
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Job 29

1 And Job continued his solemn discourse. He said:1 وعاد ايوب ينطق بمثله فقال
2 Wil no one bring back to me the months that have gone, and the days when God was my guardian,2 يا ليتني كما في الشهور السالفة وكالايام التي حفظني الله فيها
3 when his lamp shone over my head, and his light was my guide in the darkness?3 حين اضاء سراجه على راسي وبنوره سلكت الظلمة.
4 Shal I ever see my days of harvest again when God protected my tent;4 كما كنت في ايام خريفي ورضا الله على خيمتي
5 when Shaddai stil dwelt with me, and my children were around me;5 والقدير بعد معي وحولي غلماني
6 when my feet were bathed in milk, and streams of oil poured from the rocks?6 اذ غسلت خطواتي باللبن والصخر سكب لي جداول زيت
7 When I went out to the gate of the city, when I took my seat in the square,7 حين كنت اخرج الى الباب في القرية واهيّئ في الساحة مجلسي.
8 as soon as I appeared, the young men stepped aside, and the old men rose to their feet.8 رآني الغلمان فاختبأوا والاشياخ قاموا ووقفوا.
9 Men of note broke off their speeches, and put their hands over their mouths;9 العظماء امسكوا عن الكلام ووضعوا ايديهم على افواههم.
10 the voices of rulers were silenced, and their tongues stayed stil in their mouths.10 صوت الشرفاء اختفى ولصقت ألسنتهم باحناكهم.
11 On hearing me, people congratulated me, on seeing me, people deferred to me,11 لان الاذن سمعت فطوّبتني والعين رأت فشهدت لي.
12 because I freed the poor in distress and the orphan who had no helper.12 لاني انقذت المسكين المستغيث واليتيم ولا معين له.
13 The dying man's blessing rested on me and I gave the widow's heart cause to rejoice.13 بركة الهالك حلت عليّ وجعلت قلب الارملة يسرّ.
14 Uprightness I wore as a garment, fair judgement was my cloak and my turban.14 لبست البر فكساني. كجبّة وعمامة كان عدلي.
15 I was eyes for the blind, and feet for the lame.15 كنت عيونا للعمي وارجلا للعرج.
16 Who but me was father of the poor? The stranger's case had a hearing from me.16 اب انا للفقراء ودعوى لم اعرفها فحصت عنها.
17 I used to break the fangs of the wicked, and snatch their prey from their jaws.17 هشمت اضراس الظالم ومن بين اسنانه خطفت الفريسة.
18 And I used to say, 'I shall die in honour, after days as numerous as the sand.18 فقلت اني في وكري اسلم الروح ومثل السمندل اكثر اياما.
19 My roots can reach the water, the dews of night settle on my leaves.19 أصلي كان منبسطا الى المياه والطل بات على اغصاني.
20 My glory wil be for ever new and the bow in my hand for ever strong.'20 كرامتي بقيت حديثة عندي وقوسي تجددت في يدي.
21 They waited anxiously to hear me, and listened in silence to what I had to say.21 لي سمعوا وانتظروا ونصتوا عند مشورتي.
22 When I had finished, no one contradicted, my words dropping on them, one by one.22 بعد كلامي لم يثنّوا وقولي قطر عليهم.
23 They waited for me as though for rain, open-mouthed as though for a late shower.23 وانتظروني مثل المطر وفغروا افواههم كما للمطر المتأخر.
24 If I smiled at them, it was too good to be true, they watched my face for the least sign of favour.24 ان ضحكت عليم لم يصدقوا ونور وجهي لم يعبسوا.
25 As their chief, I told them which course to take, like a king living among his troops, and I led themwherever I chose.25 كنت اختار طريقهم واجلس راسا واسكن كملك في جيش كمن يعزي النائحين