
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Baruch 3

1 Et nunc, Domine omnipotens, Deus Israël,
anima in angustiis, et spiritus anxius clamat ad te.
1 Almighty Lord, God of Israel, a soul in anguish, a troubled heart now cries to you:
2 Audi, Domine, et miserere,
quia Deus es misericors :
et miserere nostri, quia peccavimus ante te :
2 Listen and have pity, Lord, for we have sinned before you.
3 quia tu sedes in sempiternum,
et nos, peribimus in ævum ?
3 You sit enthroned for ever, while we are perishing for ever.
4 Domine omnipotens, Deus Israël,
audi nunc orationem mortuorum Israël,
et filiorum ipsorum qui peccaverunt ante te,
et non audierunt vocem Domini Dei sui,
et agglutinata sunt nobis mala.
4 Almighty Lord, God of Israel, hear the prayer of the dead of Israel, of the children of those who havesinned against you and have not listened to the voice of the Lord their God; hence the disasters which dog us.
5 Noli meminisse iniquitatum patrum nostrorum,
sed memento manus tuæ et nominis tui in tempore isto :
5 Do not cal to mind the misdeeds of our ancestors, but remember instead your power and your name.
6 quia tu es Dominus Deus noster,
et laudabimus te, Domine :
6 You are indeed the Lord our God and we wil praise you, Lord,
7 quia propter hoc dedisti timorem tuum in cordibus nostris,
et ut invocemus nomen tuum,
et laudemus te in captivitate nostra,
quia convertimur ab iniquitate patrum nostrorum,
qui peccaverunt ante te.
7 since you have put respect for you in our hearts to encourage us to cal on your name. We long topraise you in our exile, for we have rid our hearts of the wickedness of our ancestors who sinned against you.
8 Et ecce nos in captivitate nostra sumus hodie,
qua nos dispersisti in improperium,
et in maledictum, et in peccatum,
secundum omnes iniquitates patrum nostrorum,
qui recesserunt a te, Domine Deus noster.
8 Look, today we are still in exile where you have scattered us as something contemptible, accursed,condemned, for al the misdeeds of our ancestors who had abandoned the Lord our God.
9 Audi, Israël, mandata vitæ :
auribus percipe, ut scias prudentiam.
9 Listen, Israel, to commands that bring life; hear, and learn what knowledge means.
10 Quid est, Israël, quod in terra inimicorum es,
10 Why, Israel, why are you in the country of your enemies, growing older and older in an alien land,
11 inveterasti in terra aliena,
coinquinatus es cum mortuis,
deputatus es cum descendentibus in infernum ?
11 defiling yourselves with the dead, reckoned with those who go to Sheol?
12 Dereliquisti fontem sapientiæ :
12 It is because you have forsaken the fountain of wisdom!
13 nam si in via Dei ambulasses,
habitasses utique in pace sempiterna.
13 Had you walked in the way of God, you would be living in peace for ever.
14 Disce ubi sit prudentia,
ubi sit virtus, ubi sit intellectus,
ut scias simul ubi sit longiturnitas vitæ et victus,
ubi sit lumen oculorum, et pax.
14 Learn where knowledge is, where strength, where understanding, and so learn where length of days is,where life, where the light of the eyes and where peace.
15 Quis invenit locum ejus ?
et quis intravit in thesauros ejus ?
15 But who has found out where she lives, who has entered her treasure house?
16 Ubi sunt principes gentium,
et qui dominantur super bestias quæ sunt super terram ?
16 Where now are the leaders of the nations and those who ruled even the beasts of earth,
17 qui in avibus cæli ludunt,
17 those who sported with the birds of heaven, those who accumulated silver and gold on which alpeople rely, and whose possessions had no end,
18 qui argentum thesaurizant, et aurum,
in quo confidunt homines,
et non est finis acquisitionis eorum ?
qui argentum fabricant, et solliciti sunt,
nec est inventio operum illorum ?
