
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Job 27

1 Job continuó pronunciando su poema, y dijo:1 Job also added to this, using figures of speech, and he said:
2 ¡Por el Dios viviente, que me priva de mi derecho, y por el Todopoderoso, que me llenó de amargura;2 As God lives, who has taken away my judgment, and the Almighty, who has led my soul to bitterness,
3 mientras haya en mí un aliento de vida y el soplo de Dios esté en mis narices,3 as long as my breath remains in me and the breath of God remains in my nostrils,
4 mis labios no dirán nada falso ni mi lengua pronunciará una mentira!4 my lips will not speak iniquity, nor will my tongue devise lies.
5 ¡Lejos de mí darles la razón a ustedes: hasta que expire, no renunciaré a mi integridad!5 Far be it from me that I should judge you to be right, for, until I expire, I will not withdraw from my innocence.
6 Me aferré a mi justicia, y no la soltaré mi corazón no se avergüenza de ninguno de mis días.6 I will not forsake my justification, which I have just begun to grasp, for my heart does not find blame for me in my whole life.
7 ¡Que mi enemigo tenga la suerte del malvado, y mi adversario, la del hombre injusto!7 Let the impious be as my enemy, and the sinful, as my adversary.
8 Porque ¿qué puede esperar el impío, aunque suplique, aunque eleve su alma a Dios?8 For what hope is there for the hypocrite, if he greedily plunders and God does not free his soul?
9 ¿Acaso Dios escuchará su grito cuando le sobrevenga la calamidad?9 Will God pay attention to his cry, when anguish overcomes him?
10 ¿Se deleita él en el Todopoderoso e invoca a Dios en todo tiempo?10 Or will he take delight in the Almighty and call upon God at all times?
11 Yo los instruyo sobre la conducta de Dios, no oculto las intenciones del Todopoderoso, ¿por qué se pierden en pensamientos vanos?11 I will teach you through the hand of God, what the Almighty holds, and I will not conceal it.
12 Si todos ustedes ya lo han comprobado, ¿por qué se pierden en pensamientos vanos?12 Behold, you know all this, and so why do you speak vain things without a reason?
13 Esta es la parte que Dios asigna al malvado y la herencia que los violentos reciben del Todopoderoso.13 This is the portion of the impious man with God, and the inheritance of the violent, which they will receive from the Almighty.
14 Si tienen muchos hijos, la espada los espera, y sus vástagos no se saciarán de pan.14 If his sons should happen to increase, they will be for the sword, and his grandsons will not be satisfied with bread.
15 A los que sobrevivan, los sepultará la Muerte, y sus viudas no llorarán.15 Whatever will remain of him will be buried in the ruins, and his widows will not weep.
16 Si él acumula plata como polvo y amontona ropa fina como arcilla,16 If he will amass silver as if it were dirt and fabricate garments as if they were clay,
17 ¡que siga amontonando!: un justo se vestirá con ella y un inocente heredará la plata.17 then yes, he will gather, but the just will be clothed with it and the innocent will divide the silver.
18 Se edificó una casa como la araña, como la choza que hace un guardián.18 He has built his house like a moth, and he has made a makeshift shelter like a sentry.
19 Se acuesta rico, pero es por última vez: abre los ojos, y no queda nada.19 When he falls asleep, the rich man will leave him with nothing; he will open his eyes and find nothing.
20 En pleno día lo asaltan los terrores y por la noche lo arrebata un torbellino.20 Destitution will surround him like water; a storm will overwhelm him in the night.
21 El viento del este lo levanta y se lo lleva, lo barre del lugar donde habita.21 A burning wind will pick him up and carry him away, and, like a whirlwind, it will rush him from his place.
22 Se lo hostiga sin compasión y tiene que huir de la mano que lo hiere.22 And it will hurl over him and will not spare him; fleeing from its power, he will go into exile.
23 La gente aplaude por su ruina y se lo silba por todas partes.23 He will clasp his hands over himself, and he will hiss at himself, while considering his situation.