
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Job 27

1 And Job continued his solemn discourse. He said:1 Et Job continua à parler en ces termes:
2 I swear by the living God who denies me justice, by Shaddai who has fil ed me with bitterness,2 Par le Dieu vivant qui me refuse justice, par le Tout-Puissant qui m’a plongé dans la peine,
3 that as long as a shred of life is left in me, and the breath of God breathes in my nostrils,3 tant que je pourrai respirer, gardant en mes narines le souffle de Dieu,
4 my lips wil never speak evil nor my tongue utter any lie.4 je ne dirai rien de mal, pas un mensonge ne sortira de ma bouche!
5 Far from admitting you to be in the right, I shal maintain my integrity to my dying day.5 Jamais je ne vous donnerai raison, et jusqu’à ma mort je défendrai mon innocence.
6 I take my stand on my uprightness, I shal not stir: in my heart I need not be ashamed of my days.6 Je maintiens que j’ai bien agi, je n’en démords pas, je n’ai pas à rougir de ma vie!
7 Let my enemy meet the fate of the wicked, my adversary, the lot of the evil-doer!7 Que mon ennemi soit reconnu coupable, que mon adversaire ait le sort du méchant!
8 For what hope does the godless have when he prays and raises his soul to God?8 Que peut espérer l’impie lorsqu’il prie, lorsqu’il élève son âme vers Dieu?
9 Is God likely to hear his cries when disaster descends on him?9 Dieu entendra-t-il son cri lorsque le malheur viendra sur lui?
10 Did he make Shaddai al his delight, calling on him at every turn?10 Est-ce qu’il se plaisait auprès du Tout-Puissant, invoquait-il Dieu à tout moment?
11 But I am showing you the way that God works, making no secret of Shaddai's designs.11 Voyez, je vous montre comment agit Dieu, je ne vous cache pas les manières du Tout-Puissant.
12 And if you had al understood them for yourselves, you would not have wasted your breath in emptywords.12 Vous tous vous l’avez constaté, alors, pourquoi tourner en rond sans profit? (… Sofar de Nahama prit la parole et dit:)
13 This is the fate that God assigns to the wicked, the inheritance that the violent receive from Shaddai.13 Voici le sort que Dieu réserve au coupable, l’avenir que le Puissant réserve aux oppresseurs.
14 Though he have many children, it is but for the sword; his descendants will never have enough to eat.14 Leurs fils peuvent se multiplier, l’épée les attend, leurs descendants manqueront de pain.
15 Plague will bury those he leaves behind him, and their widows wil have no chance to mourn them.15 La peste emportera les survivants, et leurs veuves ne pourront pas les pleurer.
16 Though he amass silver like dust and gather fine clothes like clay,16 Le méchant peut ramasser l’argent comme poussière, mettre en tas les vêtements comme la boue,
17 let him gather!-some good man wil wear them, while his silver is shared among the upright.17 accumuler, oui! mais c’est un juste qui s’en habille, c’est un homme intègre qui hérite de son argent.
18 All he has built himself is a spider's web, made himself a watchman's shack.18 Il s’est bâti une maison, ce n’est qu’un nid, sa hutte ne vaut guère que pour un gardien.
19 He goes to bed rich, but never again: he wakes to find it has al gone. As drought and heat makesnow disappear, so does Sheol anyone who has sinned.19 Il s’est couché riche, c’était la dernière fois; quand il ouvre les yeux il n’est plus rien.
20 Terror assails him in broad daylight, and at night a whirlwind sweeps him off. The womb that shapedhim forgets him and his name is recal ed no longer. Thus wickedness is blasted as a tree is struck.20 Tout le jour des terreurs l’ont tourmenté: un tourbillon l’emporte durant la nuit.
21 An east wind picks him up and drags him away, snatching him up from his homestead. He used to il -treat the childless woman and show no kindness to the widow.21 Le vent d’est le soulève: le voilà parti, il a été soufflé de là où il était.
22 Pitilessly he is turned into a target, and forced to flee from the hands that menace him. But he wholays mighty hold on tyrants rises up to take away a life that seemed secure.22 Sans pitié on lui jette des pierres, il ne peut fuir devant la main qui le frappe.
23 His downfall is greeted with applause, he is hissed wherever he goes. He is no more than a strawfloating on the water, his estate is accursed throughout the land, nobody goes near his vineyard. He let him buildhis hopes on false security, but kept his eyes on every step he took.23 On applaudit à sa ruine, on le conspue partout où il va. Le mystère de la Sagesse
24 He had his time of glory, now he vanishes, wilting like the saltwort once it is picked, and withering likean ear of corn.