
Thursday, 23 January 2025 - Sant'Emerenziana ( Letture di oggi)

Zechariah 13


1'When that day comes, a fountain will be opened for the House of David and the inhabitants ofJerusalem, to wash sin and impurity away.2'When that day comes -- Yahweh declares -- I shall cut off the names of the idols from the country, and they will never be remembered again; I shal also rid the country of the prophets, and of the spirit of impurity.3Then, if anyone still goes on prophesying, his parents, his own father and mother wil say to him, "Youshall not live, since you utter lies in Yahweh's name." And even while he is prophesying, his parents, his ownfather and mother wil pierce him through.4When that day comes, the prophets wil al be ashamed to relate their visions when they prophesy andno longer put on their hair cloaks with intent to deceive.5Instead, they wil say, "I am no prophet. I am a man who til s the soil, for the land has been my livingsince I was a boy."6And if anyone asks him, "What are those gashes on your chest?" he wil reply, "I got them when I was with my friends." '7Awake, sword, against my shepherd, against the man who is close to me- declares Yahweh Sabaoth!Strike the shepherd, scatter the sheep! And I shal turn my hand against the young!8So it wil be, throughout the country- declares Yahweh Sabaoth- two-thirds in it wil be cut off (be kil ed)and the other third wil be left.9I shall pass this third through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, test them as gold is tested. Hewil cal on my name and I shal answer him; I shal say, 'He is my people,' and he will say, 'Yahweh is my God!'