
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Tobit 10

1 Every day, meanwhile, Tobit kept reckoning the days required for the journey there and the journeyback. The full number went by, and stil his son had not come.
2 Then he thought, 'I hope he has not been delayed there! I hope Gabael is not dead, so that no one wilgive him the silver.'
3 And he began to worry.
4 His wife Anna kept saying, 'My son is dead! He is no longer among the living!' And she began to weepand mourn over her son. She kept saying,
5 'Alas! I should never have let you leave me, my child, you, the light of my eyes.'
6 And Tobit would reply, 'Hush, my sister! Do not worry. Al is wel with him. Something has happenedthere to delay them. His companion is someone we can trust, one of our kinsmen at that. Do not lose heart, mysister.
7 He will soon be here.' But al she would say was, 'Leave me alone; do not try to deceive me. My childis dead.' And every day she would go abruptly out to watch the road by which her son had left. She trusted noeyes but her own. Once the sun had set she would come home again, only to weep and moan al night, unableto sleep. After the fourteen days of feasting that Raguel had sworn to keep for his daughter's marriage, Tobiascame to him and said, 'Let me go now; my father and mother must have lost al hope of seeing me again. So Ibeg you, father, to let me return to my father's house; I have told you the plight he was in when I left him.'
8 Raguel said to Tobias, 'Stay, my son, stay with me. I shal send messengers to your father Tobit togive him news of you.'
9 But Tobias pressed him, 'No, I beg you to let me go back to my father's house.'
10 Without more ado, Raguel committed Sarah his bride into his keeping. He gave Tobias half hiswealth, slaves, men and women, oxen and sheep, donkeys and camels, clothes and money and householdthings.
11 And so he let them leave happily. To Tobias he said these parting words, 'Good health, my son, anda happy journey! May the Lord of heaven be gracious to you and to your wife Sarah! I hope to see your childrenbefore I die.'
12 To his daughter Sarah he said, 'Go now to your father-in-law's house, since henceforward they areas much your parents as those who gave you life. Go in peace, my daughter, I hope to hear nothing but good ofyou, as long as I live.' He said goodbye to them and let them go. Edna in her turn said to Tobias, 'Dear son andbrother, may it please the Lord to bring you back again! I hope to live long enough to see the children of you andmy daughter Sarah before I die. In the sight of the Lord I give my daughter into your keeping. Never make herunhappy as long as you live. Go in peace, my son. Henceforward I am your mother and Sarah is your sister.May we al live happily for the rest of our lives!' And she kissed them both and saw them set out happily.
13 Tobias left Raguel's house with his mind at ease. In his gladness he blessed the Lord of heaven andearth, the King of al that is, for the happy issue of his travels. He gave this blessing to Raguel and his wife Edna,'May it be my happiness to honour you for the rest of my life!'