
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

2 Kings 11

1 When Athaliah mother of Ahaziah learned that her son was dead, she promptly murdered al those ofroyal stock.1 فلما رأت عثليا ام اخزيا ان ابنها قد مات قامت فابادت جميع النسل الملكي.
2 But Jehosheba, daughter of King Jehoram and sister of Ahaziah, surreptitiously rescued Jehoash sonof Ahaziah from among the princes who were to be murdered, and put him with his nurse in the sleepingquarters; in this way she hid him from Athaliah, and he was not killed.2 فاخذت يهوشبع بنت الملك يورام اخت اخزيا يوآش بن اخزيا وسرقته من وسط بني الملك الذين قتلوا هو ومرضعته من مخدع السرير وخبأوه من وجه عثليا فلم يقتل.
3 He stayed, hidden with her in the Temple of Yahweh for six years, while Athaliah governed the country.3 وكان معها في بيت الرب مختبأ ست سنين. وعثليا مالكة على الارض.
4 In the seventh year, Jehoiada sent for the regimental commanders of the Carians and the guards, andhad them brought to him in the Temple of Yahweh. He made a pact with them, put them on oath, then showedthem the king's son. He gave them this order,4 وفي السنة السابعة ارسل يهوياداع فاخذ رؤساء مئات الجلادين والسعاة وادخلهم اليه الى بيت الرب وقطع معهم عهدا واستحلفهم في بيت الرب واراهم ابن الملك.
5 'This is what you must do: a third of you who come on duty on the Sabbath must mount guard at theroyal palace,5 وأمرهم قائلا هذا ما تفعلونه. الثلث منكم الذين يدخلون في السبت يحرسون حراسة بيت الملك.
6 ,6 والثلث على باب سور والثلث على الباب وراء السعاة فتحرسون حراسة البيت للصدّ.
7 and your two other sections who come off duty on the Sabbath and mount guard at the Temple ofYahweh7 والفرقتان منكم جميع الخارجين في السبت يحرسون حراسة بيت الرب حول الملك.
8 must surround the king, each man with his weapons in his hand; anyone forcing his way through theranks is to be kil ed. And you wil escort the king as he leaves and as he comes in.'8 وتحيطون بالملك حواليه كل واحد سلاحه بيده ومن دخل الصفوف يقتل. وكونوا مع الملك في خروجه ودخوله.
9 The regimental commanders did everything as Jehoiada the priest had ordered, and each one broughthis men, those coming on duty on the Sabbath and those going off duty on the Sabbath, and reported toJehoiada the priest.9 ففعل رؤساء المئات حسب كل ما امر به يهوياداع الكاهن واخذوا كل واحد رجاله الداخلين في السبت مع الخارجين في السبت وجاءوا الى يهوياداع الكاهن.
10 The priest then issued the regimental commanders with King David's spears and shields, which werekept in the Temple of Yahweh.10 فاعطى الكاهن لرؤساء المئات الحراب والاتراس التي للملك داود التي في بيت الرب.
11 The guards then took position, each man with his weapons in his hand, from the south corner of theTemple to the north corner of the Temple, al round the altar and the Temple.11 ووقف السعاة كل واحد سلاحه بيده من جانب البيت الايمن الى جانب البيت الايسر حول المذبح والبيت حول الملك مستديرين.
12 Then Jehoiada brought the king's son out -- crowned him and gave him a copy of the covenant; andthey made him king and anointed him, and they clapped their hands and shouted, 'Long live the king!'12 واخرج ابن الملك ووضع عليه التاج واعطاه الشهادة فملكوه ومسحوه وصفقوا وقالوا ليحي الملك
13 On hearing the people shouting, Athaliah joined the people in the Temple of Yahweh.13 ولما سمعت عثليا صوت السعاة والشعب دخلت الى الشعب الى بيت الرب
14 When she looked, there stood the king on a dais, as the custom was, with the officers and trumpetersat the king's side, and all the people of the country rejoicing and blowing the trumpets; then Athaliah tore herclothes and shouted, 'Treason, treason!'14 ونظرت واذا الملك واقف على المنبر حسب العادة والرؤساء ونافخوا الابواق بجانب الملك وكل شعب الارض يفرحون ويضربون بالابواق. فشقت عثليا ثيابها وصرخت خيانة خيانة.
15 Jehoiada the priest then gave the orders to the commanders in charge of the troops, 'Take her outunder guard and put to death anyone who follows her.' 'For', the priest had already said, 'she must not be killedinside the Temple of Yahweh.'15 فأمر يهوياداع الكاهن رؤساء المئات قواد الجيش وقال لهم اخرجوها الى خارج الصفوف والذي يتبعها اقتلوه بالسيف. لان الكاهن قال لا تقتل في بيت الرب.
16 They seized her, and when she reached the horses' entry to the palace, she was kil ed there.16 فالقوا عليها الايادي ومضت في طريق مدخل الخيل الى بيت الملك وقتلت هناك
17 Jehoiada made a covenant between Yahweh, the king and the people that they would remainYahweh's people; and another one between the king and the people.17 وقطع يهوياداع عهدا بين الرب وبين الملك والشعب ليكونوا شعبا للرب وبين الملك والشعب.
18 Al the people of the country then went to the temple of Baal and demolished it; they smashed itsaltars and its images and kil ed Mattan the priest of Baal in front of the altars. The priest made arrangements forthe security of the Temple of Yahweh.18 ودخل جميع شعب الارض الى بيت البعل وهدموا مذابحه وكسروا تماثيله تماما وقتلوا متّان كاهن البعل امام المذبح. وجعل الكاهن نظّارا على بيت الرب.
19 He then took the regimental commanders, the Carians, the guards and al the people of the country,and they escorted the king down from the Temple of Yahweh, entering the palace through the Gate of theGuards. Jehoash took his seat on the throne of the kings.19 واخذ رؤساء المئات والجلادين والسعاة وكل شعب الارض فانزلوا الملك من بيت الرب وأتوا في طريق باب السعاة الى بيت الملك فجلس على كرسي الملوك.
20 Al the people of the country were delighted; the city, however, made no move. And Athaliah was putto death inside the palace.20 وفرح جميع شعب الارض واستراحت المدينة وقتلوا عثليا بالسيف عند بيت الملك.
21 كان يهواش ابن سبع سنين حين ملك