
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Daniel 3

1 King Nebuchadnezzar had a golden statue made, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, which he set upon the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.1 نبوخذناصّر الملك صنع تمثالا من ذهب طوله ستون ذراعا وعرضه ست اذرع ونصبه في بقعة دورا في ولاية بابل.
2 King Nebuchadnezzar then summoned the satraps, magistrates, governors, counsel ors, treasurers,judges, lawyers, and al the provincial authorities to assemble and attend the dedication of the statue set up byKing Nebuchadnezzar.2 ثم ارسل نبوخذناصّر الملك ليجمع المرازبة والشحن والولاة والقضاة والخزنة والفقهاء والمفتين وكل حكام الولايات ليأتوا لتدشين التمثال الذي نصبه نبوخذناصّر الملك.
3 Satraps, magistrates, governors, counsel ors, treasurers, judges, lawyers and al the provincialauthorities then assembled for the dedication of the statue set up by King Nebuchadnezzar and stood in front ofthe statue which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.3 حينئذ اجتمع المرازبة والشحن والولاة والقضاة والخزنة والفقهاء والمفتون وكل حكام الولايات لتدشين التمثال الذي نصبه نبوخذناصّر الملك ووقفوا امام التمثال الذي نصبه نبوخذناصّر.
4 A herald then loudly proclaimed: 'Peoples, nations, languages! Thus are you commanded:4 ونادى مناد بشدة قد أمرتم ايها الشعوب والامم والألسنة
5 the moment you hear the sound of horn, pipe, lyre, zither, harp, bagpipe and every other kind ofinstrument, you wil prostrate yourselves and worship the golden statue set up by King Nebuchadnezzar.5 عندما تسمعون صوت القرن والناي والعود والرباب والسنطير والمزمار وكل انواع العزف ان تخروا وتسجدوا لتمثال الذهب الذي نصبه نبوخذناصّر الملك.
6 Anyone who does not prostrate himself and worship wil immediately be thrown into the burning fieryfurnace.'6 ومن لا يخرّ ويسجد ففي تلك الساعة يلقى في وسط أتون نار متقدة.
7 And so, the instant al the peoples heard the sound of horn, pipe, lyre, zither, harp, bagpipe and al theother instruments, al the peoples, nations and languages prostrated themselves and worshipped the statue setup by King Nebuchadnezzar.7 لاجل ذلك وقتما سمع كل الشعوب صوت القرن والناي والعود والرباب والسنطير وكل انواع العزف خرّ كل الشعوب والامم والألسنة وسجدوا لتمثال الذهب الذي نصبه نبوخذناصّر الملك
8 Some Chaldaeans then came forward and maliciously accused the Jews.8 لاجل ذلك تقدم حينئذ رجال كلدانيون واشتكوا على اليهود.
9 They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, 'May Your Majesty live for ever!9 اجابوا وقالوا للملك نبوخذناصّر ايها الملك عش الى الابد.
10 You have issued a decree, Your Majesty, to the effect that everyone on hearing the sound of horn,pipe, lyre, zither, harp, bagpipe and every other kind of instrument is to prostrate himself and worship the goldenstatue;10 انت ايها الملك قد اصدرت أمرا بان كل انسان يسمع صوت القرن والناي والعود والرباب والسنطير والمزمار وكل انواع العزف يخرّ ويسجد لتمثال الذهب.
11 and that anyone who does not prostrate himself and worship is to be thrown into the burning fieryfurnace.11 ومن لا يخرّ ويسجد فانه يلقى في وسط اتون نار متقدة.
12 Now, there are certain Jews to whom you have entrusted the affairs of the province of Babylon:Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego; these men have ignored your command, Your Majesty; they do not serveyour gods, and refuse to worship the golden statue you have set up.'12 يوجد رجال يهود الذين وكلتهم على اعمال ولاية بابل شدرخ ومشيخ وعبد نغو. هؤلاء الرجال لم يجعلوا لك ايها الملك اعتبارا. آلهتك لا يعبدون ولتمثال الذهب الذي نصبت لا يسجدون
13 Shaking with fury, Nebuchadnezzar sent for Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. The men wereimmediately brought before the king.13 حينئذ أمر نبوخذناصّر بغضب وغيظ باحضار شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو. فاتوا بهؤلاء الرجال قدام الملك.
