
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Galatians 6

1 Brothers, even if one of you is caught doing something wrong, those of you who are spiritual should setthat person right in a spirit of gentleness; and watch yourselves that you are not put to the test in the same way.1 ايها الاخوة ان انسبق انسان فأخذ في زلة ما فاصلحوا انتم الروحانيين مثل هذا بروح الوداعة ناظرا الى نفسك لئلا تجرب انت ايضا.
2 Carry each other's burdens; that is how to keep the law of Christ.2 احملوا بعضكم اثقال بعض وهكذا تمموا ناموس المسيح.
3 Someone who thinks himself important, when he is not, only deceives himself;3 لانه ان ظن احد انه شيء وهو ليس شيئا فانه يغش نفسه.
4 but everyone is to examine his own achievements, and then he wil confine his boasting to his ownachievements, not comparing them with anybody else's.4 ولكن ليمتحن كل واحد عمله وحينئذ يكون له الفخر من جهة نفسه فقط لا من جهة غيره.
5 Each one has his own load to carry.5 لان كل واحد سيحمل حمل نفسه
6 When someone is under instruction in doctrine, he should give his teacher a share in al hispossessions.6 ولكن ليشارك الذي يتعلّم الكلمة المعلّم في جميع الخيرات.
7 Don't delude yourself: God is not to be fooled; whatever someone sows, that is what he wil reap.7 لا تضلوا. الله لا يشمخ عليه. فان الذي يزرعه الانسان اياه يحصد ايضا.
8 If his sowing is in the field of self-indulgence, then his harvest from it wil be corruption; if his sowing is inthe Spirit, then his harvest from the Spirit wil be eternal life.8 لان من يزرع لجسده فمن الجسد يحصد فسادا. ومن يزرع للروح فمن الروح يحصد حياة ابدية.
9 And let us never slacken in doing good; for if we do not give up, we shal have our harvest in due time.9 فلا نفشل في عمل الخير لاننا سنحصد في وقته ان كنا لا نكل.
10 So then, as long as we have the opportunity let al our actions be for the good of everybody, andespecial y of those who belong to the household of the faith.10 فاذا حسبما لنا فرصة فلنعمل الخير للجميع ولا سيما لاهل الايمان
11 Notice what large letters I have used in writing to you with my own hand.11 انظروا ما اكبر الاحرف التي كتبتها اليكم بيدي.
12 It is those who want to cut a figure by human standards who force circumcision on you, simply so thatthey will not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.12 جميع الذين يريدون ان يعملوا منظرا حسنا في الجسد هؤلاء يلزمونكم ان تختتنوا لئلا يضطهدوا لاجل صليب المسيح فقط.
13 Even though they are circumcised they stil do not keep the Law themselves; they want you to becircumcised only so that they can boast of your outward appearance.13 لان الذين يختتنون هم لا يحفظون الناموس بل يريدون ان تختتنوا انتم لكي يفتخروا في جسدكم.
14 But as for me, it is out of the question that I should boast at al , except of the cross of our Lord JesusChrist, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.14 واما من جهتي فحاشا لي ان افتخر الا بصليب ربنا يسوع المسيح الذي به قد صلب العالم لي وانا للعالم.
15 It is not being circumcised or uncircumcised that matters; but what matters is a new creation.15 لانه في المسيح يسوع ليس الختان ينفع شيئا ولا الغرلة بل الخليقة الجديدة.
16 Peace and mercy to al who fol ow this as their rule and to the Israel of God.16 فكل الذين يسلكون بحسب هذا القانون عليهم سلام ورحمة وعلى اسرائيل الله.
17 After this, let no one trouble me; I carry branded on my body the marks of Jesus.17 في ما بعد لا يجلب احد عليّ اتعابا لاني حامل في جسدي سمات الرب يسوع
18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, my brothers. Amen.18 نعمة ربنا يسوع المسيح مع روحكم ايها الاخوة. آمين