
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Acts of the Apostles 11

1 The apostles and the brothers in Judaea heard that gentiles too had accepted the word of God,1 فسمع الرسل والاخوة الذين كانوا في اليهودية ان الامم ايضا قبلوا‏ كلمة الله‎.
2 and when Peter came up to Jerusalem the circumcised believers protested to him2 ‎ولما صعد بطرس الى اورشليم خاصمه الذين من اهل الختان
3 and said, 'So you have been visiting the uncircumcised and eating with them!'3 قائلين انك دخلت الى رجال ذوي غلفة واكلت معهم‎.
4 Peter in reply gave them the details point by point,4 ‎فابتدأ بطرس يشرح لهم بالتتابع قائلا‎.
5 'One day, when I was in the town of Jaffa,' he began, 'I fell into a trance as I was praying and had avision of something like a big sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners. This sheet came right downbeside me.5 ‎انا كنت في مدينة يافا اصلّي فرأيت في غيبة رؤيا اناء نازلا مثل ملاءة عظيمة مدلاة باربعة اطراف من السماء فأتى اليّ‎.
6 I looked careful y into it and saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds ofheaven.6 ‎فتفرست فيه متأملا فرأيت دواب الارض والوحوش والزحافات وطيور السماء‎.
7 Then I heard a voice that said to me, "Now, Peter, kill and eat!"7 ‎وسمعت صوتا قائلا لي قم يا بطرس اذبح وكل‎.
8 But I answered, "Certainly not, Lord; nothing profane or unclean has ever crossed my lips."8 ‎فقلت كلا يا رب لانه لم يدخل فمي قط دنس او نجس‎.
9 And a second time the voice spoke from heaven, "What God has made clean, you have no right to callprofane."9 ‎فاجابني صوت ثانية من السماء ما طهره الله لا تنجسه انت‎.
10 This was repeated three times, before the whole of it was drawn up to heaven again.10 ‎وكان هذا على ثلاث مرات ثم انتشل الجميع الى السماء ايضا‎.
11 'Just at that moment, three men stopped outside the house where we were staying; they had beensent from Caesarea to fetch me,11 ‎واذا ثلاثة رجال قد وقفوا للوقت عند البيت الذي كنت فيه مرسلين اليّ من قيصرية‎.
12 and the Spirit told me to have no hesitation about going back with them. The six brothers here camewith me as wel , and we entered the man's house.12 ‎فقال لي الروح ان اذهب معهم غير مرتاب في شيء. وذهب معي ايضا هؤلاء الاخوة الستة. فدخلنا بيت الرجل‎.
13 He told us he had seen an angel standing in his house who said, "Send to Jaffa and fetch Simonknown as Peter;13 ‎فاخبرنا كيف رأى الملاك في بيته قائما وقائلا له ارسل الى يافا رجالا واستدع سمعان الملقب بطرس‎.
14 he has a message for you that wil save you and your entire household."14 ‎وهو يكلمك كلاما به تخلص انت وكل بيتك‎.
15 'I had scarcely begun to speak when the Holy Spirit came down on them in the same way as it cameon us at the beginning,15 ‎فلما ابتدأت اتكلم حل الروح القدس عليهم كما علينا ايضا في البداءة‎.
16 and I remembered that the Lord had said, "John baptised with water, but you will be baptised with theHoly Spirit."16 ‎فتذكرت كلام الرب كيف قال ان يوحنا عمد بماء واما انتم فستعمدون بالروح القدس‎.
17 I realised then that God was giving them the identical gift he gave to us when we believed in the LordJesus Christ; and who was I to stand in God's way?'17 ‎فان كان الله قد اعطاهم الموهبة كما لنا ايضا بالسوية مؤمنين بالرب يسوع المسيح فمن انا. أقادر ان امنع الله‎.
18 This account satisfied them, and they gave glory to God, saying, 'God has clearly granted to thegentiles too the repentance that leads to life.'18 ‎فلما سمعوا ذلك سكتوا وكانوا يمجدون الله قائلين اذا اعطى الله الامم ايضا التوبة للحياة
19 Those who had scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen travel ed as far asPhoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, but they proclaimed the message only to Jews.19 اما الذين تشتتوا من جراء الضيق الذي حصل بسبب استفانوس فاجتازوا الى فينيقية وقبرس وانطاكية وهم لا يكلمون احدا بالكلمة الا اليهود فقط‎.
20 Some of them, however, who came from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch where they startedpreaching also to the Greeks, proclaiming the good news of the Lord Jesus to them.20 ‎ولكن كان منهم قوم وهم رجال قبرسيون وقيروانيون الذين لما دخلوا انطاكية كانوا يخاطبون اليونانيين مبشرين بالرب يسوع‎.
21 The Lord helped them, and a great number believed and were converted to the Lord.21 ‎وكانت يد الرب معهم فآمن عدد كثير ورجعوا الى الرب
22 The news of them came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem and they sent Barnabas out toAntioch.22 فسمع الخبر عنهم في آذان الكنيسة التي في اورشليم فارسلوا برنابا لكي يجتاز الى انطاكية‎.
23 There he was glad to see for himself that God had given grace, and he urged them all to remainfaithful to the Lord with heartfelt devotion;23 ‎الذي لما أتى ورأى نعمة الله فرح ووعظ الجميع ان يثبتوا في الرب بعزم القلب‎.
24 for he was a good man, filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith. And a large number of people werewon over to the Lord.24 ‎لانه كان رجلا صالحا وممتلئا من الروح القدس والايمان. فانضم الى الرب جمع غفير
25 Barnabas then left for Tarsus to look for Saul,25 ثم خرج برنابا الى طرسوس ليطلب شاول. ولما وجده جاء به الى انطاكية‎.
26 and when he found him he brought him to Antioch. And it happened that they stayed together in thatchurch a whole year, instructing a large number of people. It was at Antioch that the disciples were first cal ed'Christians'.26 ‎فحدث انهما اجتمعا في الكنيسة سنة كاملة وعلّما جمعا غفيرا ودعي التلاميذ مسيحيين في انطاكية اولا
27 While they were there some prophets came down to Antioch from Jerusalem,27 وفي تلك الايام انحدر انبياء من اورشليم الى انطاكية‎.
28 and one of them whose name was Agabus, seized by the Spirit, stood up and predicted that a severeand universal famine was going to happen. This in fact happened while Claudius was emperor.28 ‎وقام واحد منهم اسمه اغابوس واشار بالروح ان جوعا عظيما كان عتيدا ان يصير على جميع المسكونة. الذي صار ايضا في ايام كلوديوس قيصر‎.
29 The disciples decided to send relief, each to contribute what he could afford, to the brothers living inJudaea.29 ‎فحتم التلاميذ حسبما تيسّر لكل منهم ان يرسل كل واحد شيئا خدمة الى الاخوة الساكنين في اليهودية‎.
30 They did this and delivered their contributions to the elders through the agency of Barnabas and Saul.30 ‎ففعلوا ذلك مرسلين الى المشايخ بيد برنابا وشاول