
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Giosuè 14

1 Hoc est, quod hereditave runt filii Israel in terra Cha naan, quod dederunt eis Eleazar sacerdos et Iosue filius Nun et principes familiarum tribuum Israel,1 This was what the Israelites received as their heritage in Canaan, which was given them as theirheritage by the priest, Eleazar, and by Joshua son of Nun, with the heads of families of the tribes of Israel.
2 sorte omnia dividentes, sicut praeceperat Dominus in manu Moysi, novem tribubus et dimidiae tribui.2 They received their heritage by lot, as Yahweh had ordered through Moses, as regards the nine tribesand the half-tribe.
3 Duabus enim tribubus et dimidiae dederat Moyses trans Iordanem possessionem, absque Levitis, quibus nihil dedit inter fratres suos;3 For Moses himself had given the two-and-a-half tribes their heritage on the further side of the Jordan,although to the Levites he had given no heritage with them.
4 sed sunt filii Ioseph in duas divisi tribus, Manasse et Ephraim, nec acceperunt Levitae aliam in terra partem, nisi urbes ad habitandum et suburbana earum ad alenda iumenta et pecora sua.4 Since the sons of Joseph formed two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim, no share in the country wasgiven to the Levites, apart from some towns to live in, with their pasture lands for their livestock and theirpossessions.
5 Sicut praeceperat Dominus Moysi, ita fecerunt filii Israel et diviserunt terram.
5 The Israelites did as Yahweh had ordered Moses, and shared out the country.
6 Accesserunt itaque filii Iudae ad Iosue in Galgala, locutusque est ad eum Chaleb filius Iephonne Cenezaeus: “ Nosti quid locutus sit Dominus ad Moysen hominem Dei de me et te in Cadesbarne.6 Some sons of Judah came to Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him,'You know what Yahweh said to Moses, man of God, at Kadesh-Barnea concerning you and me.
7 Quadraginta annorum eram, quando me misit Moyses famulus Domini de Cadesbarne, ut considerarem terram; nuntiavique ei quod mihi verum videbatur.7 I was forty years old when Moses, servant of Yahweh, sent me from Kadesh-Barnea to reconnoitre thiscountry, and I made him a completely honest report.
8 Fratres autem mei, qui ascenderant mecum, dissolverunt cor populi, et nihilominus ego adimplevi, ut sequerer Dominum Deum meum.8 The brothers, however, who had gone up with me discouraged the people, whereas I myselfscrupulously obeyed Yahweh my God.
9 Iuravitque Moyses in die illo dicens: “Terra, quam calcavit pes tuus, erit possessio tua et filiorum tuorum in aeternum, quia adimplevisti, ut sequereris Dominum Deum meum”.9 That day Moses swore this oath, "Be sure of this, that the country your foot has trodden wil be aheritage for you and your children for ever, since you have scrupulously obeyed Yahweh my God."
10 Concessit ergo Dominus vitam mihi, sicut pollicitus est, usque in praesentem diem. Quadraginta et quinque anni sunt ex quo locutus est Dominus verbum istud ad Moysen, quando ambulabat Israel per solitudinem; hodie octoginta quinque annorum sum,10 From then til now, Yahweh has kept me alive in observance of his promise. It is forty-five years sinceYahweh said this to Moses -- Israel was then going through the desert -- and now I am eighty-five years old.
11 sic valens ut eo valebam tempore, quando ad explorandum missus sum; illius in me temporis fortitudo usque hodie perseverat tam ad bellandum quam ad gradiendum.11 Today I am stil as strong as the day when Moses sent me out on that errand; for fighting, for goingand coming, I am as strong now as then.
12 Da ergo mihi montem istum, quem pollicitus est Dominus die illo, te quoque audiente quod Enacim ibi sunt et urbes magnae atque munitae; si forte sit Dominus mecum, et potuero delere eos, sicut promisit mihi ”.
12 It is time you gave me the highlands, of which Yahweh spoke to me that day. You heard that day thatthere were Anakim and large, fortified towns there; but if Yahweh is with me, I shal drive them out, as Yahwehhas said.'
13 Benedixitque ei Iosue et tradidit Hebron in possessionem;13 Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as heritage.
14 atque ex eo fuit Hebron Chaleb filio Iephonne Cenezaeo usque in praesentem diem, quia adimplevit, ut sequeretur Dominum, Deum Israel.14 And hence Hebron down to the present day has remained the heritage of Caleb son of Jephunnehthe Kenizzite, since he had scrupulously obeyed Yahweh, God of Israel.
15 Nomen Hebron antea vocabatur Cariatharbe (id est civitas Arbe), hominis maximi inter Enacim. Et terra cessavit a proeliis.
15 Hebron in olden days was cal ed Kiriath-Arba. Arba had been the greatest of the Anakim. And thecountry had rest from warfare.