
Monday, 13 January 2025 - Sant'Ilario di Poitiers ( Letture di oggi)

Zechariah 8


1The word of Yahweh Sabaoth came as fol ows:2Yahweh Sabaoth says this: I have been burning with jealousy for Zion, with furious jealousy for hersake.3Yahweh says this: I am coming back to Zion and shal live in the heart of Jerusalem. Jerusalem wil becal ed Faithful City and the mountain of Yahweh Sabaoth, the Holy Mountain.4Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Aged men and women once again wil sit in the squares of Jerusalem, eachwith a stick to lean on because of their great age.5And the squares of the city wil be full of boys and girls playing there.6Yahweh Sabaoth says this: If this seems a miracle to the remnant of this people (in those days), wil itseem one to me? declares Yahweh.7Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Look, I shal rescue my people from the countries of the east and from thecountries of the west.8I shal bring them back to live in the heart of Jerusalem, and they will be my people and I shal be theirGod, faithful and just.9'Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "Take heart, you who today hear these promises uttered by the prophetssince the day when the foundations of the Temple of Yahweh Sabaoth were laid, that the sanctuary wouldindeed be rebuilt.10For up to now, men were not paid their wages and nothing was paid for the animals either; and it hasnot been safe for anyone to come and go, because of the enemy, since I had set each one against everyoneelse.11But from now on, I shal not treat the remnant of this people as I have treated them in time past --declares Yahweh Sabaoth.12Now they wil sow in peace; the vine will give its fruit, the soil wil give its produce and heaven will giveits dew. I shal bestow al these on the remnant of this people.13Just as once you were a curse among the nations, House of Judah and House of Israel, so now I shalsave you, and you wil be a blessing. Do not be afraid. Take heart!"14'For Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "Just as I resolved to ill-treat you when your ancestors provoked me toanger and did not relent -- says Yahweh Sabaoth-15so now I have changed my mind and intend to treat Jerusalem and the House of Judah well. Do not beafraid!16"These are the things that you must do. Speak the truth to one another; at your gates, administer fairjudgement conducive to peace;17do not secretly plot evil against one another; do not love perjury; since I hate al this -- Yahwehdeclares." '18The word of Yahweh Sabaoth was addressed to me as fol ows:19'Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "The fast of the fourth month, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventhand the fast of the tenth are to become glad, joyful, happy festivals for the House of Judah. So love truth andpeace!" '20'Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "In the future, peoples and citizens of many cities wil come;21and citizens of one city wil go to the next and say: We must certainly go to entreat Yahweh's favourand seek out Yahweh Sabaoth; I am going myself.22Yes, many peoples and great nations will seek out Yahweh Sabaoth in Jerusalem and entreatYahweh's favour."23'Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "In those days, ten men from nations of every language will take a Jew bythe sleeve and say: We want to go with you, since we have learnt that God is with you." '