
Lunedi, 21 ottobre 2024 - San Orsola ( Letture di oggi)

Numbers 1


1Yahweh spoke to Moses, in the desert of Sinai, in the Tent of Meeting, on the first day of the secondmonth, in the second year after the exodus from Egypt, and said:2'Take a census of the whole community of Israelites by clans and families, taking a count of the namesof al the males, head by head.3You and Aaron wil register al those in Israel, twenty years of age and over, fit to bear arms, companyby company;4you wil have one man from each tribe, the head of his family, to help you.5'These are the names of those who must help you: For Reuben, Elizur son of Shedeur.6For Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai.7For Judah, Nahshon son of Amminadab.8For Issachar, Nethanel son of Zuar.9For Zebulun, Eliab son of Helon.10Of the sons of Joseph: for Ephraim, Elishama son of Ammihud; for Manasseh, Gamaliel son ofPedahzur.11For Benjamin, Abidan son of Gideoni.12For Dan, Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.13For Asher, Pagiel son of Ochran.14For Gad, Eliasaph son of Reuel.15For Naphtali, Ahira son of Enan.'16These were men of repute in the community; they were the leaders of their ancestral tribes, the headsof Israel's thousands.17Moses and Aaron took these men who had been named18and on the first day of the second month they mustered the whole community. The Israelitesestablished their pedigrees by clans and families, and one by one the names of all men of twenty years and overwere recorded.19As Yahweh had ordered, Moses registered them in the desert of Sinai.20Once the pedigrees of the descendants of Reuben, Israel's first-born, had been established by clansand families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.21The total of these for the tribe of Reuben was forty-six thousand five hundred.22Once the pedigrees of Simeon's descendants had been established by clans and families, the namesof al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.23The total of these for the tribe of Simeon was fifty-nine thousand three hundred.24Once the pedigrees of Gad's descendants had been established by clans and families, the names ofal the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.25The total of these for the tribe of Gad was forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.26Once the pedigrees of Judah's descendants had been established by clans and families, the namesof al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.27The total of these for the tribe of Judah was seventy-four thousand six hundred.28Once the pedigrees of Issachar's descendants had been established by clans and families, thenames of al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.29The total of these for the tribe of Issachar was fifty-four thousand four hundred.30Once the pedigrees of Zebulun's descendants had been established by clans and families, the namesof al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.31The total of these for the tribe of Zebulun was fifty-seven thousand four hundred.32As regards the descendants of Joseph: once the pedigrees of Ephraim's descendants had beenestablished by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, wererecorded one by one.33The total of these for the tribe of Ephraim was forty thousand five hundred.34Once the pedigrees of Manasseh's descendants had been established by clans and families, thenames of al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.35The total of these for the tribe of Manasseh was thirty-two thousand two hundred.36Once the pedigrees of Benjamin's descendants had been established by clans and families, thenames of al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.37The total of these for the tribe of Benjamin was thirty-five thousand four hundred.38Once the pedigrees of Dan's descendants had been established by clans and families, the names ofal the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.39The total of these for the tribe of Dan was sixty-two thousand seven hundred.40Once the pedigrees of Asher's descendants had been established by clans and families, the namesof al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.41The total of these for the tribe of Asher was forty-one thousand five hundred.42Once the pedigrees of Naphtali's descendants had been established by clans and families, thenames of al the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were recorded one by one.43The total of these for the tribe of Naphtali was fifty-three thousand four hundred.44Such were the men registered by Moses, Aaron and the leaders of Israel, of whom there were twelve,each representing his family.45Al the Israelites of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were counted by families.46Altogether, the total came to six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty.47But the Levites and their tribes were not included in the count.48Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:49'Do not, however, take a census of the Levites, or register them with the other Israelites,50but enrol the Levites to take charge of the Dwel ing where the Testimony is and of al its furnishingsand belongings. They must carry the Dwel ing and al its furnishings; they must look after the Dwel ing and pitchtheir camp round it.51Whenever the Dwelling is moved, the Levites will dismantle it; whenever the Dwel ing stops for thenight, the Levites wil erect it. Any unauthorised person coming near it will be put to death.52The Israelites wil pitch their tents, each in their own encampment and by their own standard,company by company,53but the Levites wil pitch their tents round the Dwel ing where the Testimony is. In this way Retributionwil be kept from fal ing on the whole community of Israelites, and the Levites wil keep charge of the Dwel ing ofthe Testimony.'54The Israelites did exactly as Yahweh had ordered Moses. They did as he said.