
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Osee 8

1 In gutture tuo sit tuba
quasi aquila super domum Domini,
pro eo quod transgressi sunt fœdus meum,
et legem meam prævaricati sunt.
1 Put the trumpet to your lips! Like an eagle, disaster is swooping on Yahweh's home! Because they haveviolated my covenant and been unfaithful to my Law,
2 Me invocabunt : Deus meus,
cognovimus te Israël.
2 in vain wil they cry, 'My God!' In vain, 'We, Israel, know you!'
3 Projecit Israël bonum :
inimicus persequetur eum.
3 Israel has rejected the good, the enemy will pursue them.
4 Ipsi regnaverunt, et non ex me ;
principes exstiterunt, et non cognovi :
argentum suum et aurum suum fecerunt sibi idola,
ut interirent.
4 They have set up kings, but without my consent, and appointed princes, but without my knowledge.With their silver and gold, they have made themselves idols, but only to be destroyed.
5 Projectus est vitulus tuus, Samaria ;
iratus est furor meus in eos.
Usquequo non poterunt emundari ?
5 I spurn your calf, Samaria! My anger blazes against them! How long wil it be before they recover theirinnocence?
6 Quia ex Israël et ipse est :
artifex fecit illum, et non est deus ;
quoniam in aranearum telas erit vitulus Samariæ.
6 For it is the product of Israel- a craftsman made the thing, it is no god at al ! The calf of Samaria wil bebroken to pieces!
7 Quia ventum seminabunt,
et turbinem metent :
culmus stans non est in eo ;
germen non faciet farinam :
quod etsi fecerit, alieni comedent eam.
7 Since they sow the wind, they will reap the whirlwind; stalk without ear, it wil never yield flour- or if itdoes, foreigners will swallow it.
8 Devoratus est Israël ;
nunc factus est in nationibus quasi vas immundum.
8 Israel has himself been swal owed; now they are lost among the nations like something no one wants,
9 Quia ipsi ascenderunt ad Assur,
onager solitarius sibi ;
Ephraim munera dederunt amatoribus.
9 for having made approaches to Assyria- like a wild donkey, al alone. Ephraim has rented lovers
10 Sed et cum mercede conduxerint nationes,
nunc congregabo eos,
et quiescent paulisper ab onere regis et principum.
10 and because he has rented them from the nations I am now going to round them up; soon they wilfeel the weight of the king of princes!
11 Quia multiplicavit Ephraim altaria ad peccandum ;
factæ sunt ei aræ in delictum.
11 Ephraim keeps building altars for his sins, these very altars are themselves a sin.
12 Scribam ei multiplices leges meas,
quæ velut alienæ computatæ sunt.
12 However much of my Law I write for him, Ephraim regards it as alien to him.
13 Hostias offerent,
immolabunt carnes et comedent,
et Dominus non suscipiet eas :
nunc recordabitur iniquitatis eorum,
et visitabit peccata eorum :
ipsi in Ægyptum convertentur.
13 They offer sacrifices to me and eat the meat, they do not win Yahweh's favour. On the contrary, he wilremember their guilt and punish their sins; they wil have to go back to Egypt.
14 Et oblitus est Israël factoris sui,
et ædificavit delubra ;
et Judas multiplicavit urbes munitas ;
et mittam ignem in civitates ejus,
et devorabit ædes illius.
14 Israel has forgotten his Maker and has built palaces, while Judah keeps on building fortified towns; butI shal send fire down on his cities to devour their citadels.