14 Nebuchadnezzar addressed them, 'Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, is it true that you do notserve my gods, and that you refuse to worship the golden statue I have set up?14 فاجاب نبوخذناصّر وقال لهم. تعمّدا يا شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو لا تعبدون آلهتي ولا تسجدون لتمثال الذهب الذي نصبت.
15 When you hear the sound of horn, pipe, lyre, zither, harp, bagpipe and every other kind of instrument,are you prepared to prostrate yourselves and worship the statue I have made? If you refuse to worship it, youwil be thrown forthwith into the burning fiery furnace; then which of the gods could save you from my power?'15 فان كنتم الآن مستعدين عندما تسمعون صوت القرن والناي والعود والرباب والسنطير والمزمار وكل انواع العزف الى ان تخرّوا وتسجدوا للتمثال الذي عملته. وان لم تسجدوا ففي تلك الساعة تلقون في وسط أتون النار المتقدة. ومن هو الاله الذي ينقذكم من يديّ.
16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego replied to King Nebuchadnezzar, 'Your question needs noanswer from us:16 فاجاب شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو وقالوا للملك. يا نبوخذناصّر لا يلزمنا ان نجيبك عن هذا الأمر.
17 if our God, the one we serve, is able to save us from the burning fiery furnace and from your power,Your Majesty, he wil save us;17 هوذا يوجد الهنا الذي نعبده يستطيع ان ينجينا من أتون النار المتقدة وان ينقذنا من يدك ايها الملك.
18 and even if he does not, then you must know, Your Majesty, that we wil not serve your god or worshipthe statue you have set up.'18 والا فليكن معلوما لك ايها الملك اننا لا نعبد آلهتك ولا نسجد لتمثال الذهب الذي نصبته
19 This infuriated King Nebuchadnezzar; his expression was changed now as he looked at Shadrach,Meshach and Abed-Nego. He gave orders for the furnace to be made seven times hotter than usual19 حنيئذ امتلأ نبوخذناصّر غيظا وتغير منظر وجهه على شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو. فاجاب وأمر بان يحموا الأتون سبعة اضعاف اكثر مما كان معتادا ان يحمى.
20 and commanded certain stalwarts from his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego andthrow them into the burning fiery furnace.20 وأمر جبابرة القوة في جيشه بان يوثقوا شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو ويلقوهم في اتون النار المتقدة.
21 They were then bound in their cloaks, trousers, headgear and other garments, and thrown into theburning fiery furnace.21 ثم أوثق هؤلاء الرجال في سراويلهم واقمصتهم وارديتهم ولباسهم وألقوا في وسط أتون النار المتقدة.
22 The king's command was so urgent and the heat of the furnace was so fierce, that the men carryingShadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego were burnt to death by the flames from the fire;22 ومن حيث ان كلمة الملك شديدة والأتون قد حمّي جدا قتل لهيب النار الرجال الذين رفعوا شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو.
23 the three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego fel , bound, into the burning fiery furnace.23 وهؤلاء الثلاثة الرجال شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو سقطوا موثقين في وسط أتون النار المتقدة
24 And they walked in the heart of the flames, praising God and blessing the Lord.24 حينئذ تحيّر نبوخذناصّر الملك وقام مسرعا فاجاب وقال لمشيريه ألم نلقي ثلاثة رجال موثقين في وسط النار. فاجابوا وقالوا للملك صحيح ايها الملك.
25 Azariah stood in the heart of the fire, praying aloud thus:25 اجاب وقال ها انا ناظر اربعة رجال محلولين يتمشون في وسط النار وما بهم ضرر ومنظر الرابع شبيه بابن الآلهة.
26 May you be blessed and revered, Lord, God of our ancestors, may your name be held glorious forever.26 ثم اقترب نبوخذناصّر الى باب أتون النار المتقدة واجاب فقال يا شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو يا عبيد الله العلي اخرجوا وتعالوا. فخرج شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو من وسط النار.
