,’ yet truly they called Paul, ‘Mercury,’ because he was the lead speaker.
12 A Bernabé le llamaban Zeus y a Pablo, Hermes, porque era quien dirigía la palabra.12 Also, the priest of Jupiter, who was outside the city, in front of the gate, bringing in oxen and garlands, was willing to offer sacrifice with the people.
13 El sacerdote del templo de Zeus que hay a la entrada de la ciudad, trajo toros y guirnaldas delante de las puertas y a una con la gente se disponía a sacrificar.13 And as soon as the Apostles, Barnabas and Paul, had heard this, tearing their tunics, they leapt into the crowd, crying out
14 Al oírlo los apóstoles Bernabé y Pablo, rasgaron sus vestidos y se lanzaron en medio de la gente gritando:14 and saying: “Men, why would you do this? We also are mortals, men like yourselves, preaching to you to be converted, from these vain things, to the living God, who made heaven and earth and the sea and all that is in them.
15 «Amigos, ¿por qué hacéis esto? Nosotros somos también hombres, de igual condición que vosotros, que os predicamos que abandonéis estas cosas vanas y os volváis al Dios vivo que hizo el cielo, la tierra, el mar y cuanto en ellos hay,15 In previous generations, he permitted all nations to walk in their own ways.
16 y que en las generaciones pasadas permitió que todas las naciones siguieran sus propios caminos;16 But certainly, he did not leave himself without testimony, doing good from heaven, giving rains and fruitful seasons, filling their hearts with food and gladness.”
17 si bien no dejó de dar testimonio de sí mismo, derramando bienes, enviándoos desde el cielo lluvias y estaciones fructíferas, llenando vuestros corazones de sustento y alegría..».17 And by saying these things, they were barely able to restrain the crowds from immolating to them.
18 Con estas palabras pudieron impedir a duras penas que la gente les ofreciera un sacrificio.18 Now certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived there. And having persuaded the crowd, they stoned Paul and dragged him outside of the city, thinking him to be dead.
19 Vinieron entonces de Antioquía e Iconio algunos judíos y, habiendo persuadido a la gente, lapidaron a Pablo y le arrastraron fuera de la ciudad, dándole por muerto.19 But as the disciples were standing around him, he got up and entered the city. And the next day, he set out with Barnabas for Derbe.
20 Pero él se levantó y, rodeado de los discípulos, entró en la ciudad. Al día siguiente marchó con Bernabé a Derbe.20 And when they had evangelized that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch,
21 Habiendo evangelizado aquella ciudad y conseguido bastantes discípulos, se volvieron a Listra, Iconio y Antioquía,21 strengthening the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them that they should remain always in the faith, and that it is necessary for us to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations.
22 confortando los ánimos de los discípulos, exhortándoles a perseverar en la fe y diciéndoles: «Es necesario que pasemos por muchas tribulaciones para entrar en el Reino de Dios».22 And when they had established priests for them in each church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, in whom they believed.
23 Designaron presbíteros en cada Iglesia y después de hacer oración con ayunos, los encomendaron al Señor en quien habían creído.23 And traveling by way of Pisidia, they arrived in Pamphylia.
24 Atravesaron Pisidia y llegaron a Panfilia;24 And having spoken the word of the Lord in Perga, they went down into Attalia.
25 predicaron en Perge la Palabra y bajaron a Atalía.25 And from there, they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work which they had now accomplished.
26 Allí se embarcaron para Antioquía, de donde habían partido encomendados a la gracia de Dios para la obra que habían realizado.26 And when they had arrived and had gathered together the church, they related what great things God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
27 A su llegada reunieron a la Iglesia y se pusieron a contar todo cuanto Dios había hecho juntamente con ellos y cómo había abierto a los gentiles la puerta de la fe.27 And they remained for no small amount of time with the disciples.
28 Y permanecieron no poco tiempo con los discípulos.