
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 45

1 Il fit sortir de lui un homme de bien qui trouva faveur aux yeux de tout le monde, bien-aiméde Dieu et des hommes, Moïse, dont la mémoire est en bénédiction.1 And he brought out of him a merciful man, which found favour in the sight of all flesh, even Moses, beloved of God and men, whose memorial is blessed.
2 Il lui accorda une gloire égale à celle des saints et le rendit puissant pour la terreur desennemis.2 He made him like to the glorious saints, and magnified him, so that his enemies stood in fear of him.
3 Par la parole de Moïse il fit cesser les prodiges, et il le glorifia en présence des rois; il luidonna des commandements pour son peuple et lui fit voir quelque chose de sa gloire.3 By his words he caused the wonders to cease, and he made him glorious in the sight of kings, and gave him a commandment for his people, and shewed him part of his glory.
4 Dans la fidélité et la douceur il le sanctifia, il le choisit parmi tous les vivants;4 He sanctified him in his faithfuless and meekness, and chose him out of all men.
5 il lui fit entendre sa voix et l'introduisit dans les ténèbres; il lui donna face à face lescommandements, une loi de vie et d'intelligence, pour enseigner à Jacob ses prescriptions et ses décrets à Israël.5 He made him to hear his voice, and brought him into the dark cloud, and gave him commandments before his face, even the law of life and knowledge, that he might teach Jacob his covenants, and Israel his judgments.
6 Il éleva Aaron, un saint semblable à Moïse, son frère, de la tribu de Lévi.6 He exalted Aaron, an holy man like unto him, even his brother, of the tribe of Levi.
7 Il conclut avec lui une alliance éternelle et lui concéda le sacerdoce du peuple. Il le fitheureux dans son apparat, il le couvrit d'un vêtement glorieux.7 An everlasting covenant he made with him and gave him the priesthood among the people; he beautified him with comely ornaments, and clothed him with a robe of glory.
8 Il le revêtit d'une gloire parfaite et le para de riches ornements, caleçons, manteau et éphod.8 He put upon him perfect glory; and strengthened him with rich garments, with breeches, with a long robe, and the ephod.
9 Il lui donna, pour entourer son vêtement, des grenades et des clochettes d'or, nombreuses,tout autour, qui tintaient à chacun de ses pas, se faisant entendre dans le Temple comme un mémorial pour lesenfants de son peuple;9 And he compassed him with pomegranates, and with many golden bells round about, that as he went there might be a sound, and a noise made that might be heard in the temple, for a memorial to the children of his people;
10 et un vêtement sacré d'or, de pourpre violette et d'écarlate, ouvrage d'un damasseur; lepectoral du jugement, l'Urim et le Tummim, de cramoisi retors, ouvrage d'artisan;10 With an holy garment, with gold, and blue silk, and purple, the work of the embroidere, with a breastplate of judgment, and with Urim and Thummim;
11 des pierres précieuses gravées en forme de sceau, dans une monture d'or, ouvrage dejoaillier, pour faire un mémorial, une inscription gravée, selon le nombre des tribus d'Israël;11 With twisted scarlet, the work of the cunning workman, with precious stones graven like seals, and set in gold, the work of the jeweller, with a writing engraved for a memorial, after the number of the tribes of Israel.
12 et un diadème d'or par-dessus le turban, portant, gravée, l'inscription de consécration,décoration superbe, travail magnifique, délices pour les yeux que ces ornements.12 He set a crown of gold upon the mitre, wherein was engraved Holiness, an ornament of honour, a costly work, the desires of the eyes, goodly and beautiful.
13 On n'avait jamais vu avant lui pareilles choses, et jamais un étranger ne les a revêtues, maisseulement ses enfants et ses descendants pour toujours.13 Before him there were none such, neither did ever any stranger put them on, but only his children and his children's children perpetually.
14 Ses sacrifices se consumaient entièrement, deux fois par jour à perpétuité.14 Their sacrifices shall be wholly consumed every day twice continually.
