
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Lamentazioni (ارميا) 5

1 اذكر يا رب ماذا صار لنا. اشرف وانظر الى عارنا.1 Remember, O LORD, what has befallen us, look, and see our disgrace:
2 قد صار ميراثنا للغرباء. بيوتنا للاجانب.2 Our inherited lands have been turned over to strangers, our homes to foreigners.
3 صرنا ايتاما بلا اب. امهاتنا كارامل.3 We have become orphans, fatherless; widowed are our mothers.
4 شربنا ماءنا بالفضة. حطبنا بالثمن يأتي.4 The water we drink we must buy, for our own wood we must pay.
5 على اعناقنا نضطهد. نتعب ولا راحة لنا.5 On our necks is the yoke of those who drive us; we are worn out, but allowed no rest.
6 اعطينا اليد للمصريين والاشوريين لنشبع خبزا.6 To Egypt we submitted, and to Assyria, to fill our need of bread.
7 آباؤنا اخطأوا وليسوا بموجودين ونحن نحمل آثامهم.7 Our fathers, who sinned, are no more; but we bear their guilt.
8 عبيد حكموا علينا. ليس من يخلص من ايديهم.8 Slaves rule over us; there is no one to rescue us from their hands.
9 بانفسنا نأتي بخبزنا من جرى سيف البرية.9 At the peril of our lives we bring in our sustenance, in the face of the desert heat;
10 جلودنا اسودّت كتنور من جرى نيران الجوع.10 Our skin is shriveled up, as though by a furnace, with the searing blasts of famine.
11 اذلوا النساء في صهيون العذارى في مدن يهوذا.11 The wives in Zion were ravished by the enemy, the maidens in the cities of Judah;
12 الرؤساء بايديهم يعلقون ولم تعتبر وجوه الشيوخ.12 Princes were gibbeted by them, elders shown no respect.
13 اخذوا الشبان للطحن والصبيان عثروا تحت الحطب.13 The youths carry the millstones, boys stagger under their loads of wood;
14 كفت الشيوخ عن الباب والشبان عن غنائهم.14 The old men have abandoned the gate, the young men their music.
15 مضى فرح قلبنا صار رقصنا نوحا.15 The joy of our hearts has ceased, our dance has turned into mourning;
16 سقط اكليل راسنا. ويل لنا لاننا قد اخطأنا.16 The garlands have fallen from our heads: woe to us, for we have sinned!
17 من اجل هذا حزن قلبنا. من اجل هذه اظلمت عيوننا.17 Over this our hearts are sick, at this our eyes grow dim:
18 من اجل جبل صهون الخرب. الثعالب ماشية فيه.18 That Mount Zion should be desolate, with jackals roaming there!
19 انت يا رب الى الابد تجلس. كرسيك الى دور فدور.19 You, O LORD, are enthroned forever; your throne stands from age to age.
20 لماذا تنسانا الى الابد وتتركنا طول الايام.20 Why, then, should you forget us, abandon us so long a time?
21 ارددنا يا رب اليك فنرتد. جدد ايامنا كالقديم.21 Lead us back to you, O LORD, that we may be restored: give us anew such days as we had of old.
22 هل كل الرفض رفضتنا هل غضبت علينا جدا22 For now you have indeed rejected us, and in full measure turned your wrath against us.