
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

John 12

1 Six days before the Passover, Jesus went to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom he had raised fromthe dead.1 ثم قبل الفصح بستة ايام أتى يسوع الى بيت عنيا حيث كان لعازر الميت الذي اقامه من الاموات.
2 They gave a dinner for him there; Martha waited on them and Lazarus was among those at table.2 فصنعوا له هناك عشاء. وكانت مرثا تخدم واما لعازر فكان احد المتكئين معه.
3 Mary brought in a pound of very costly ointment, pure nard, and with it anointed the feet of Jesus,wiping them with her hair; the house was fil ed with the scent of the ointment.3 فاخذت مريم منا من طيب ناردين خالص كثير الثمن ودهنت قدمي يسوع ومسحت قدميه بشعرها. فامتلأ البيت من رائحة الطيب.
4 Then Judas Iscariot -- one of his disciples, the man who was to betray him-said,4 فقال واحد من تلاميذه وهو يهوذا سمعان الاسخريوطي المزمع ان يسلمه
5 'Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denari and the money given to the poor?'5 لماذا لم يبع هذا الطيب بثلاث مئة دينار ويعط للفقراء.
6 He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he was in charge of thecommon fund and used to help himself to the contents.6 قال هذا ليس لانه كان يبالي بالفقراء بل لانه كان سارقا وكان الصندوق عنده وكان يحمل ما يلقى فيه.
7 So Jesus said, 'Leave her alone; let her keep it for the day of my burial.7 فقال يسوع اتركوها. انها ليوم تكفيني قد حفظته.
8 You have the poor with you always, you wil not always have me.'8 لان الفقراء معكم في كل حين. واما انا فلست معكم في كل حين
9 Meanwhile a large number of Jews heard that he was there and came not only on account of Jesusbut also to see Lazarus whom he had raised from the dead.9 فعلم جمع كثير من اليهود انه هناك فجاءوا ليس لاجل يسوع فقط بل لينظروا ايضا لعازر الذي اقامه من الاموات.
10 Then the chief priests decided to kill Lazarus as well,10 فتشاور رؤساء الكهنة ليقتلوا لعازر ايضا.
11 since it was on his account that many of the Jews were leaving them and believing in Jesus.11 لان كثيرين من اليهود كانوا بسببه يذهبون ويؤمنون بيسوع
12 The next day the great crowd of people who had come up for the festival heard that Jesus was on hisway to Jerusalem.12 وفي الغد سمع الجمع الكثير الذي جاء الى العيد ان يسوع آت الى اورشليم.
13 They took branches of palm and went out to receive him, shouting: 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who iscoming in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel.'13 فأخذوا سعوف النخل وخرجوا للقائه وكانوا يصرخون أوصنّا مبارك الآتي باسم الرب ملك اسرائيل.
14 Jesus found a young donkey and mounted it -- as scripture says:14 ووجد يسوع جحشا فجلس عليه كما هو مكتوب
15 Do not be afraid, daughter of Zion; look, your king is approaching, riding on the foal of a donkey.15 لا تخافي يا ابنة صهيون. هوذا ملكك يأتي جالسا على جحش اتان.
16 At first his disciples did not understand this, but later, after Jesus had been glorified, theyremembered that this had been written about him and that this was what had happened to him.16 وهذه الامور لم يفهمها تلاميذه اولا. ولكن لما تمجد يسوع حينئذ تذكروا ان هذه كانت مكتوبة عنه وانهم صنعوا هذه له.
17 The crowd who had been with him when he cal ed Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from thedead kept bearing witness to it;17 وكان الجمع الذي معه يشهد انه دعا لعازر من القبر واقامه من الاموات.
18 this was another reason why the crowd came out to receive him: they had heard that he had giventhis sign.18 لهذا ايضا لاقاه الجمع لانهم سمعوا انه كان قد صنع هذه الآية.
19 Then the Pharisees said to one another, 'You see, you are making no progress; look, the whole worldhas gone after him!'19 فقال الفريسيون بعضهم لبعض انظروا. انكم لا تنفعون شيئا. هوذا العالم قد ذهب وراءه
20 Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks.20 وكان اناس يونانيون من الذين صعدوا ليسجدوا في العيد.
21 These approached Philip, who came from Bethsaida in Galilee, and put this request to him, 'Sir, weshould like to see Jesus.'21 فتقدم هؤلاء الى فيلبس الذي من بيت صيدا الجليل وسألوه قائلين يا سيد نريد ان نرى يسوع.
22 Philip went to tell Andrew, and Andrew and Philip together went to tel Jesus.22 فأتى فيلبس وقال لاندراوس ثم قال اندراوس وفيلبس ليسوع.
23 Jesus replied to them: Now the hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified.23 واما يسوع فاجابهما قائلا قد أتت الساعة ليتمجد ابن الانسان.
24 In all truth I tell you, unless a wheat grain fal s into the earth and dies, it remains only a single grain;but if it dies it yields a rich harvest.24 الحق الحق اقول لكم ان لم تقع حبة الحنطة في الارض وتمت فهي تبقى وحدها. ولكن ان ماتت تأتي بثمر كثير.
25 Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates his life in this world wil keep it for eternal life.25 من يحب نفسه يهلكها ومن يبغض نفسه في هذا العالم يحفظها الى حياة ابدية.
26 Whoever serves me, must fol ow me, and my servant wil be with me wherever I am. If anyone servesme, my Father wil honour him.26 ان كان احد يخدمني فليتبعني . ‎ وحيث اكون انا هناك ايضا يكون خادمي. وان كان احد يخدمني يكرمه الآب.