18 those who worked so carefully in silver -but of whose works no trace is to be found?
19 Exterminati sunt, et ad inferos descenderunt,
et alii loco eorum surrexerunt.
19 They have vanished, gone down to Sheol. Others have risen to their places,
20 Juvenes viderunt lumen, et habitaverunt super terram,
viam autem disciplinæ ignoraverunt,
20 more recent generations have seen the day and peopled the earth in their turn, but the way ofknowledge they have not found;
21 neque intellexerunt semitas ejus,
neque filii eorum susceperunt eam :
a facie ipsorum longe facta est ;
21 they have not recognised the paths she treads. Nor have their children had any grasp of her, remainingfar from her way.
22 non est audita in terra Chanaan,
neque visa est in Theman.
22 Nothing has been heard of her in Canaan, nothing has been seen of her in Teman;
23 Filii quoque Agar, qui exquirunt prudentiam quæ de terra est,
negotiatores Merrhæ et Theman,
et fabulatores, et exquisitores prudentiæ et intelligentiæ :
viam autem sapientiæ nescierunt,
neque commemorati sunt semitas ejus.
23 the children of Hagar in search of worldly wisdom, the merchants of Midian and Teman, the tale-spinners and the philosophers have none of them found the way to wisdom or remembered the paths shetreads.
24 O Israël, quam magna est domus Dei,
et ingens locus possessionis ejus !
24 How great, Israel, is the house of God, how wide his domain,
25 magnus est, et non habet finem :
excelsus, et immensus.
25 immeasurably wide, infinitely lofty!
26 Ibi fuerunt gigantes nominati illi, qui ab initio fuerunt,
statura magna, scientes bellum.
26 In it were born the giants, famous from the beginning, immensely tal , expert in war;
27 Non hos elegit Dominus,
neque viam disciplinæ invenerunt :
propterea perierunt,
27 God's choice did not fall on these, he did not show them the way of knowledge;
28 et quoniam non habuerunt sapientiam,
interierunt propter suam insipientiam.
28 they perished for lack of wisdom, perished by their own folly.
29 Quis ascendit in cælum, et accepit eam,
et eduxit eam de nubibus ?
29 Who has ever climbed the sky and seized her to bring her down from the clouds?
30 Quis transfretavit mare, et invenit illam, et attulit illam super aurum electum ?
30 Who has ever crossed the ocean and found her to bring her back in exchange for the finest gold?
31 Non est qui possit scire vias ejus,
neque qui exquirat semitas ejus :
31 No one can learn the way to her, no one can understand the path she treads.
32 sed qui scit universa novit eam,
et adinvenit eam prudentia sua
qui præparavit terram in æterno tempore :
et replevit eam pecudibus et quadrupedibus
32 But the One who knows al discovers her, he has grasped her with his own intel ect, he has set theearth firm for evermore and filled it with four-footed beasts,
33 qui emittit lumen, et vadit,
et vocavit illud, et obedit illi in tremore.
33 he sends the light -- and it goes, he recal s it -- and trembling it obeys;
34 Stellæ autem dederunt lumen in custodiis suis,
et lætatæ sunt :
34 the stars shine joyful y at their posts;
35 vocatæ sunt, et dixerunt : Adsumus,
et luxerunt ei cum jucunditate, qui fecit illas.
35 when he cal s them, they answer, 'Here we are'; they shine to delight their Creator.
36 Hic est Deus noster,
et non æstimabitur alius adversus eum.
36 It is he who is our God, no other can compare with him.
37 Hic adinvenit omnem viam disciplinæ,
et tradidit illam Jacob puero suo,
et Israël dilecto suo.
37 He has uncovered the whole way of knowledge and shown it to his servant Jacob, to Israel his wel -beloved;
38 Post hæc in terris visus est,
et cum hominibus conversatus est.
38 only then did she appear on earth and live among human beings.