27 For you are upright in al that you have done for us, al your deeds are true, all your ways right, al yourjudgements true.27 فاجتمعت المرازبة والشحن والولاة ومشيرو الملك ورأوا هؤلاء الرجال الذين لم تكن للنار قوّة على اجسامهم وشعرة من رؤوسهم لم تحترق وسراويلهم لم تتغير ورائحة النار لم تأتي عليهم.
28 True is the sentence you have given in al that you have brought down on us and on Jerusalem, theholy city of our ancestors, for you have treated us rightly and truly, as our sins deserve.28 فاجاب نبوخذناصّر وقال تبارك اله شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو الذي ارسل ملاكه وانقذ عبيده الذين اتكلوا عليه وغيروا كلمة الملك واسلموا اجسادهم لكيلا يعبدوا او يسجدوا لاله غير الههم.
29 Yes, we have sinned and committed a crime by deserting you, yes, we have greatly sinned; we havenot listened to your commandments,29 فمني قد صدر أمر بان كل شعب وامة ولسان يتكلمون بالسوء على اله شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو فانهم يصيرون اربا اربا وتجعل بيوتهم مزبلة اذ ليس اله آخر يستطيع ان ينجي هكذا.
30 we have not observed them, we have not done what you commanded us to do for our own good.30 حينئذ قدم الملك شدرخ وميشخ وعبد نغو في ولاية بابل
31 Yes, al that you have brought down on us, al that you have done to us, you have been ful y justifiedin doing.
32 You have handed us over to our enemies, to a lawless people, the worst of the godless, to an unjustking, the worst in the whole world;
33 today we have no right to open our mouths, shame and dishonour are the lot of those who serve andworship you.
34 Do not abandon us for ever, for the sake of your name; do not repudiate your covenant,
35 do not withdraw your favour from us, for the sake of Abraham, your friend, of Isaac, your servant, andof Israel, your holy one,
36 to whom you promised to make their descendants as many as the stars of heaven and as the grainsof sand on the seashore.
37 Lord, we have become the least of al nations, we are put to shame today throughout the world,because of our sins.
38 We now have no leader, no prophet, no prince, no burnt offering, no sacrifice, no oblation, no incense,no place where we can make offerings to you
39 and win your favour. But may the contrite soul, the humbled spirit, be as acceptable to you
40 as burnt offerings of rams and bullocks, as thousands of fat lambs: such let our sacrifice be to youtoday, and may it please you that we fol ow you whole-heartedly, since those who trust in you wil not beshamed.
41 And now we put our whole heart into fol owing you, into fearing you and seeking your face once more.
42 Do not abandon us to shame but treat us in accordance with your gentleness, in accordance with thegreatness of your mercy.
43 Rescue us in accordance with your wonderful deeds and win fresh glory for your name, O Lord.
44 Confusion seize al who il -treat your servants: may they be covered with shame, deprived of al theirpower, and may their strength be broken.
45 Let them learn that you alone are God and Lord, glorious over the whole world.
46 Al this time, the king's servants, who had thrown them into the furnace, had been stoking it with crudeoil, pitch, tow and brushwood
47 until the flames rose forty-nine cubits above the furnace
48 and, leaping out, burnt those Chaldaeans to death who were standing round it.
49 But the angel of the Lord came down into the furnace beside Azariah and his companions; he drovethe flames of the fire outwards from the furnace
50 and, in the heart of the furnace, wafted a coolness to them as of the breeze and dew, so that the firedid not touch them at al and caused them no pain or distress.
51 Then al three in unison began to sing, glorifying and blessing God in the furnace, with the words:
52 May you be blessed, Lord, God of our ancestors, be praised and extol ed for ever. Blessed be yourglorious and holy name, praised and extol ed for ever.
53 May you be blessed in the Temple of your sacred glory, exalted and glorified above all for ever:
54 blessed on the throne of your kingdom, exalted above al , glorified for ever:
55 blessed are you who fathom the abyss, enthroned on the winged creatures, praised and exaltedabove al for ever:
56 blessed in the expanse of the heavens, exalted and glorified for ever.