15 C'est Moïse qui le consacra et l'oignit de l'huile sainte. Et ce fut pour lui une allianceéternelle ainsi que pour sa race tant que dureront les cieux, pour qu'il préside au culte, exerce le sacerdoce etbénisse le peuple au nom du Seigneur.15 Moses consecrated him, and anointed him with holy oil: this was appointed unto him by an everlasting covenant, and to his seed, so long as the heavens should remain, that they should minister unto him, and execute the office of the priesthood, and bless the people in his name.
16 Il le choisit parmi tous les vivants pour offrir le sacrifice du Seigneur, l'encens et le parfumen mémorial, pour faire l'expiation pour le peuple.16 He chose him out of all men living to offer sacrifices to the Lord, incense, and a sweet savour, for a memorial, to make reconciliation for his people.
17 Il lui a confié ses commandements, il lui a commis les prescriptions de la loi, pour qu'ilenseigne à Jacob ses témoignages et qu'il éclaire Israël sur sa loi.17 He gave unto him his commandments, and authority in the statutes of judgments, that he should teach Jacob the testimonies, and inform Israel in his laws.
18 Des étrangers se liguèrent contre lui, ils le jalousèrent au désert, les gens de Datân et ceuxd'Abiram, et la bande de Coré, haineuse et violente.18 Strangers conspired together against him, and maligned him in the wilderness, even the men that were of Dathan's and Abiron's side, and the congregation of Core, with fury and wrath.
19 Le Seigneur les vit et s'irrita, ils furent exterminés dans l'ardeur de sa colère. Pour eux il fitdes prodiges, les consumant par son feu de flammes.19 This the Lord saw, and it displeased him, and in his wrathful indignation were they consumed: he did wonders upon them, to consume them with the fiery flame.
20 Et il ajouta à la gloire d'Aaron, il lui donna un patrimoine, il lui attribua les offrandes desprémices, en premier lieu du pain à satiété.20 But he made Aaron more honourable, and gave him an heritage, and divided unto him the firstfruits of the increase; especially he prepared bread in abundance:
21 Aussi se nourrissent-ils des sacrifices du Seigneur qu'il lui a attribués ainsi qu'à sapostérité.21 For they eat of the sacrifices of the Lord, which he gave unto him and his seed.
22 Mais dans le pays il n'a pas de patrimoine, il n'a pas de part parmi le peuple, "Car je suismoi-même ta part d'héritage."22 Howbeit in the land of the people he had no inheritance, neither had he any portion among the people: for the Lord himself is his portion and inheritance.
23 Quant à Pinhas, fils d'Eléazar, il est le troisième en gloire, pour sa jalousie dans la craintedu Seigneur, pour avoir tenu ferme devant le peuple révolté avec un noble courage; c'est ainsi qu'il obtint lepardon d'Israël.23 The third in glory is Phinees the son of Eleazar, because he had zeal in the fear of the Lord, and stood up with good courage of heart: when the people were turned back, and made reconciliation for Israel.
24 Aussi une alliance de paix fut-elle scellée avec lui, qui le faisait chef du sanctuaire et dupeuple, en sorte qu'à lui et à sa descendance appartienne la dignité de grand prêtre pour des siècles.24 Therefore was there a covenant of peace made with him, that he should be the chief of the sanctuary and of his people, and that he and his posterity should have the dignity of the priesthood for ever:
25 Il y eut une alliance avec David, fils de Jessé, de la tribu de Juda, succession royale, dupère à un seul de ses fils. Mais celle d'Aaron passe à tous ses descendants.25 According to the covenant made with David son of Jesse, of the tribe of Juda, that the inheritance of the king should be to his posterity alone: so the inheritance of Aaron should also be unto his seed.
26 Dieu vous mette au coeur la sagesse pour juger son peuple avec justice, afin que les vertusdes ancêtres ne dépérissent point et que leur gloire passe à leurs descendants.26 God give you wisdom in your heart to judge his people in righteousness, that their good things be not abolished, and that their glory may endure for ever.