
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbs 18

1 Whoever lives alone fol ows private whims, and is angered by advice of any kind.1 Occasiones quærit qui vult recedere ab amico :
omni tempore erit exprobrabilis.
2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only in airing an opinion.2 Non recipit stultus verba prudentiæ,
nisi ea dixeris quæ versantur in corde ejus.
3 When wickedness comes, indignity comes too, and, with contempt, dishonour.3 Impius, cum in profundum venerit peccatorum, contemnit ;
sed sequitur eum ignominia et opprobrium.
4 Deep waters, such are human words: a gushing stream, the utterance of wisdom.4 Aqua profunda verba ex ore viri,
et torrens redundans fons sapientiæ.
5 It is not good to show partiality for the wicked and so to deprive the upright when giving judgement.5 Accipere personam impii non est bonum,
ut declines a veritate judicii.
6 The lips of a fool go to the law-courts with a mouth that pleads for a beating.6 Labia stulti miscent se rixis,
et os ejus jurgia provocat.
7 The mouth of the fool works its owner's ruin, the lips of a fool are a snare for their owner's life.7 Os stulti contritio ejus,
et labia ipsius ruina animæ ejus.
8 The words of a slanderer are tasty morsels that go right down into the bel y.8 Verba bilinguis quasi simplicia,
et ipsa perveniunt usque ad interiora ventris.
Pigrum dejicit timor ;
animæ autem effeminatorum esurient.
9 Whoever is idle at work is blood-brother to the destroyer.9 Qui mollis et dissolutus est in opere suo
frater est sua opera dissipantis.
10 The name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the upright runs to it and is secure.10 Turris fortissima nomen Domini ;
ad ipsum currit justus, et exaltabitur.
11 The wealth of the rich forms a stronghold, a high wal , as the rich supposes.11 Substantia divitis urbs roboris ejus,
et quasi murus validus circumdans eum.
12 The human heart is haughty until destruction comes, before there can be glory there must be humility.12 Antequam conteratur, exaltatur cor hominis,
et antequam glorificetur, humiliatur.
13 To retort without first listening is both foolish and embarrassing.13 Qui prius respondet quam audiat,
stultum se esse demonstrat, et confusione dignum.
14 Sickness the human spirit can endure, but when the spirit is broken, who can bear this?14 Spiritus viri sustentat imbecillitatem suam ;
spiritum vero ad irascendum facilem quis poterit sustinere ?
15 The heart of the intel igent acquires learning, the ears of the wise search for knowledge.15 Cor prudens possidebit scientiam,
et auris sapientium quærit doctrinam.
16 A present will open al doors and win access to the great.16 Donum hominis dilatat viam ejus,
et ante principes spatium ei facit.
17 The first to plead is adjudged to be upright, until the next comes and cross-examines him.17 Justus prior est accusator sui :
venit amicus ejus, et investigabit eum.
18 The lot puts an end to disputes and decides between men of power.18 Contradictiones comprimit sors,
et inter potentes quoque dijudicat.
19 A brother offended is worse than a fortified city, and quarrels are like the locks of a keep.19 Frater qui adjuvatur a fratre quasi civitas firma,
et judicia quasi vectes urbium.
20 From the fruit of the mouth is a stomach fil ed, it is the yield of the lips that gives contentment.20 De fructu oris viri replebitur venter ejus,
et genimina labiorum ipsius saturabunt eum.
21 Death and life are in the gift of the tongue, those who indulge it must eat the fruit it yields.21 Mors et vita in manu linguæ ;
qui diligunt eam comedent fructus ejus.
22 He who finds a wife finds happiness, receiving a mark of favour from Yahweh.22 Qui invenit mulierem bonam invenit bonum,
et hauriet jucunditatem a Domino.
Qui expellit mulierem bonam expellit bonum ;
qui autem tenet adulteram stultus est et impius.
23 The language of the poor is entreaty, the answer of the rich harshness.23 Cum obsecrationibus loquetur pauper,
et dives effabitur rigide.
24 There are friends who point the way to ruin, others are closer than a brother.24 Vir amabilis ad societatem
magis amicus erit quam frater.