
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Deuteronomio 9

1 Escucha, Israel. Hoy vas a pasar ya el Jordán para ir a desalojar a naciones más grandes y fuertes que tú, ciudades grandes, de murallas que llegan hasta el cielo,1 “Listen, O Israel: You shall cross over the Jordan today, in order to possess nations, very great and stronger than yourself, cities vast and walled even to the sky,
2 un pueblo grande y corpulento, los anaquitas, a quienes tú conoces y de quienes has oído decir: «¿Quién puede hacer frente a los hijos de Anaq?»2 a people great and lofty, the sons of the Anakim, whom you yourselves have seen and heard, against whom no one is able to stand.
3 Pero has de saber hoy que Yahveh tu Dios es quien va a pasar delante de ti como un fuego devorador que los destruirá y te los someterá, para que los desalojes y los destruyas rápidamente, como te ha dicho Yahveh.3 Therefore, you shall know today that the Lord your God himself will pass over before you, like a devouring and consuming fire, to crush and to wipe away and to utterly ruin them before your face, quickly, just as he has spoken to you.
4 No digas en tu corazón cuando Yahveh tu Dios los arroje de delante de ti: «Por mis méritos me ha hecho Yahveh entrar en posesión de esta tierra», siendo así que sólo por la perversidad de estas naciones las desaloja Yahveh ante ti.4 You should not say in your heart, when the Lord your God will have destroyed them in your sight: ‘It is because of my justice that the Lord led me in, so that I might possess this land, while these nations have been destroyed because of their impiety.’
5 No por tus méritos ni por la rectitud de tu corazón vas a tomar posesión de su tierra, sino que sólo por la perversidad de estas naciones las desaloja Yahveh tu Dios ante ti; y también por cumplir la palabra que juró a tus padres, Abraham, Isaac y Jacob.5 For it is not because of your justices or the uprightness of your heart that you will enter, so that you may possess their lands. Instead, it is because they have acted wickedly that they are destroyed upon your arrival, and so that the Lord may accomplish his word, which he promised under oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
6 Has de saber, pues, que no es por tu justicia por lo que Yahveh tu Dios te da en posesión esa tierra buena, ya que eres un pueblo de dura cerviz.6 Therefore, know that the Lord your God will not give you this excellent land as a possession due to your justices, for you are a very stiff-necked people.
7 Acuérdate. No olvides que irritaste a Yahveh tu Dios en el desierto. Desde el día en que saliste del país de Egipto hasta vuestra llegada a este lugar, habéis sido rebeldes a Yahveh.7 Remember, and never forget, how you provoked the Lord your God to anger in the wilderness. You have always contended against the Lord, from the day that you went forth from Egypt, even to this place.
8 En el Horeb irritasteis a Yahveh, y Yahveh montó en tal cólera contra vosotros que estuvo a punto de destruiros.8 For at Horeb also, you provoked him, and, becoming angry, he was willing to destroy you,
9 Yo había subido al monte a recoger las tablas de piedra, las tablas de la alianza que Yahveh había concluido con vosotros. Permanecí en el monte cuarenta días y cuarenta noches sin comer pan ni beber agua.9 when I ascended onto the mountain, so that I might receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant which the Lord formed with you. And I persevered on the mountain for forty days and nights, neither eating bread, nor drinking water.
10 Yahveh me dio las dos tablas de piedra escritas por el dedo de Dios, en las que estaban todas las palabras que Yahveh os había dicho de en medio del fuego, en la montaña, el día de la Asamblea.10 And the Lord gave me two tablets of stone, written with the finger of God and containing all the words that he spoke to you on the mountain from the midst of fire, while the people, being stirred up, were assembled together.
11 Al cabo de cuarenta días y cuarenta noches, después de darme las dos tablas de piedra, las tablas de la alianza,11 And when forty days, and as many nights, had passed, the Lord gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant.
12 me dijo Yahveh: «Levántate, baja de aquí a toda prisa, porque tu pueblo, el que tú sacaste de Egipto, se ha pervertido. Bien pronto se han apartado del camino que yo les había prescrito: se han hecho un ídolo de fundición».12 And he said to me: ‘Rise up, and descend quickly from here. For your people, whom you led away from Egypt, have quickly abandoned the way that you have shown to them, and they have made a molten idol for themselves.’
13 Continuó Yahveh y me dijo: «He visto a este pueblo: es un pueblo de dura cerviz.13 And again, the Lord said to me: ‘I discern that this people is stiff-necked.
