
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Wisdom 6

1 Listen then, kings, and understand; rulers of remotest lands, take warning;1 Melior est sapientia quam vires,
et vir prudens quam fortis.
2 hear this, you who govern great populations, taking pride in your hosts of subject nations!2 Audite ergo, reges, et intelligite ;
discite, judices finium terræ.
3 For sovereignty is given to you by the Lord and power by the Most High, who will himself probe youracts and scrutinise your intentions.3 Præbete aures, vos qui continetis multitudines,
et placetis vobis in turbis nationum.
4 If therefore, as servants of his kingdom, you have not ruled justly nor observed the law, nor fol owed thewil of God,4 Quoniam data est a Domino potestas vobis,
et virtus ab Altissimo :
qui interrogabit opera vestra, et cogitationes scrutabitur.
5 he wil fal on you swiftly and terribly. On the highly placed a ruthless judgement falls;5 Quoniam cum essetis ministri regni illius,
non recte judicastis, nec custodistis legem justitiæ,
neque secundum voluntatem Dei ambulastis.
6 the lowly are pardoned, out of pity, but the mighty wil be mightily tormented.6 Horrende et cito apparebit vobis,
quoniam judicium durissimum his qui præsunt fiet.
7 For the Lord of al does not cower before anyone, he does not stand in awe of greatness, since hehimself has made small and great and provides for al alike;7 Exiguo enim conceditur misericordia ;
potentes autem potenter tormenta patientur.
8 but a searching trial awaits those who wield power.8 Non enim subtrahet personam cujusquam Deus,
nec verebitur magnitudinem ejus cujusquam,
quoniam pusillum et magnum ipse fecit,
et æqualiter cura est illi de omnibus.
9 So, monarchs, my words are meant for you, so that you may learn wisdom and not fal into error;9 Fortioribus autem fortior instat cruciatio.
10 for those who in holiness observe holy things will be adjudged holy, and, accepting instruction fromthem, wil find their defence in them.10 Ad vos ergo, reges, sunt hi sermones mei :
ut discatis sapientiam, et non excidatis.
11 Set your heart, therefore, on what I have to say, listen with a wil , and you wil be instructed.11 Qui enim custodierint justa juste, justificabuntur ;
et qui didicerint ista, invenient quid respondeant.
12 Wisdom is bril iant, she never fades. By those who love her, she is readily seen, by those who seekher, she is readily found.12 Concupiscite ergo sermones meos ;
diligite illos, et habebitis disciplinam.
13 She anticipates those who desire her by making herself known first.13 Clara est, et quæ numquam marcescit, sapientia :
et facile videtur ab his qui diligunt eam,
et invenitur ab his qui quærunt illam.
14 Whoever gets up early to seek her will have no trouble but wil find her sitting at the door.14 Præoccupat qui se concupiscunt,
ut illis se prior ostendat.
15 Meditating on her is understanding in its perfect form, and anyone keeping awake for her will soon befree from care.15 Qui de luce vigilaverit ad illam non laborabit ;
assidentem enim illam foribus suis inveniet.
16 For she herself searches everywhere for those who are worthy of her, benevolently appearing to them on their ways, anticipating their every thought.16 Cogitare ergo de illa sensus est consummatus,
et qui vigilaverit propter illam cito securus erit.
17 For Wisdom begins with the sincere desire for instruction, care for instruction means loving her,17 Quoniam dignos se ipsa circuit quærens,
et in viis ostendit se hilariter,
et in omni providentia occurrit illis.
18 loving her means keeping her laws, attention to her laws guarantees incorruptibility,18 Initium enim illius verissima est disciplinæ concupiscentia.
19 and incorruptibility brings us near to God;19 Cura ergo disciplinæ dilectio est,
et dilectio custodia legum illius est ;
custoditio autem legum consummatio incorruptionis est ;
20 the desire for Wisdom thus leads to sovereignty.20 incorruptio autem facit esse proximum Deo.
21 If then thrones and sceptres delight you, monarchs of the nations, honour Wisdom, so that you mayreign for ever.21 Concupiscentia itaque sapientiæ deducit ad regnum perpetuum.
22 What Wisdom is and how she was born, I shal now explain; I shal hide no mysteries from you, butshall fol ow her steps from the outset of her origin, setting out what we know of her in ful light, without departingfrom the truth.22 Si ergo delectamini sedibus et sceptris, o reges populi,
diligite sapientiam, ut in perpetuum regnetis :
23 Blighting envy is no companion for me, for envy has nothing in common with Wisdom.23 diligite lumen sapientiæ, omnes qui præestis populis.
24 In the greatest number of the wise lies the world's salvation, in a sagacious king the stability of apeople.24 Quid est autem sapientia, et quemadmodum facta sit, referam,
et non abscondam a vobis sacramenta Dei :
sed ab initio nativitatis investigabo,
et ponam in lucem scientiam illius,
et non præteribo veritatem.
25 Learn, therefore, from my words; the gain will be yours.25 Neque cum invidia tabescente iter habebo,
quoniam talis homo non erit particeps sapientiæ.
26 Multitudo autem sapientium sanitas est orbis terrarum,
et rex sapiens stabilimentum populi est.
27 Ergo accipite disciplinam per sermones meos,
et proderit vobis.