
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Ecclesiastes/Qohelet 4

1 Then again, I contemplate al the oppression that is committed under the sun. Take for instance thetears of the oppressed. No one to comfort them! The power their oppressors wield. No one to comfort them!1 ثم رجعت ورأيت كل المظالم التي تجرى تحت الشمس فهوذا دموع المظلومين ولا معزّ لهم ومن يد ظالميهم قهر. اما هم فلا معزّ لهم.
2 So, rather than the living who stil have lives to live, I congratulate the dead who have already metdeath;2 فغبطت انا الاموات الذين قد ماتوا منذ زمان اكثر من الاحياء الذين هم عائشون بعد
3 happier than both of these are those who are yet unborn and have not seen the evil things that are doneunder the sun.3 وخير من كليهما الذي لم يولد بعد الذي لم ير العمل الرديء الذي عمل تحت الشمس
4 I see that al effort and all achievement spring from mutual jealousy. This too is futility and chasing afterthe wind.4 ورأيت كل التعب وكل فلاح عمل انه حسد الانسان من قريبه. وهذا ايضا باطل وقبض الريح.
5 The fool folds his arms and eats his own flesh away.5 الكسلان ياكل لحمه وهو طاو يديه.
6 Better one hand full of repose than two hands ful of achievements to chase after the wind.6 حفنة راحة خير من حفنتي تعب وقبض الريح
7 And something else futile I observe under the sun:7 ثم عدت ورأيت باطلا تحت الشمس.
8 a person is quite alone -- no child, no brother; and yet there is no end to his efforts, his eyes can neverhave their fil of riches. For whom, then, do I work so hard and grudge myself pleasure? This too is futile, a sorry business.8 يوجد واحد ولا ثاني له وليس له ابن ولا اخ ولا نهاية لكل تعبه ولا تشبع عينه من الغنى. فلمن اتعب انا واحرم نفسي الخير. هذا ايضا باطل وامر رديء هو.
9 Better two than one alone, since thus their work is real y rewarding.9 اثنان خير من واحد لان لهما اجرة لتعبهما صالحة.
10 If one should fal , the other helps him up; but what of the person with no one to help him up when hefal s?10 لانه ان وقع احدهما يقيمه رفيقه. وويل لمن هو وحده ان وقع اذ ليس ثان ليقيمه.
11 Again: if two sleep together they keep warm, but how can anyone keep warm alone?11 ايضا ان اضطجع اثنان يكون لهما دفء. اما الوحد فكيف يدفأ.
12 Where one alone would be overcome, two wil put up resistance; and a threefold cord is not quicklybroken.12 وان غلب احد على الواحد يقف مقابله الاثنان والخيط المثلوث لا ينقطع سريعا
13 Better a youngster poor and wise than a monarch old and sil y who wil no longer take advice-13 ولد فقير وحكيم خير من ملك شيخ جاهل الذي لا يعرف ان يحذر بعد.
14 even though stepping from prison to the throne, even though born a beggar in that kingdom.14 لانه من السجن خرج الى الملك والمولود ملكا قد يفتقر.
15 I observe that al who live and move under the sun support the young newcomer who takes over.15 رأيت كل الاحياء السائرين تحت الشمس مع الولد الثاني الذي يقوم عوضا عنه.
16 He takes his place at the head of innumerable subjects; but his successors wil not think the morekindly of him for that. This too is futile and chasing after the wind.16 لا نهاية لكل الشعب لكل الذين كان امامهم. ايضا المتأخرون لا يفرحون به. فهذا ايضا باطل وقبض الريح
17 Watch your step when you go to the House of God: drawing near to listen is better than the offering ofa sacrifice by fools, though they do not know that they are doing wrong.