14 Déjame que los destruya y borre su nombre de debajo del cielo; y que haga de ti una nación más fuerte y numerosa que ésta».14 Depart from me, so that I may crush them, and abolish their name from under heaven, and appoint you over a nation, which will be greater and stronger than this one.’
15 Yo me volví y bajé del monte, que ardía en llamas, llevando en mis manos las dos tablas de la alianza.15 And as I was descending from the burning mountain, and I held the two tablets of the covenant with both hands,
16 Y vi que vosotros habíais pecado contre Yahveh vuestro Dios. Os habíais hecho un becerro de fundición: bien pronto os habíais apartado del camino que Yahveh os tenía prescrito.16 and I had seen that you had sinned against the Lord your God, and had made a molten calf for yourselves, and had quickly abandoned his way, which he had revealed to you,
17 Tomé entonces las dos tablas, las arrojé de mis manos y las hice pedazos a vuestros propios ojos.17 I threw down the tablets from my hands, and I broke them in your sight.
18 Luego me postré ante Yahveh; como la otra vez, estuve cuarenta días y cuarenta noches sin comer pan ni beber agua, por todo el pecado que habíais cometido haciendo el mal a los ojos de Yahveh hasta irritarle.18 And I fell prostrate before the Lord, just as before, for forty days and nights, not eating bread, and not drinking water, because of all your sins, which you had committed against the Lord, and because you provoked him to anger.
19 Porque tenía mucho miedo de la ira y del furor que irritaba a Yahveh contra vosotros hasta querer destruiros. Y una vez más me escuchó Yahveh.19 For I feared his indignation and wrath, which had been stirred up against you, so that he was willing to destroy you. And the Lord heeded me at this time also.
20 También contra Aarón estaba Yahveh violentamente irritado hasta querer destruirle. Yo intercedí también entonces en favor de Aarón.20 Likewise, he became vehemently angry against Aaron, and he was willing to destroy him, and I prayed for him similarly.
21 Y vuestro pecado, el becerro que os habíais hecho, lo tomé y lo quemé; lo hice pedazos, lo pasé a la muela hasta que quedó reducido a polvo, y tiré el polvo al torrente que baja de la montaña.21 But as for your sin which you committed, that is, the calf, taking hold of it, I burned it with fire. And breaking it into pieces, and reducing it entirely to dust, I threw it into the torrent that descends from the mountain.
22 Y en Taberá, y en Massá, y en Quibrot Hattaavá, irritasteis a Yahveh.22 Likewise, at the Burning, and at the Temptation, and at the Graves of Lust, you provoked the Lord.
23 Y cuando Yahveh os hizo salir de Cadés Barnea diciendo: «Subid a tomar posesión de la tierra que yo os he dado», os rebelasteis contra la orden de Yahveh vuestro Dios, no creísteis en él ni eschuchasteis su voz.23 And when he sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, ‘Ascend and possess the land, which I have given to you,’ even so, you spurned the command of the Lord your God, and you did not believe him, nor were you willing to listen to his voice.
24 Habéis sido rebeldes a Yahveh vuestro Dios desde el día en que os conoció.24 Instead, you were ever rebellious, from the day when I first began to know you.
25 Me postré, pues, ante Yahveh y estuve postrado estos cuarenta días y cuarenta noches, porque Yahveh había hablado de destruiros.25 And so, I lay prostrate before the Lord for forty days and nights, as I humbly begged him, lest he destroy you, just as he had threatened to do.
26 Supliqué a Yahveh y dije: «Señor Yahveh, no destruyas a tu pueblo, tu heredad, que tú rescataste con tu grandeza y que sacaste de Egipto con mano fuerte.26 And praying, I said: ‘O Lord God, do not destroy your people and your inheritance, whom you have redeemed in your greatness, whom you have led away from Egypt with a strong hand.
27 Acuérdate de tus siervos Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, y no tomes en cuenta la indocilidad de este pueblo, ni su maldad ni su pecado,27 Remember your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Do not look upon the stubbornness of this people, nor upon their wickedness and sinfulness.
28 para que no se diga en el país de donde nos sacaste: “Porque Yahveh no ha podido llevarlos a la tierra que les había prometido, y por el odio que les tiene, los ha sacado para hacerlos morir en el desierto.”28 Otherwise, perhaps the inhabitants of the land, out of which you have led us, may say: “The Lord was not able to lead them into the land, which he promised to them. And he hated them; therefore, he led them out, so that he might put them to death in the wilderness.”
29 Pero ellos son tu pueblo, tu heredad, aquellos a quienes tú sacaste con tu gran fuerza y tu tenso brazo».29 These are your people and your inheritance, whom you have led out by your great strength, and with your outstretched arm.’ ”