57 Bless the Lord, al the Lord's creation: praise and glorify him for ever!
58 Bless the Lord, angels of the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever!
59 Bless the Lord, heavens, praise and glorify him for ever!
60 Bless the Lord, al the waters above the heavens, praise and glorify him for ever!
61 Bless the Lord, powers of the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever!
62 Bless the Lord, sun and moon, praise and glorify him for ever!
63 Bless the Lord, stars of heaven, praise and glorify him for ever!
64 Bless the Lord, al rain and dew, praise and glorify him for ever!
65 Bless the Lord, every wind, praise and glorify him for ever!
66 Bless the Lord, fire and heat, praise and glorify him for ever!
67 Bless the Lord, cold and warmth, praise and glorify him for ever!
68 Bless the Lord, dew and snow-storm, praise and glorify him for ever!
69 Bless the Lord, frost and cold, praise and glorify him for ever!
70 Bless the Lord, ice and snow, praise and glorify him for ever!
71 Bless the Lord, nights and days, praise and glorify him for ever!
72 Bless the Lord, light and darkness, praise and glorify him for ever!
73 Bless the Lord, lightning and cloud, praise and glorify him for ever!
74 Let the earth bless the Lord: praise and glorify him for ever!
75 Bless the Lord, mountains and hills, praise and glorify him for ever!
76 Bless the Lord, every plant that grows, praise and glorify him for ever!
77 Bless the Lord, springs of water, praise and glorify him for ever!
78 Bless the Lord, seas and rivers, praise and glorify him for ever!
79 Bless the Lord, whales, and everything that moves in the waters, praise and glorify him for ever!
80 Bless the Lord, every kind of bird, praise and glorify him for ever!
81 Bless the Lord, al animals wild and tame, praise and glorify him for ever!
82 Bless the Lord, al the human race: praise and glorify him for ever!
83 Bless the Lord, O Israel, praise and glorify him for ever!
84 Bless the Lord, priests, praise and glorify him for ever!
85 Bless the Lord, his servants, praise and glorify him for ever!
86 Bless the Lord, spirits and souls of the upright, praise and glorify him for ever!
87 Bless the Lord, faithful, humble-hearted people, praise and glorify him for ever!
88 Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever!-For he has rescued usfrom the Underworld, he has saved us from the hand of Death, he has snatched us from the burning fieryfurnace, he has drawn us from the heart of the flame!
89 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his love is everlasting.
90 Bless the Lord, the God of gods, al who fear him, give praise and thanks to him, for his love iseverlasting!
91 King Nebuchadnezzar sprang to his feet in amazement. He said to his advisers, 'Did we not havethese three men thrown bound into the fire?' They answered the king, 'Certainly, Your Majesty'.
92 'But', he went on, 'I can see four men walking free in the heart of the fire and quite unharmed! And thefourth looks like a child of the gods!'
93 Nebuchadnezzar approached the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and said, 'Shadrach, Meshachand Abed-Nego, servants of God Most High, come out, come here!' And from the heart of the fire out cameShadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego.
94 The satraps, magistrates, governors, and advisers of the king crowded round the three men toexamine them: the fire had had no effect on their bodies: not a hair of their heads had been singed, their cloakswere not scorched, no smell of burning hung about them. Nebuchadnezzar said,
95 'Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego: he has sent his angel to rescue hisservants who, putting their trust in him, defied the order of the king, and preferred to forfeit their bodies ratherthan serve or worship any god but their God.
96 I therefore decree as fol ows, "Peoples, nations, and languages! Let any of you speak disrespectful yof the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, and I shal have him torn limb from limb and his house turnedinto a dunghil ; for there is no other god who can save like this." '
97 The king then showered favours on Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in the province of Babylon.
98 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to all peoples, nations and languages dwelling throughout the world: may youprosper more and more!
99 'It is my pleasure to make known the signs and wonders with which the Most High God has favouredme.
100 How great his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, his empireendures age after age!'