27 Now my soul is troubled. What shal I say: Father, save me from this hour? But it is for this veryreason that I have come to this hour.27 الآن نفسي قد اضطربت. وماذا اقول. ايها الآب نجني من هذه الساعة. ولكن لاجل هذا أتيت الى هذه الساعة.
28 Father, glorify your name! A voice came from heaven, 'I have glorified it, and I wil again glorify it.'28 ايها الآب مجد اسمك. فجاء صوت من السماء مجدت وامجد ايضا.
29 The crowd standing by, who heard this, said it was a clap of thunder; others said, 'It was an angelspeaking to him.'29 فالجمع الذي كان واقفا وسمع قال قد حدث رعد. وآخرون قالوا قد كلمه ملاك.
30 Jesus answered, 'It was not for my sake that this voice came, but for yours.30 اجاب يسوع وقال ليس من اجلي صار هذا الصوت بل من اجلكم.
31 'Now sentence is being passed on this world; now the prince of this world is to be driven out.31 الآن دينونة هذا العالم. الآن يطرح رئيس هذا العالم خارجا.
32 And when I am lifted up from the earth, I shal draw al people to myself.'32 وانا ان ارتفعت عن الارض اجذب اليّ الجميع.
33 By these words he indicated the kind of death he would die.33 قال هذا مشيرا الى اية ميتة كان مزمعا ان يموت.
34 The crowd answered, 'The Law has taught us that the Christ wil remain for ever. So how can yousay, "The Son of man must be lifted up"? Who is this Son of man?'34 فاجابه الجمع نحن سمعنا من الناموس ان المسيح يبقى الى الابد. فكيف تقول انت انه ينبغي ان يرتفع ابن الانسان. من هو هذا ابن الانسان.
35 Jesus then said: The light wil be with you only a little longer now. Go on your way while you have thelight, or darkness wil overtake you, and nobody who walks in the dark knows where he is going.35 فقال لهم يسوع النور معكم زمانا قليلا بعد. فسيروا ما دام لكم النور لئلا يدرككم الظلام. والذي يسير في الظلام لا يعلم الى اين يذهب.
36 While you stil have the light, believe in the light so that you may become children of light. Having saidthis, Jesus left them and was hidden from their sight.36 ما دام لكم النور آمنوا بالنور لتصيروا ابناء النور. تكلم يسوع بهذا ثم مضى واختفى عنهم
37 Though they had been present when he gave so many signs, they did not believe in him;37 ومع انه كان قد صنع امامهم آيات هذا عددها لم يؤمنوا به.
38 this was to fulfil the words of the prophet Isaiah: Lord, who has given credence to what they haveheard from us, and who has seen in it a revelation of the Lord's arm?38 ليتم قول اشعياء النبي الذي قاله يا رب من صدق خبرنا ولمن استعلنت ذراع الرب.
39 Indeed, they were unable to believe because, as Isaiah says again:39 لهذا لم يقدروا ان يؤمنوا. لان اشعياء قال ايضا.
40 He has blinded their eyes, he has hardened their heart, to prevent them from using their eyes to see,using their heart to understand, changing their ways and being healed by me.40 قد أعمى عيونهم واغلظ قلوبهم لئلا يبصروا بعيونهم ويشعروا بقلوبهم ويرجعوا فاشفيهم.
41 Isaiah said this because he saw his glory, and his words referred to Jesus.41 قال اشعياء هذا حين رأى مجده وتكلم عنه.
42 And yet there were many who did believe in him, even among the leading men, but they did not admitit, because of the Pharisees and for fear of being banned from the synagogue:42 ولكن مع ذلك آمن به كثيرون من الرؤساء ايضا غير انهم لسبب الفريسيين لم يعترفوا به لئلا يصيروا خارج المجمع.
43 they put human glory before God's glory.43 لانهم احبوا مجد الناس اكثر من مجد الله
44 Jesus declared publicly: Whoever believes in me believes not in me but in the one who sent me,44 فنادى يسوع وقال. الذي يؤمن بي ليس يؤمن بي بل بالذي ارسلني.
45 and whoever sees me, sees the one who sent me.45 والذي يراني يرى الذي ارسلني.
46 I have come into the world as light, to prevent anyone who believes in me from staying in the darkany more.46 انا قد جئت نورا الى العالم حتى كل من يؤمن بي لا يمكث في الظلمة.
47 If anyone hears my words and does not keep them faithful y, it is not I who shal judge such a person,since I have come not to judge the world, but to save the world:47 وان سمع احد كلامي ولم يؤمن فانا لا ادينه. لاني لم آت لادين العالم بل لاخلّص العالم.
48 anyone who rejects me and refuses my words has his judge already: the word itself that I havespoken wil be his judge on the last day.48 من رذلني ولم يقبل كلامي فله من يدينه. الكلام الذي تكلمت به هو يدينه في اليوم الاخير.
49 For I have not spoken of my own accord; but the Father who sent me commanded me what to sayand what to speak,49 لاني لم اتكلم من نفسي لكن الآب الذي ارسلني هو اعطاني وصية ماذا اقول وبماذا اتكلم.
50 and I know that his commands mean eternal life. And therefore what the Father has told me is what Ispeak.50 وانا اعلم ان وصيته هي حياة ابدية. فما اتكلم انا به فكما قال لي الآب هكذا اتكلم