
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Job 19

1 Job spoke next. He said:1 فاجاب ايوب وقال
2 How much longer are you going to torment me and crush me by your speeches?2 حتى متى تعذبون نفسي وتسحقونني بالكلام.
3 You have insulted me ten times already: have you no shame at maltreating me?3 هذه عشر مرات اخزيتموني. لم تخجلوا من ان تحكروني.
4 Even if I had gone astray, my error would still be my own affair.4 وهبني ضللت حقا. عليّ تستقر ضلالتي.
5 But, whereas you take this superior attitude and claim that my disgrace is my own fault,5 ان كنتم بالحق تستكبرون عليّ فثبتوا عليّ عاري.
6 I tel you that God has wronged me and enveloped me in his net.6 فاعلموا اذا ان الله قد عوّجني ولف عليّ احبولته.
7 If I protest against such violence, I am not heard, if I appeal against it, judgement is never given.7 ها اني اصرخ ظلما فلا أستجاب. ادعو وليس حكم.
8 He has built an impassable wal across my path and covered my way with darkness.8 قد حوّط طريقي فلا اعبر وعلى سبلي جعل ظلاما.
9 He has deprived me of my glory and taken the crown from my head.9 ازال عني كرامتي ونزع تاج راسي.
10 He assails me from al directions to make me vanish; he uproots my hope as he might a tree.10 هدمني من كل جهة فذهبت. وقلع مثل شجرة رجائي.
11 Inflamed with anger against me, he regards me as his foe.11 واضرم عليّ غضبه وحسبني كاعدائه.
12 His troops have come in force, directing their line of advance towards me, they are now encampedround my tent.12 معا جاءت غزاته واعدّوا عليّ طريقهم وحلّوا حول خيمتي.
13 He has alienated my brothers from me, my relatives take care to avoid me,13 قد ابعد عني اخوتي. ومعارفي زاغوا عني.
14 my intimate friends have gone away and the guests in my house have forgotten me.14 اقاربي قد خذلوني والذين عرفوني نسوني.
15 My slave-girls regard me as an intruder, a stranger as far as they are concerned.15 نزلاء بيتي وامائي يحسبونني اجنبيا. صرت في اعينهم غريبا.
16 My servant does not answer when I cal him, I am obliged to beg favours from him!16 عبدي دعوت فلم يجب. بفمي تضرعت اليه.
17 My breath is unbearable to my wife, my stench to my own brothers.17 نكهتي مكروهة عند امرأتي وخممت عند ابناء احشائي.
18 Even the children look down on me, whenever I stand up, they start jeering at me.18 الاولاد ايضا قد رذلوني. اذا قمت يتكلمون عليّ.
19 All my dearest friends recoil from me in horror: those I loved best have turned against me.19 كرهني كل رجالي والذين احببتهم انقلبوا عليّ.
20 My flesh is rotting under my skin, my bones are sticking out like teeth.20 عظمي قد لصق بجلدي ولحمي ونجوت بجلد اسناني.
21 Pity me, pity me, my friends, since I have been struck by the hand of God.21 تراءفوا تراءفوا انتم عليّ يا اصحابي لان يد الله قد مسّتني.
22 Must you persecute me just as God does, and give my body no peace?22 لماذا تطاردونني كما الله ولا تشبعون من لحمي
23 Will no one let my words be recorded, inscribed on some monument23 ليت كلماتي الآن تكتب. يا ليتها رسمت في سفر
24 with iron chisel and engraving tool, cut into the rock for ever?24 ونقرت الى الابد في الصخر بقلم حديد وبرصاص.
25 I know that I have a living Defender and that he wil rise up last, on the dust of the earth.25 اما انا فقد علمت ان وليّي حيّ والآخر على الارض يقوم
26 After my awakening, he wil set me close to him, and from my flesh I shall look on God.26 وبعد ان يفنى جلدي هذا وبدون جسدي ارى الله
27 He whom I shal see wil take my part: my eyes will be gazing on no stranger. My heart sinks withinme.27 الذي اراه انا لنفسي وعيناي تنظران وليس آخر. الى ذلك تتوق كليتاي في جوفي.
28 When you say, 'How can we confound him? What pretext can we discover against him?'28 فانكم تقولون لماذا نطارده. والكلام الاصلي يوجد عندي.
29 You yourselves had best beware the sword, since the wrath bursts into flame at wicked deeds andthen you wil learn that there is indeed a judgement!29 خافوا على انفسكم من السيف لان الغيظ من آثام السيف. لكي تعلموا ما هو القضاء